
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Cómic
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571 Chs

Chapter 281: 5th place reward—

North Blue, the territory of the Vinsmoke family.

"A new disciple of Rifan? If we can find Rifan's dojo, we will surely gain the power to take revenge on Teach and Shiryu."

Judge lowered his head in thought.

After seeing the rewards Shiryu and Teach had received, Judge was almost desperate.

Not long ago, they could rely on their own strength to completely defeat their Vinsmoke.

Now that their power is stronger, Judge who wants to get revenge on Teach can't help but think of an effective way to deal with Shiryu and Teach.

"I don't know if Reiju's reward can help Germa 66…"

While Judge whispered, he turned his head to look at Reiju, who was staring at the golden list.

—[Battle Clothes List] 5th place, congratulations to Vinsmoke Reiju for getting the [Digimon Challenge Roll (Excellent)].

--Once you use[Digimon Challenge Roll (Excellent)], you can specify the level and challenge-Digimon.

--After the challenge is successful, the Digimon will automatically advance to a level and sign a unique contract with the challenger-.

--Note: Once the contract is signed, it cannot be changed. If the owner dies, the Digimon will disappear with the owner.

"Digimon's challenge roll?" Seeing Reiju's reward, Judge frowned again.

"I can't use this kind of reward right now." Looking at the injuries on his body, he sighed and hated Teach and Shiryu who injured him more and more.

"I can only let Reiju use it." Judge sighed and shouted at Reiju, "Do what you can, Reiju."

"You have seen the battle between Marine and Digimon."

"You choose what level of Digimon to challenge."

Reiju slightly raised her forehead towards Judge, and began to think in her heart.

[Redhead Shanks: This "Digimon Challenge Roll (Excellent)" is really a good reward. You can choose a relatively safe level to challenge. Anyway, after success, the Digimon will evolve. ]

[Flower Sword Vista: Indeed, with the lessons learned from Marine's challenge, and the information given by Rifan, this reward is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a capable person. If the challenger is strong and defeats the Mega Digimon, then he will be able to have the Ultra Digimon.]

[Sabo: If a Mega Digimon really appears in this world, it will greatly affect the situation of the sea. Unless it is Rifan who owns the Mega Digimon. ]

[Teach: It's a pity, if this reward can also fall into my hands, that would be great. ]

[Bone Brook: Yohohoho~, if this reward is given to someone like Four Emperors or Garp, it would be the most terrifying. ]

While people are discussing, they are also watching the situation of Reiju on the screen with all their attention, thinking about how she will use her reward.

'Sure enough, it's safer to challenge the mature Digimon. '

After a few minutes, Reiju made a decision in her mind.

Although she is confident that she can defeat some Ultimate Digimon, Reiju doesn't think she can win the most special Ultimate Digimon that Marine has challenged.

Even if she really wants to have the power of the Ultimate Digimon, Reiju cannot take such a big risk at this moment.

—Vinsmoke Reiju uses [Digimon Challenge Roll (Excellent)], the level is determined, the maturity period; the opponent is determined, Togemon.

As soon as the golden list text fell, Reiju's figure disappeared in place and went to the scene provided by the golden list.

"Togemon? This Reiju will soon have a Lillymon."

Inside the dojo, Rifan put down the teacup in his hand and said with a leisurely expression.

Behind Rifan, Hiyori filled Rifan with a cup of tea while curiously glanced over the three sitting in front of Rifan.

They are Shuzo, Ain and Binz who knocked on the door of the dojo before.

At this moment, all three of them held a deck of cards in their hands and were playing a poker game.

Seeing Shuzo and others scratching their heads with embarrassment,

Hiyori couldn't help laughing.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it." Seeing Shuzo and the others turn their eyes on her, Hiyori smiled apologetically, "However, you still have to be serious, otherwise Master Rifan will not agree to accept any of you as a disciple. Then your loss can be huge."

Hearing Hiyori's words, Shuzo smiled bitterly and shook his head, and looked at Rifan: "Sire Rifan, the matter of apprenticeship, is it really decided by playing this kind of poker game called "Fighting Landlords"?

Rifan glanced at Shuzo, and then at Ain and Binz, who also looked at him in an incredible way.

"Didn't you let me decide which of you to accept as my disciple?"

"Since you all came to the dojo at the same time, and you didn't mean to fight each other, then I am preparing a relatively peaceful poker game for you. Shouldn't it be in line with your intentions that you don't want to fight each other?"

"Okay, hurry up and continue, the game "Fight Landlord" is my hometown game."

"After ten innings, the one with the highest score can be accepted as my apprentice."

"Don't be humble, I will follow you as a referee."

"Now, there is one final round. It will be over soon, so I can start to guide the new disciples in their training."

Upon hearing this, Shuzo scratched his almost bald head again. He never thought that in the end, they would decide who could become Rifan's disciple in this way.

"Call the landlord!" At this moment, Ain's voice reached Shuzo's ears.

"Shuzo Instructor, Binz, let's do the serious competition as Mr. Rifan said." After Ain picked up the three diamond cards, she solemnly looked at her companions who played the game of "Fighting the Landlords" with her.

"This is the last game. Although it is a bit embarrassing to say this, I will try my best to win this game."

Binz scratched his hair and said calmly: "My score is the lowest. No matter if the landlord wins or the farmer wins in this last round, my score can't be ranked first. So, Shuzo Instructor, Ain, Come on, you two. I will try my best to play this final game."

"Well, since you both said that then I'm also going to be serious." Shuzo sat up straight, his face becoming serious, "Since this is a game, then I will go all out."

"Play the cards, Ain!"

"I can remind you that my cards are very good"

"Stop!" Before Shuzo finished speaking, the nebula chain on Hiyori suddenly floated in front of Shuzo.

"Um, okay." After Shuzo nodded to Hiyori, he planned to wait for Ain's card.

"Sorry, Shuzo Instructor, this is the card I want to play." Ain smiled apologetically at Shuzo and pressed all the cards in her hand on the table with her backhand.

"This is!" Binz stood up in surprise, "Double kings, four 2,3 to A, and finally a single pair of 3!

"What kind of fairy card is this? It's a complete defeat!"

Shuzo looked at the cards on Ain's table, and looked at the cards that were impatient in his hand, but finally shook his head helplessly.

[Tl/n: Don't ask. I also don't know the game.]

"Congratulations, Ain, you won this game."

Ain smiled and nodded to Shuzo and Binz, and then looked at Rifan.

At this moment, Rifan just handed the disciple token in front of Ain.

"Drop a drop of blood on it, and then you will be my official disciple."

"Speak up first, I'm only responsible for teaching you skills, but I won't accompany you to catch pirates."

Rifan smiled.

With the smiles of Rifan and Hiyori, Ain politely accepted the disciple token, and in accordance with Rifan's request, left her own blood on the token.

[Disciple's name: Ain]

[Age: 20 years old]

[Training direction: Stand-in User]

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[Tl/n: Want to read a romance fanfiction? And in the world of Marvel? Try this one; Marvel: My girlfriend is Spider-Woman?!]

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