
End Of West Blue Arc (Part 5)

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(Drake's Pov)

" Sigh"

" This is why I was so against you bounty hunting especially at this age."

" You weren't prepared for the horrors of this world."

Uncle Iroh said after I give him a summary of what I experienced as a bounty hunter. I told him about how I had seen an entire island filled with primitive people be destroyed just for the sick pleasure of some pirates. Along with some other dark actions, pirates have done that I saw for myself.

" You knew I experienced that same thing as you."

" I once traveled through that first half of the grandline in my younger days. You see I and some other cartographer of the WG were employed by them to create some route for the grandline that marines can use exclusively. I was a cartographer back in my younger days."

" O this is the first time Im hearing this about," I said to him as I drank my jasmine tea.

"It's a thing of the past so I barely talk about it nowadays."

" But while we traveled the grandline, we were protected by a division of marines. They were the bravest marines I ever met in my whole other than your father. Especially the commander of the division, Rear Admiral John. They faced all kinds of challenges head-on to protect us. They were mostly pirate crews attacking us."

" First the marines just arrested the pirate crews attacking us. But as we went deeper into the grandline, we saw the horrors pirates were keepable of doing."

" We saw a pirate crew one-time rape around 300 women as their husbands watched tied up. It was one of the most abominable acts we have ever seen in our entire life. That single moment changed all of our lives but it impacted the marines more than I thought it would, especially John."

" From the moment they became purely focused on eliminating pirates at all cost. Before they were kind warriors who wanted to protect civilians and enact proper justice on criminals."

As we were near the end of our journey, I couldn't any longer call them brothers and sisters. They became the monsters who they swore to defeat."

As Uncle Iroh kept talking, I didn't interrupt him as I wanted to hear everything.

" One time we received a distress signal from an island that was taken over by 200 pirates. The pirates were asking for ransom which we just didn't have. So John simply decided to bombard the whole island killing both the pirates and the civilians."

" When I asked him why he ordered such an order, he simply replied with.

"Had we fought the pirates we could have lost a couple of marines? It wasn't worth it to fight the pirates for some civilians. Justice always comes first before anything else."

" Someone who I was proud to call a brother had become one of the monsters he swore to defend the world from. That day I cried for what my brothers had become."

" Drake, you must remember those as you continue to fight pirates."

" He who fights with monsters look to it that he himself does not become a monster. When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you as well."

" Don't allow yourself to fall to the same levels as those monsters. You allowed your hatred and rage for pirates to narrow your thoughts and mind." He pointed at me as I stared wide at him thinking if he was right.

I took in everything uncle Iroh said to me. His stories and advice opened my mind to the rest of the world which I blocked out.

" Say, uncle did you ever met any good pirates?" I asked him as my mind went to Luffy and the straw hats. I started to think about them as criminals especially Luffy. He may have saved multiple countries from pirates but his criminal actions don't cancel out just because of that. Not after what he did in Impel Down.

" My nephew, you must not allow yourself to think the marines and pirates as white and black. The world isn't a single color as you imagined. So far you have experienced only the black colors of this world."

" But to one your question, I did meet one interesting pirate crew as I returning from the grandline. They were called the Roger Pirates, they were a fascinating crew."

" I traveled with them for a couple of months where they brought me back to the West Blue after my ship get wrecked from a storm."

Uncle Iroh answered my question as the answer shocked me to the core. I didn't think he would sail with the future King of Pirates and the Roger Pirates. He started talking about how crazy Roger was and some of the adventures he had with them.

" Drake, you are still young so don't limit yourself. Go out there and see the world for yourself. Don't let the marines control what you become. You must control your own destiny."

I nodded at his words as I thought about everything he said to me.

" Don't worry uncle, I won't allow others to dictate what I do with my life. After all, I have my own goals and ambitions." I said back to him as he nodded at me with pride.

" By the way uncle, what happened to Rear Admiral John? I asked uncle Iroh as I was quite interested in him.

" I haven't talked to him for years but from what I heard, he became promoted to Vice Admiral and is now the commander of some base in the first half of the grandline."

" But a couple of years ago, I heard some interesting rumors about him. It seems like he married a pirate woman that saved him during a battle. I don't know exactly what led to John marrying a pirate but Im proud he did."

"He found peace within himself after all those years. I even heard they had a kid named Jonathan a couple of years ago."

"It just goes to show how people can improve themselves with just the proper help. And for John, it was probably finding love."

" While it is always best to believe in oneself, a little help from others can be a great blessing. So don't be afraid to ask for help from others." Iroh said to me as I nodded at him agreeing with what he said. We talked for about an hour longer before I decided to go to sleep

Next Day

As I looked around the house, I decided to take everything valuable to me. I started putting pictures I had with mom and Albert within the ring's space. They were also some medical books, which mom used to force me to read which I put inside my ring as well.

' Hmm, I think I pick up my medical training once more when I get to Marineford. They should have doctors and nurses who can train me.' I thought while I put other items that hold memories for me inside the ring.

As I was looking through my stuff, I heard someone knocking on the door. As I opened the door, I saw Sokka, Yue, Lee, Noah, and Oliver outside the door.

" What you guys doing here?" I said to them as I told the six kids to come into the house.

" We heard that you would leave in a day from now to Marineford," Lee said.

" And you said you won't know when you could come back to see us again," Sokka said after Lee.

" So we decided to have some fun today before you leave," Zuki said as he put down multiple card games on the table.

" Yeah, let's create them memories before you leave, bro." Noah to me as everyone else looked at me for the answer. I said yes to them, I mean how could you not. So that's what I did playing around with four kids for today.

Next Day

I decided to set sail early in the morning as I didn't want to make up in the morning. But the opposite happened. Everyone woke up early to say bye to me.



I yelled out as the ship started sailing towards Tranquil Island. I decided not to meet up with Thor since we already planned everything and had a party before he left to celebrate me joining Marineford.


Im starting to think some of you guys have no fucking reading comprehensive skills. Some of the comments I saw legit hurt my head for how stupid they were. Pirates are fucking good people? Throughout this whole fucking story I made sure they were the worst of humanity, the lowest of scums.

Pirates are not fucking people whether in One Piece or real life. Even fucking Luffy did some fucked up shit like freeing all the criminals of Impel Down for his own selfish goal, putting the world in danger.

I made a whole fucking chapter about how a pirate crew destroyed a whole island for no reason other than pleasure. The main character isn't thinking about oh they must be some good pirates after everything he saw.

I saw one comment about how the mc should know how pirates are always not evil and the marines are not always the good guys if he watched the show. Mother fucker that's not how fucking shit works. There's a huge difference between living in the world of One Piece and watching it from your mom's basement.

The main character's thoughts through the story so far weren't about how the marines must have done some fucked up shit. The main character just wanted to arrest or kill all pirates that come across him so far until this arc.

After Atalanta knocked some sense into it, that's when he started viewing pirates as sort of humans again. And the main character doesn't see anime and the real world of One Piece the same. He doesn't care about the plot not whose good or evil in the manga. It's different in real life.

The mc died when was he 24 with depression from Earth which slowly started to heal thanks to his mom and everyone. But when his mom and Albert died, his depression turned into hatred for pirates.

It would have increased to the point where it would rival Akainu's hatred for pirates if no one helped him out. It clogged up his thinking where he saw pirates as not humans but as monsters who should be locked up or dead.

Also, I saw some comments about how the main character is a hero or some shit. BItch did you read the mc's fucking goals and shit. Man wants to save the world and create a kinder world which his mom and dad wanted but couldn't accomplish.

So the mc decided to inherit their dreams and will. I fucking made this clear from the fucking start. And for what devil fruit he will eat, how I can make it more obvious. Think people, please.

The title and cover are that of Acnologia, I fucking stated how the mc will eat a mythical zoan in the story. Fucking hell I even said the mc will eat a black dragon mythical zoan same as Acnologia from fairy tail in the comments and the author section part some chapters.

Sorry about this long rant, I just had to address some of the stupid ass comments I saw. Some of the comments I see sometimes just make me want to stop writing.


noname_marcocreators' thoughts