
one piece elemental god

our mc lived a miserable life he spent most of his time in a hospital bed due to is inccurrable disease all he had was the manga's he would read his favorite was one piece when he finally died he met god and God apologized to him for the terrible life he was given so in return god decided to reincarnate him in a world of his choice he thought about it and chose to be reborn in one piece as monkey.d.Luffy god asked him what power he would like and after thinking for a while he asked for the power to control every element including the sub elements god granted his wish how will our mc change the world of one piece being reincarnated as our protagonist follow him on his journey to find out disclaimer I do not own one piece or any of it's characters

nexusstar21 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
93 Chs

chapter 83

Luffy unsealed tye metal orb as soon as they reached the very bottom of the maze.

Luffy looked at his arm noticing two small dots on it as a tiny snake slithered away.

Elmepo.They and hatchan also looked at their hands seeing the same bite marks.

"Damn snake's I'll kill them all."said elmepo

Elmepo then dazed out for a few seconds as he dropped to the ground short of breath.

Elmepo's eye's then opened."What happened to me?"asked elmepo

"You're body had a reaction to the poison I guess that's what happens when you stack off on training."said luffy.

"Huh what do you mean i never slack off."said


"Whatever just come along with the two of us."said hatchan.

Elmepo began to follow after the two.Lufffy picked up one of the snake's.

As he and hatchan examined the ground."Hey is there something for me to do?"asked elmepo.

"No we've got thus one all figured out."said luffy.Hatchan then pressed his hand.

Against the ground as a giant stone wall opened up.Hatchan and luffy then walked in.

"Hey you coming you don't have to if you don't want to."Said luffy.

"No this is a team mission I have to participate."said elmepo.

The first thing they noticed was giant three headed hydra like snake sleeping on the ground of the chamber.

It had a ancient like scroll rolled up above it."That scroll we should devise a plan to get it."said luffy.

"No I got it."Said elmepo as wings sprouted from his


He then flew over towards the hydra before luffy could stop him.

As he was about to grab the scroll the one of the hydra's opened it's eye's.

The head then blew a giant wave of gas into the air causing both luffy.

To cover both he and hatchans head in a ball of


Elmepo started choking as he fell out of the air.Hatchsn combined soru with mokn walk.

Grabbing him before he hit the ground.Luffy then but a air bubble over his head.

"That was dangerous you could have gotten us killed."said luffy.

"I was just trying to help."Said elmepo."Well let me handle it or atleast wait fir my signal."said luffy.

A bolt of lightning tgen dropped down towards them as luffy.

Held out his hand dispelling the lightning."Alrigt let's do this together."Said hatchan.

The three of them disappeared using


Scouting around and the hydra trying to find it's weak spots.

Hatchan then grabbed his six sword as he slashed off one of the heads of the hydra.

"Huh it's not as durable as I expected."Said


Two heads then regrew ij place of the one as the hydra screamed.

Paralyzing both elmepo who was closer to it in mid air.The hydra's third head then let out a breath.

As the entire area around elmepo was frozen


Luckily luffy grabbed him before he died from being frozen to death.

Luffy heated up elmepo's body stopping tge ice from freezing over his veins.

Luffy then created a giant ball of wind obsorbing all of the hydra's poison into it.

"Let's see you must be immune to your own poisons I'll just add something to it."Said luffy.

Luffy then added a tremendous amount of heat not sure just pure raw heat to the sphere.

The sphere then turned into a mini sun as hatchan launched luffy into the air.

As luffy slammed the sphere down the hydra's


The hydra then exploded as it's body was completely destroyed.

"Damn it again why does this always happen why can't I help anyone."said elmpas he dropped to the ground.

Elmepo's raging green eye's glared at luffy.

"Even luffy has started to treat me like I'm a nuisance am I really that weak."Said elmepo angrily.

"Luffy why is he shouting nonsense?"asked hatchan."I don't know he's been acting weird.

I noticed him flinching at every word I said."replied luffy."Luffy it's all luffy's fault constantly overshadowing everyone.

Never doing anything except for his own selfish benefit."