NO HAREM The Mc reincarnates as Sanji's brother and goes through life in One Piece. He meets his favourite characters and helps them out (Kind of like a guardian angel) But he also has his own goals and motivations! _______________ I don't own the picture in the title nor do I own One Piece. So if anyone has a problem with it just contact me and I can take it down!
Kai flew away towards the straw hats in a great mood. He was still laughing to himself at what Robin had told him and now he was on his way to see dinosaurs. Real living dinosaurs! What could top that? Nothing!
On the boat the crew was wondering what they should do as they had just reached the island. "Woah! Cool! It's walking meat!" Luffy had stars in his eyes looking at a triceritops he saw in the distance.
Nami and Usopp were shaking. "I think I have, I-can't-get-on-this-island-because-of-the-fucking-dinosauers-disease!" Usopp told the crew and Nami added. "Me too!" as they decided to stay on the boat.
Sanji walked out of the kitchen and sighed, they were running low on food. "Hey guys, I'm going to go catch some food for us because we're running low. I didn't pack enough for 20 people and I didn't know our captain would eat enough for 15."
Luffy ignored the jab sent at him by Sanji as he just yelled. "More meat!" While taking Vivi with him and running off towards the island. The crew could barely hear Vivi yell. "Luffy stop! We need to get to Alabasta quickly! We can't waste time here!" Only for her to be ignored as meat was more important.
Sanji snapped. "How dare you treat a woman like that! That's it! I'm only getting food for Nami-swan and Vivi-chan. The rest of you are on your own!" Zoro scoffed. "As if you could catch enough food for those two on your own."
"What was that mosshead?! I can catch more than you!"
"What did you just call me shit cook?! You couldn't get half of what I can!"
Sanji growled. "You're on grass boy! Let's see which one of us catches the most!"
Zoro snarled as the two headbutted. "Let's do this love cook! I'll beat you so bad Nami will cry for you." Sanji's eyes turned to hearts. "Nami-swan!! You're gonna cry for me? You're my angellll!" He said as he ran towards Nami.
Nami's teeth turned sharp as she seethed. "I never said that!" She punched Sanji in the head. And the latter immediately looked at Zoro. "It's all your fault! Your dead mosshead!" Zoro smirked and unsheathed one of his swords, ready to charge before Nami and Usopp each grabbed one of them and threw them off the boat.
"Not on the Merry!" Usopp yelled. "Go catch us some food to sell! I mean food to eat!" yelled Nami, causing the two of them to look at each other and run in opposite directions looking for food, only for Zoro to somehow turn in the same direction as Sanji and run with him.
"You're going the wrong way shit cook! You're terrible with directions!" This made Sanji faceplant before he ran off in a different way muttering. "Fucking directionally challenged mosshead."
Back on the ship Nami and Usopp looked at each other and started shaking. ""We're all alone!"" They yelled as they just realized they threw the only two people left who could protect them off the boat. "Hey Nami. I think I just got, take this boat and run away disease." Usopp said as he started to untie the boat like he wanted to sail away.
Nami smashed his head. "We can't just leave them here!" She yelled before she started to help Usopp by untying a different knot. "WAHAHAHA!" Kai started laughing at everything that had just happened. He was sitting on a dead T-rex that he caught as he was exploring the island earlier.
"If you untie the boat I'm gonna have to bring you pirate's in!" Kai said as Nami and Usopp froze. "W-what do you mean? Run away? I would never! Especially not with a handsome guy like you around." Nami said as she started acting cute. "Y-yeah big bro. I was just checking to make sure the knots were still tight! I wouldn't want to leave the island without everyone else!" Usopp said as he did a pose.
"WAHAHAHA!" Kai fell off of the T-rex laughing and the other two relaxed. "Sorry to burst your bubble Tangerine, but you're like a little sibling to me." Nami smiled sweetly at this. She treated him more like an older brother than anything else and felt that they had become pretty close after Arlong park. He did help her, her family, and her entire village out a lot after all.
Nami nodded at Kai's words and said. "I bet you always wanted a cute little sister." Kai nodded deeply. "Yeah, I really do. But I guess I have to settle with you, you're like a little brother to me." Nami nodded for a second. Then snapped. "What do you mean little brother?!?! I'll kill you asshole!" As she chased Kai around who just laughed. "Wahaha!"
After a while Kai turned to the other two on the boat and asked. "Friend of yours? Tangerine? Pinocchio?" as he pointed at the massive dinosaur that was standing over the three while drooling. ""NO!"" They both yelled at the same time and hid behind Kai peaking their heads out from either shoulder.
An ax came out of nowhere and decapitates the T-rex out of nowhere. Kai whistled like he was impressed and the other two had their jaws drop to the floor. Kai picked both of them up and they said, "Thanks." Kai just nodded and the three of them turned to look at the giant man.
"Hello there little ones! I'm Brogy!" A giant man says as he looks down on the three. "I haven't seen anyone in years. Do you want to have a meal together?" Before the other two can say anything Kai responds. "That sounds great!" He drags the other two with him as he follows Brogy to his campsite.
Brogy hands Kai a barrel of booze and a piece of meat the same size as him. Kai took it gladly as he started eating and drinking. Brogy started telling the group story's about him being a warrior of the sea causing Usopp's eyes to turn into stars.
"Someday, I'm going to be a brave warrior of the sea. I'll travel to Eblaf to see the giant's island and prove I'm not scared of anything!" Usopp declared as he posed with one leg on the ground and the other on a log. He had one arm on his left hip and his right arm was in the air as he pointed to the sky where he was looking. As if declaring this to god. "Good for you Pinocchio. I hope you do." Kai genuinely encouraged him.
Suddenly Kai flinched. Then he asked. "Hey Brogy. If I were to injure you right now. Would you tell Dorry that before you fought him?" Brogy just thought for a second unconcerned that someone just threatened to injure him as Usopp tackled Kai. "You can't! It's a sacred duel! It's been going on for a hundred years!"
"No, I wouldn't." Brogy said seriously. "I don't want him to go easy on me after all these years! Gabababababa!" Kai just nodded ignoring Usopp who was still grabbing onto him trying to stop him from doing anything. "Hmm. I see, I see. Nevermind then." He said as he decided not to tell Brogy about Dorry's injury he just got.
Just then the volcano went off and Brogy got up grabbing his ax. "I have to go now, Little ones! See you later." Usopp had tears streaking down his face as he saluted Brogy. "Good luck In your duel, Brogy!" All he got in response was. "GABABABA!"
Kai clicked his tongue and shook his head. Nami asked. "What's wrong?" as she noticed he was being a little weird. "Someone sabotaged the other giant before the duel started. Brogy's going to win because his opponent is injured." They both gasped, Nami covered her mouth and said. "Oh no." As Usopp's eyes widened. "We have to stop him! He can't win like that! It's a sacred duel!" He turned to run away when Kai stopped him by grabbing his collar. "Hold your horses. We aren't doing anything."
"What do you mean?! Do you know what this means to them!?!" Usopp struggled to get away. "Why do you think I asked him that question, Pinocchio?! He said he wouldn't want his friend to know if he was injured. So, if his friend doesn't say anything about it himself then who are we to interfere? This is THEIR duel. NOT yours. You don't get to interfere. When you have your own duels you can make the rules. But this duel already has rules."
Kai let go of Usopp and lit a cigarette leaving Usopp stunned. After thinking it over for a while Usopp nodded his head. "Thanks, Fujin. You're right. Let's go watch the duel." Kai nodded and smiled. "Don't worry. You go ahead and I'll make sure that the bastard who interfered doesn't take a step off this island." Kai said as he walked in the opposite direction of Nami and Usopp.