
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Cómic
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571 Chs

Chapter 351: 11th place tied—

Teach's mouth curled up, watching the Golden List's demonstration of the Dark Fruit ability developed by Sadi with extreme excitement.

"You seem very happy, Captain?" Shiryu glanced at Teach and said.

"Zehahahaha~, how could I not be happy?" Teach laughed, "This woman has the same devil fruit ability as me."

"In other words, our starting conditions are the same."

"As long as I am better than this woman in the development of Dark Fruit, then I must be in the top ten!"

"As long as I enter the top ten, I will be able to get the ideal reward!"

Upon hearing this, Shiryu nodded.

"You are right, Captain."

"It's just that woman; Sadi was guided by Rifan after all."

"Can you really beat her in the development of devil fruit?"

Sadi and Shiryu have animosity; Shiryu naturally does not want Sadi to gain powerful abilities.

But at the same time, Shiryu had to admit that with Sadi's special situation, it is almost impossible for her not to become stronger.

"Zehaha, watching how that woman uses the dark devil fruit, this woman did develop some interesting tricks." Teach grinned and laughed, "It's just that the ability users list this time is based on the strong ability of the user."

"As long as I use the Dark Fruit stronger than her overall, that's my victory."

"If what is demonstrated on the golden list is how strong this woman is using Dark Fruit, then I am confident that I can get a higher ranking than her."

Teach, as a man who can leave scars on the face of red-haired Shanks, his strength itself is strong enough.

Later, he repeatedly won excellent awards in the golden list, which led to his own hard power becoming even more powerful.

And this also gave Teach confidence. He believed that he was at least much better than Sadi.

"Then congratulations in advance, Captain." Shiryu smiled. "If you can become stronger, maybe there will be good players willing to join our pirate group."

"Definitely, Zehahaha~." Teach laughed loudly.

[Dark King Rayleigh: This Dark Fruit it's terrifying. Although I have seen Thatch demonstrations just now, Sadi is obviously more powerful when it comes to using the dark devil fruit. ]

[Thatch: It turns out that Dark Fruit can still be used like that. I learned something. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: If Sadi can become an official disciple of Rifan and get more guidance from Rifan, the ability of this dark fruit alone will be enough to make the devil fruit users feel a headache.]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: The ability to nullify the ability of other devil fruit users just by touching is indeed quite troublesome. ]

[Sadi: I don't dare to agree with this sentence. After you see Sister Ain's ability, you will know what is called the Nemesis of the Powerful. ]

Sadi curled her mouth and once again thought of the scene where her ability was controlled by Ain and made her suffer from her own ability.

Not only Sadi, Sengoku, Akainu and others because of Sadi's reminder, they also thought of the nightmare that Ain brought to Naval Headquarters Marineford that day.

Even though many days have passed, they still can't think of any way to crack Ain's ability.

"Sigh, I hope this golden list, when introducing Ain's abilities in detail, can also introduce ways to restrain her." Sengoku sighed.

Although Sengoku felt that with Ain's ability, even if they knew her weakness, it might be difficult to take advantage of this weakness.

Just like their devil fruit power, even with the weakness of fear of seawater and seastone.

But for the strong at their level, the weak points can play little role.

"However, if we can know her weakness, it can at least help us not be so embarrassed when facing her in the future." He said in a low voice.

Just when he wanted to continue to say something, the new name that appeared on the golden list attracted his attention.

--[Ability List], tied for 11th place, Marine Chief Staff Tsuru; Ability wash-wash devil fruit.

-It can turn people and things into clothes and dry them after washing, and the washed living body will lose its strength and cannot move freely.

"Tsuru, you are also on the list, and it's 11th place!" Garp smiled and looked over.

"11th place?" Tsuru pursed her lips. "Although the ranking is good, if I can't get excellent rewards, it won't be of much value. On the contrary, the particularity of my ability is revealed, and the disadvantages are bigger.

"It's true." Sengoku nodded, "For devil fruit users, the particularity of their ability is an advantage. The disclosure of ability is riskier than the exposure of sword skills and martial skills. If you just get a physical training pill, it really is not worth it."

"However, Vice Admiral Tsuru's ability is indeed quite powerful." Kizaru stroked his chin, "If the display ability can deter the pirates to a certain extent, it would be good."

"Ability exposure is the same for everyone. The specifics will depend on who can better use this information." Akainu said solemnly.

[Red-haired Shanks: It's really rare to see the Marine's Chief Staff Officer taking action. I really can't tell. The Chief Staff Officer still has this ability. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: After all, she was a strong player in the same period as Sengoku and Garp. It is understandable that she would have such an ability.]

[Fire Fist Ace: A devil fruit that can wash people's hearts, to some extent, is indeed the fruit ability that needs attention. ]

-[Ability List], tied for 11th place, Fire Fist Ace; Ability, Mera-Mera devil fruit.

—Logia devil fruit, after eating, the whole body becomes flames, and it can even create flames through the body. Normal physical attacks and non-Haki attacks are invalid to the users. 

—The temperature that the flame created by Mera-Mera Fruit can reach is limited and cannot surpass magma.

[Fire Fist Ace: Uh, I am also in 11th place, but why should it add a sentence at the end that my flame temperature cannot surpass magma? ]

[Admiral Kizaru: The golden list is just telling the truth. Can your flames surpass magma? Can't it, Fire Fist Ace? ]

[Jinbei: When the golden list introduces various abilities, it almost always introduces the advantages and disadvantages, and I don't know if this is good or bad. ]