
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Cómic
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571 Chs

Chapter 380: Combination of Poseidon and Dragon Slayer Magic!

In The Time Training Chamber, Shirahoshi marvelled at the surrounding environment.

After listening to Rifan's introduction to the effectiveness of the time training chamber, Shirahoshi was naturally quite surprised.

And Rifan, when Shirahoshi was surprised, took out a diamond-shaped crystal gem that exuded blue brilliance from the treasure house.

"Teacher Rifan, this is?" Shirahoshi looked at the gem in Rifan's hand in surprise.

Initially, she was marvelling at the surrounding scenery.

But when Rifan took out the gems, a refreshing breeze that made Shirahoshi feel extremely comfortable surrounded her.

Looking in the direction the breeze came from, Shirahoshi immediately noticed the gem in Rifan's hand.

"This is called [Dragon Lacrima]." Rifan tossed the jewel in his hand, "To be precise, it is a water attribute [Dragon Lacrima]. It can turn on your body 'Magic Power', and it can make you qualified to practice Dragon Slayer Magic."

"Shirahoshi, for your direction of training, I decided to teach you the Dragon Slayer Magic, and the first magic attribute you need to master is the attribute of water.

"If you master the water attribute, I will let you master other Dragon Slayer Magic attributes."

In Rifan's hands, there is more than just the water attribute [Dragon Slayer Lacrima].

From the system, Rifan has obtained Dragon Lacrima with various attributes.

However, because Rifan can directly use the dragon slayer magic of various attributes, he does not need to bury the Dragon Lacrima in his body. Over time, these Lacrima are piled up in the corner of his Babylon Treasury.

However, in Rifan's view, the greatest effect of these Dragon Lacrima is not to allow a person to have the qualifications to practice dragon-slaying magic.

Its most prominent function is to enable a person to unlock the power called magic.

As long as a person has magic power in his body, even if he does not practice Dragon Slayer Magic, Rifan can still allow him to practice other magic.

Among all kinds of magic, there are many lost magic and holy magic that are comparable to dragon slaying magic.

Among other things, the three magics of the fairy tail alone are the best among the magic.

Similarly, as a disciple of Rifan, Rifan does not intend to let Shirahoshi only master Dragon Slayer Magic

After all, sometimes, after the combination of different attributes, the Dragon Slayer Magic can burst out with even more powerful power.

"Dragon Slayer of water attribute?" Shirahoshi blinked, "Is this the power I will train?"

"Yes, if there is enough time, I will also teach you some other magic." Rifan smiled and said, "In addition, after you become a Dragon Slayer with water attributes, you can even extract water attribute energy from the sea. "

"At that time, you will be able to exert a considerable degree of restraint on devil fruit users."

"Okay, let's stop talking about it; after all, after you master the said magic, you will naturally know."

"First of all, I'll bury this Lacrima in your body."

When the words were over, Rifan's body floated automatically and flew up to Shirahoshi.

Shirahoshi didn't resist either and let Rifan bury the Dragon Lacrima in her body with confidence.

In an instant, a powerful magical power came from Shirahoshi's body.

"Wait, this is?!" Rifan opened his eyes slightly, watching the changes in Shirahoshi's body in amazement.


Shirahoshi just felt that the strength in her body was getting stronger and stronger.

The powerful force made her yell out unconsciously, but this voice really shocked Shirahoshi herself.

Because the voice she shouted was clearly the voice of the dragon chant.

"What's wrong with me?!" Shirahoshi opened her eyes again and looked at Rifan in panic.

At this time, Rifan was looking up and down Shirahoshi with interest.

"Teacher Rifan, is there something wrong with me?" Shirahoshi followed Rifan's gaze to her body.

The next moment, a louder dragon chant came from Shirahoshi's mouth.

"Teacher Rifan, why does my body become a dragon body?!"

Shirahoshi looked at Rifan with a panicked expression in her big eyes.

"Actually, I was also quite surprised." Rifan's mouth curled up slightly, "I have checked your body just now.,

"The reason why your body has become like this is because the adaptation rate between the water-attributable Dragon Lacrima and you is so high that it is terrifying."

"The ultimate reason is the power of Poseidon in your body."

"Because of the combination of the Dragon Lacrima and the power of Poseidon, you have directly reached the ultimate destination of the Dragon Slayer-Dragon Transformation."

"At this level, even if you don't learn magic with me, you are already terribly strong in terms of physical fitness."

"At least, in a fight against one of the three plagues in Beast Pirates, you're unbeatable."

"Congratulations, Shirahoshi, you have reached the stage I want you to achieve."

"This way, we have more time to learn other things."

Hearing Rifan's words, mist gradually rose in Shirahoshi's eyes.

"Teacher Rifan, can I only be like this in the future?"

Perhaps, others have a great interest in becoming a legendary dragon.

But Shirahoshi didn't want to lose her identity as a mermaid.

"You don't have to worry about this." Rifan patted Shirahoshi's head. "I will teach you how to change between the normal state and the dragonised state."

"Teacher Rifan, you mean I can still look like before?!" Shirahoshi said in surprise.

"Of course..." Rifan smiled and nodded, "Although you look mighty when you become a dragon, your appearance before is cuter."

"Even if it's me, I don't want you to be like this all the time."

"However, to be able to regain your previous appearance quickly, you have to master your new power first."

"Understand, Shirahoshi?"

Upon hearing this, Shirahoshi nodded heavily.

"I understand, Teacher Rifan!"