
Mission: Iron Cell (Part 3)

(3rd Pov)

As Drake and Salih continued their fight, that naval battle was coming to an end as the marines emerged victorious with some casualties. Those pirates suffered that most though as they lost 34 ships while the marines lost around 10 battleships. They had to eventually call for some reinforcements from that blockade as five of the standard ships arrived putting much pressure on that pirate's ships.

As that naval battle was about to end, that same could be said for that ground battle as well. At that start, marines were outnumbered but from that early bombardment of the island and Drake knocking out 700 pirates.

More than 2000 pirates lost their lives before even that battle started. That marine had some trouble at that start *cough* Drake knocking out 400 marines. But as more marines landed on the island, they took command of that battle with some heavy casualties.

( Drake's Pov )

As our attacks collided against one another, shockwaves vibrated from them shocking up that island slightly. A large wave formed around the cost of that island from the shockwave of our clash.

I kept channeling haki into Morgan increasing the power output of my attack as Salih increased the density of his move as our attacks kept clashing against each other.


As our attacks clashed one more time, this time my attack destroyed one of that giant sneak heads as my dragon pushing against Salih's giant sneak.


My dragon erupted in rage as it destroyed that eight-headed snake. As my dragon rushed for Salih breaking through that multiple candy walls creating mini-explosions as it hit Salih head-on crashing that amour that he covered in himself.

I dashed at Salih with me unconsciously imbuing Morgan with armament haki as its red circles turned black along with the rest of the sword turning pitch black. I used the explosions as a cover-up as I managed to land a hit on him. I was about 70 feet away from him as an explosion rocked that island with Salih taking that full impact.


I was out of breath as I fall to that ground as I was panting for some air in my lungs. Morgan returned back to normal as I stopped imbuing it with haki. As I looked behind me, I saw Salih walk out of that explosion with his body cracking apart. Some parts of the candy wall that surrounded us starting crumbling apart from our clashes.

As I looked at Salih, I didn't see any injuries on his body at all. " Oi, you should be dead by now." I picked Morgan as I stood up again but with some effort as my stamina was running out.



Salih shouted at me with rage visible in his rages as that layer on his face cracked apart as his real face became clear. Blood was gushing out of his stomach where I cut him but he stopped the bleeding with his candy powers.

' I see, so he created an extra armor-like skin with his candy powers. Fuck, now I'm in trouble. I have the stamina for one more dragon blast. Gotta make sure it kills him this time.' I thought as I prepared myself one more time.




Salih roared at me as a giant column of purplish candy erupted from him as it started to take the shape of a giant with a sword and shield. It was wearing a standard Viking attire which consists of a purple overall with purplish button straps, candy-like fur linings.

And candy leather strap around his right shoulder and another as a belt, purple pants with pink stripes, and purple fur linings at the bottom, purple shoes. The giant had a helmet with two horns with Salih's jolly roger on it.

Salih was on top of that giant's head as it started to move completely destroying that candy wall.

[Supreme Warrior Image]



Salih said as that giant started brought down its sword towards the marines and everyone in its range including me as I dodged that attack.



" ALL MARINES RETREAT RETREAT" Ethan ordered as he knew they stood no chance against Salih now.

" Shit, I didn't he had something like this in his arsenal.' I thought as I looked at that 70 feet tall giant rampaging across that island. I was using Geppo to reach that height of that giant as I soru-ed towards Salih before I was stopped by that shield of that giant making me fall to that ground.

" LALALALAL... BOY, THIS IS TRUE POWER. NOW WATCH ALL YOUR ALLIES DIE" I heard Salih say to me as I tried to stand back up. As I got back up, I saw Salih's giant drop its sword as it created a bow and started raining down arrows on the remaining ships obliterating them.

" SON OF A BITCH" I Geppo-ed towards him cutting down some of that arrows as the giant reformed its bow into a sword as we clashed once more. Instead like before where I overpowered Salih, I was sent straight towards that ground as I couldn't compete with that giant's strength.

At this point, I barely have any stamina left and my body received too many injuries. Even with my mad enhancement body, it couldn't heal all the broken bones and injuries I received.

" Do you see that true difference between us now, brat?" Salih said to me coughing up some blood from his mouth losing control of that giant for a few seconds. I quickly launched at that giant taking advantage of Salih losing control as I slashed that right arm of the giant in half.

As I was about to cut the giant's left leg, that giant started sending barrages of punches with its left arm towards me. I evaded its punches as I soru-ed towards Salih. I just need to land one good attack and this whole war will end.

' Seems like he can no longer ignore injuries he sustained.'



I thought to myself as I sent a sword slash towards Salih but he created a candy shield blocking my slash. Although I didn't realize this I was releasing my conqueror's haki during our clash along with Morgan turning pitch blade once in a while.

It started making Morgan hungry for my haki as now get used to it. I was about 20 feet away from Salih as I soru-ed towards him. I appeared above him in a second surprising him as I channeled all of my remaining haki and energy into a single slash as I brought down at Salih.

"Excalibur Morgan" I shouted out the attack's name naming it that due to Morgan's soul resonating with me on this single slash making it even stronger. A blazing black slash cleaved through Salih's and his giant in half as I started to fell down from that sky about to fall asleep from exhaustion.


A huge explosion rocked that island as I was blown away by the winds the explosion created.

[Excalibur Morgan Attack Image]

As I was falling, someone picked me up in the sky as I saw someone with an Afro smiling at me. I couldn't fully my eyes so I didn't see the full face as I couldn't even lift a single finger.

" Well done" I heard him say to me as I fall asleep knowing I'm in safe hands now.


And let's end this chapter at that.

1240 words not counting this part

Question: Are people not interested in the story anymore? Like before the chapters would get like 10-15 comments but now the chapters get barely comments. The story is still getting power stones and people are adding the story to their library. So I'm kinda confused here. Some answers would be nice.

If you liked that chapter, you can drop some power stones if you want. If you have anything to say about that start, you can part in the comments or review section.

I noticed people saying that mc found a supreme grade sword too early. Well, I guess I wanted the mc to have something from the start. It's like how in every op ff, the mc always founds or gets an op devil fruit handed to them for no reason.

I don't see people complaining about that. But for some reason, people seem to hate that mc finding a sword. Sure it's a supreme grade but in the end, it's an fucking sword.

It's not gonna make the mc op for no reason, it's a fucking weapon he still has to train in it. Mihawk had his sword during Roger's execution when he was like 15-20. So there isn't exactly an age on wielding a supreme-grade weapon.

Anyway, there is a story on how a supreme grade is in a cave on a random island. I planned on exploring the backstory of that sword around like 100 chapters from now once the story reaches a certain country.

Other than that, people seem to hate the mc joining the marines. I mean I pointed out why multiple times during the story. But hey if you don't like it, don't read the story.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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noname_marcocreators' thoughts