
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · Cómic
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571 Chs

Chapter 1: Golden List!

Chapter 1: Golden List!

Zoro: "Three Sword Style Secret Skill: Three Thousand Worlds!"

With a loud roar, Zoro spun the two swords in his hand and crossed with the world's strongest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk!


The two swords in Zoro's hand could not resist Mihawk's strength and shattered.

With a wry laugh, Zoro turned and opened his hands to face Mihawk.

"Hmm?" Mihawk had doubt in his eyes.

"Being injured in the back is a disgrace to the swordsman!" Zoro had a smile on his face and a very serious look in his eyes.

"You're a good swordsman." Mihawk nodded and raised his black sword to slash Zoro.

But at this moment, in the sky, a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared, and the entire sea was shrouded.

Such a strange situation made Mihawk temporarily stop his hand movements and look up at the sky.

"What's happening?" Mihawk's eyes narrowed slightly, and in his sharp eyes, a huge golden curtain spread over the sky and the sun was reflected.

Just by looking at it, you can feel the aura that seems to overwhelm everything!

"Hey, what's going on, Hawkeye, do you know that thing?" glancing at the sky, Zoro asked strangely at Mihawk.

"I don't know." Mihawk shook his head, "Even in the new world, there has never been such a thing. "

"This thing, it shouldn't be the teacher who made it, right?" on the deck of the sea restaurant baratie, Nami, holding a small box in the shape of a long strip, muttered to herself.

"Nami, what are you talking about?" Luffy, who heard the voice, looked over curiously.

"No, it's nothing…" Nami shook her head.

Although she felt that the things in the sky might be mysterious, her teacher is also very mysterious, especially the thing he had. But without definite evidence, Nami did not want to say anything more.

'Now, my priority is to return to the village of Cocoyashi Village and rescue everyone.'

Tightening the grip on the box in her arms, Nami looked determined.

"huh? Look, Nami, there's a word on it!"

Suddenly, Luffy raised his finger to the sky in surprise.

"Word?" Nami squinted, and sure enough, she saw the words that appeared on the golden veil.

[This is the Heavenly Gold List, and those who are on the list can get rewards.]

[The gold list can be seen everywhere in the world, and those who are on the list can speak through the gold list as long as they meditate in their hearts.]

[At present, the [Swordplay List] is announced, and the [Swordplay List] is ranked according to the potential of swordsmanship, not according to the strength of the user.]

Sanji: "Swordplay List?" and this ranking? "

Luffy: "It's so powerful, you can rank eh, but why is it swordplay? If it's a martial art, I can definitely be on the list. Shishishi~"

Zoro: "Swordplay... Can I make the list? Hawkeye this guy will definitely be on the list... in other words, is this thing reliable? " as he spoke, Zoro glanced at Mihawk as if to seek his advice.

However, soon Zoro saw Mihawk raise the black sword in his hand and swing an extremely powerful sword intent toward the Golden List in the sky.

The sword's intent was hundreds of meters long, and the hurricane it brought even made the waves start to roll.

However, such a sword skill, when approaching the golden list, was directly shattered.

"Huh!?" Mihawk's eyes narrowed, and his expression became a little dignified.

Only he knew that with that sword intent attack just now, he had already used nearly fifty points of strength, but such power was directly crushed by the Golden List, and it was conceivable how terrifying the golden list was.

-[Warning! Hawkeye Mihawk attacked the Golden List, the first time, for the time being, there can be no second time.

- [Warning! Admiral Kizaru attacked the Golden List, which was the second attack, extracting the ten-year lifespan of Admiral Kizaru as the punishment!]

Mihawk: "!? "


On the other side, the Naval Headquarters.

As soon as the sound of the Golden List fell, Kizaru snorted in pain and fell directly from the sky, smashing heavily on the ground.

"What's the matter, are you all right, Borsalino!?" Fleet Admiral Sengoku walked quickly to the side of Borsalino, his face extremely serious.

Just now he also heard the voice of the Golden List.

Take 10 years of life, if it is really as the gold list says, then the loss to the navy is too big!

A person's peak period is just a few years, if Borsalino is extracted from the life span of ten years, it is likely to fall out of the peak, so the navy is likely to lose a general-level combat strength!

"Nothing... I'm okay, it's just like my body is suddenly hollowed out, and rest… the rest should be fine."

Borsalino stood up with his chest covered.

That being said, Sengoku could obviously see the patches of white hair on Borsalino's hair, and even Borsalino's face had a lot of wrinkles!

'DAMN, it's true!' Sengoku clenched his fists full of regrets!

Thinking that it was himself who let the Borsalino go to the sky to attack the Golden List, Sengoku couldn't help but feel a pang of shame in his heart.

"Did that Hawkeye guy attack the golden list too?"

"it's a pity if I attack the Golden List faster…"

Borsalino scratched his hair and sighed in his heart and didn't continue what he was saying because…

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Kizaru, have you really been punished? ]

Suddenly, in the lower right corner of the gold list, a text with an Eagle-eyed Mihawk strip appeared.

[Kizaru: "Huh!?"]


Hello everyone~ I hope you will enjoy this story just like me.

Novelette_Seekercreators' thoughts