
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Cómic
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106 Chs

Chapter 4

When Lot woke up, he was already lying on a bed with thick bandages wrapped around his body. Judging from the bandaging technique, the person who bandaged him must have no experience in this area.

"Very good! Lot, you finally woke up! I thought you were going to die!"

Luffy, who was munching on the food he had found elsewhere, noticed that Lot opened his eyes and shouted happily, then apologized,"Sorry, I'm not good at dealing with wounds. I just Can it be done to this extent?.

"…I won't die…Before finding the culprits…"

Lot looked at the ceiling with dull eyes and muttered softly.

The genetic potion gives a person the potential to become the Immortal of Six Paths, rather than becoming the Immortal of Six Paths all at once. However, the powerful effect of the medicine still allows him to explode within a short time after the injection, giving him the power to massacre naval bases.

But when he returned to Green Island to bury everyone, he had actually run out of oil, and not a drop of chakra was left in his body. In addition, he was seriously injured and comatose, and his physical and mental strength were exhausted. This would be fatal to any ninja..

When he finally fainted, he was prepared not to wake up.

But, he survived.

Is it the blessing of Tona Gene Potion?

"ah? Did you say something? Luffy

, who didn't hear clearly, tilted his head and asked,"Are you hungry and want something to eat?""

"Let's eat it later…"

Lot refused, and a thick bandage was tied around his neck, making it difficult for him to turn his head, so he had to turn his eyes and use his peripheral vision to look at the man who was holding the food and chewing it. The boy who killed him.

Although the bandage was rough, it still managed to prevent him from bleeding to death.

"Hey, Luffy.."

Lot called the boy's name and his eyes returned to the front.


"You said you were gathering the crew to go to sea, right?"


Luffy swallowed the meat in his mouth and nodded.

"So is your invitation to me yesterday still valid?"


Luffy, who seemed to be aware of what was going to happen next, put down the meat in his hands and stood up, showing his big white teeth towards Lot who was lying on the bed.

"Phew – then let me be your first crew member…"

Lot took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

He unexpectedly survived.

Then he must do something with this remaining life! For everyone in Green Town!

"Very good!"

After hearing the answer he wanted to hear yesterday, Luffy immediately raised his hands happily and started cheering

"Yo West! To celebrate the first crew member, let's throw a party!"

Luffy remembered what Shanks taught him. Pirates should hold a banquet when they encounter happy things! Of course, they should also hold a banquet when they encounter sad things, because this way they can be happy!

Follow Shanks With the teachings, Luffy will go out to collect food that can be eaten on the island.

"By the way, I can use all the food in this town to hold a banquet, right?"

Before leaving the house, Luffy suddenly asked Lot

"Use it however you like."

As the last resident of the town, Lott replied, and Luffy immediately ran out the door after receiving the agreement.

'Huh, it looks like I won't die for the time being….'

After carefully feeling the wounds on his body, Lot breathed a sigh of relief. However, the bandage was so unskilled that it was just randomly wrapped.

Raising his hands with difficulty, Lot made a seal. As a puff of smoke exploded, a man who looked exactly like him appeared beside the bed.


Rotte said to his clone, who nodded immediately, and then started to move.

First, he took off all the bandages, then carefully treated the rough-treated wounds with medicine, and finally bandaged them back.

One After the process, the bandages on Lot's body finally no longer hindered his normal activities. However, with only some first aid knowledge, he could only make sure that the bandages did not hinder his normal activities. It was best to find a professional doctor quickly. Deal with it.

There was a doctor in this town, but it seems that now we can only hope to find it on the next island.

Guessing that it would be a while before Luffy came back, Lott got up and walked out of the house and walked towards his home.

Wait. When he returned home, he took out the only item in the box under the bed, which was a seal scroll, and put it into his arms. After another glance at the home where he had lived for ten years, he locked the door and returned to the house where he was just now..

At this time, Luffy had already brought a large amount of food over. When he saw Lot coming back, he invited him to eat together. This time, Lot did not refuse and sat down on the floor to eat.

He was indeed hungry. Refining chakra originally It's just a thing that consumes the body's energy. In addition, he spent the whole night beheading and burying people last night, so he was already very hungry. The food that was enough for dozens of people was eaten by two people. After ten minutes of eating, the next step was to prepare for going out to sea.

It took them half a day to move all the supplies that could be used in the village to one of the largest fishing boats in the port.

There were medicines, fresh water, and fruits. And all kinds of food.

When Luffy put the last box of food on the deck, he turned to look at Lot, who was still on land, and said,"This should be the last thing to take. After Roth said" hmm", his face suddenly became serious. He stared into the former's eyes and said slowly:

"Luffy, I agreed to go to sea with you in order to find the culprits who caused the tragedy in the town. However, the people I am looking for are people from the World Government. In other words, in the end, I may end up fighting against the world. enemies, and as the captain, you will be implicated and may even die before you become the Pirate King."

"Even so, do you insist on letting me be your partner?"

After Lot finished speaking, he quietly waited for Luffy's answer.

He stared into Luffy's eyes. As long as he saw a trace of hesitation, he would immediately turn around and get on another ship.

However, Luffy's words After falling, there was no pause at all. It reached out to pick up the straw hat hanging on the back of its head and put it on its head. It showed a bright and confident smile and shouted loudly towards Lot:

"Do you even need to ask?!! This is not a matter of course! As a captain, you have to live and die with the crew! So what if we are enemies of the world? If one day I die before I become the Pirate King, I won't have any complaints. This can only mean that I am incapable of protecting the crew, and I am not worthy of being the Pirate King!"

Luffy said, pointing his thumb to the deck behind him:

"So, come on up! Lot! We're going sailing!!"

"Oh, so what if the world is our enemy?…It's so easy to say…"

Lot murmured and repeated what Luffy said. Looking at the resolute young man standing in front of him on the boat and reaching out to him, he suddenly laughed,"Hahahahaha! What a hot-blooded idiot who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth!""

"However, it's just what I want! The future pirate king! Just let——"

""Let's set sail!"

Without hesitation, Lot stretched out his hand and took Luffy's hand. The latter pulled him onto the ship with a strong force.

"Set off!"

Luffy cheered and pulled down the sail. Riding on the wind and waves, the small fishing boat left the port and sailed towards the ocean, towards a future where he didn't know the way forward. The silent port, the lush woods, and himself I used to like to climb up to the top of the mountain, lie down and look up at the stars. The island is fading away, and the past flashes through my mind.

'Goodbye Green Island. '

Lot said his final farewell in his heart, and then withdrew his gaze, no longer nostalgic for the home behind him.

——Wait for me, everyone in Green Island, I will definitely come back


At this time, the naval headquarters far away on the Grand Route


As the marshal of the navy, Sengoku was looking at the report sent by his subordinates with a headache – the 18th Naval Branch in the East China Sea was destroyed by unknown people.

The enemy's speed was very fast, and the phone bug failed to take a picture of the opponent's face. The navy who had seen the enemy's true appearance were all dead. The surviving navy seemed to have been greatly frightened and suffered from memory confusion. They only remembered that the man had A pair of scarlet, terrifying eyes that looked like they were not human.

The report mentioned that before killing the supreme commander, the enemy asked him a question-who was responsible for the tragedy of Green Island.

The following is the information about Green Island.

Before this happened, several Celestial Dragons went to this small island called Green Island, but there were pirates hidden on that island who wanted to assassinate the Celestial Dragons.

There was no other way.

Under the orders of the Celestial Dragons, the navy that followed the past could only kill all the people on that island – because the people on the island harbored pirates who wanted to do evil to the great Celestial Dragons.

The only option was death.


The Celestial Dragons are related to those damn Celestial Dragons again!

The report was fair and honest. Sengoku could guess a thing or two about the actual situation. Standing in the position of marshal of the navy, he knew the nature of the Tianlong people too well.

"The World Government said that they will send a CP9 to investigate, and hope that our navy will also send people to coordinate the process."

The adjutant standing aside said.

"Hahaha! Warring States period, I'm here to find you! Is there any senbei?! I brought tea!"

At this moment, a bold voice came from the door, and then an old man with white hair but a strong body and exuding the aura of a strong man walked in.

"Cap! You go to the East China Sea immediately!"

Sengoku, who was bothered by the Tianlong people, saw that his friend had been so heartless all day, and he suddenly became angry and shouted to him.

"ah? But I just came back to the headquarters."

The man known as Garp said reluctantly

"It's an order from the Celestial Dragons!"

"Then I won't go even more – senbei, senbei~~"

After hearing the order from Tianlong, Garp immediately sat on the sofa chair in the office and took out a pack of senbei from the drawer with a smile on his face.

"Bastard – Huhu…"

Seeing that his long-time friend was about to destroy his treasured senbei, Sengoku felt like he was going to be pissed to death.

But he also knew that it was impossible for his old friend to help the Tianlong people. He just wanted to make him sick. After taking a deep breath, he turned to the adjutant and said:

"Go inform Zefa and ask him to be prepared to cooperate with that CP9. No matter what the truth is, destroying a naval fortress means not taking our justice seriously. He is the enemy!"

Zefa is currently leading his disciples to suppress pirates on the Grand Line, and he happens to be closest to the East China Sea.


The adjutant saluted, turned and left the office.

Looking at his old friend who was happily making tea and already eating senbei, Sengoku came to him angrily, unceremoniously snatched the snacks from his hands, and then Pour the whole pack into your mouth

"ah! My senbei!!"

Garp, who was already in his sixties, let out a miserable wail.