

In a world where destiny weaves its intricate threads, Ross finds himself entangled in a web of fate beyond comprehension. Once a mafia enforcer in his past life, he meets his demise shielding his brother, the reigning mafia king, from a fatal betrayal. But as death claims him, another door opens. Transcending realms, Ross is reborn into the vibrant world of One Piece, armed with the memories of his former life and the knowledge of its canon. However, fate has a cunning twist in store. He awakens within the body of young Rosinante, a noble-hearted soul entwined in the dark machinations of piracy and government corruption. As Ross grapples with this new existence, a tragic turn of events leads to Rosinante's demise, allowing Ross's soul to seamlessly merge with his. Now, armed with his past experiences and the vessel of Rosinante, Ross embraces his chance at redemption and empowerment. Driven by a newfound purpose, Ross sets his sights on aiding his brother, the infamous Donquxote Doflamingo, in his quest to become the true ruler of the One Piece world. Amidst the turbulent seas and the clash of titanic powers, Ross navigates the treacherous waters of politics, betrayal, and warfare. Together with his brother Doffy, Ross/Rosinante must unravel the mysteries of the Grand Line, face off against formidable adversaries, and forge alliances that will shape the very fabric of the world. But as they ascend towards their ultimate goal, shadows from the past loom ominously, threatening to unravel everything he holds dear. In "One Piece : Brotherhood," embark on an epic journey where alliances are tested, loyalties are challenged, and destinies are rewritten. Will Ross help his brother carve his legacy into the annals of history, or will the specters of the past consume him whole? Or does Destiny have something entirely different in play for Ross that he might not even have imagined in his wildest dreams? *************************************************************************************************** Disclaimer: One Piece is a copyrighted work of Eiichiro Oda. This fanfiction is a creative work by Silent_stiele and is not officially affiliated with the One Piece franchise. For exclusive access to advance chapters and more, visit the author's Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/Silent_stiele. Visit my Discord server for updates on the fanfic https://discord.gg/DecNeDpY

Silent_stiele · Cómic
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207 Chs

Chapter 21

Back at Marineford, everything returned to peace as the remaining Marines carried on with their work. Night quickly approached, and unbeknownst to them, close to a dozen war galleons stealthily made their way towards Marineford. The pirate fleet skillfully navigated through, avoiding the patrol ships of the Marines as if they were aware of the patrol routes, aiding their smooth progress towards Marineford.

In the town adjoining Marineford, where all the families of Marine officers stationed at the HQ resided, on the outskirts of the town lay a large plot covered by nature, which was the current residence of Admiral Zephyr. Despite being an Admiral, the plot assigned to him was quite large, but the house where Zephyr resided was modest. Inside the house, one could hear the sound of laughter as a small child, about three years old, chased a young teen who had a piece of steak stuck to his chin. Zephyr's wife, a woman in her thirties, cherished the moment with a smile on her face.


The young teen was their newly adopted son. Their own son had quickly taken a liking to the elder boy in the couple of months since they had adopted him. Though the young boy seemed a bit rigid, he was always diligent and even helped around with house chores. The child expressed his desire to join the Marines, but Zephyr had asked him to wait so he could have a proper foundation before joining the elite training class. In the past two months, she had come to accept the young boy as one of her own.




The initial explosion echoed like thunder through the tranquil air of Marineford, shattering the peace and signaling the beginning of chaos. It was swiftly followed by a series of deafening blasts that reverberated across the entire headquarters, rattling windows and shaking the very ground upon which it stood. The warning bells, previously silent and serene, now clanged with urgency, their piercing sound cutting through the night like a clarion call to arms.


Inside the Marineford headquarters, the atmosphere shifted from one of tranquility to one of frenzied activity in a matter of seconds. Marines on duty sprang into action, their training kicking in as they scrambled to assess the situation and respond to the sudden threat.


In the central command room, officers huddled over control panels, their faces illuminated by the harsh glow of flashing lights as they worked furiously to coordinate a response. Communication lines crackled with urgency as distress signals were sent out, calling for reinforcements from neighboring bases.

Outside, chaos erupted as the invading pirate fleet made landfall, their ships crashing against the rocky shore with thunderous force. Swarms of pirates spilled forth, armed to the teeth and ready for battle. They descended upon the Marine defenders like a tidal wave, their ferocious onslaught leaving destruction in its wake.


Amidst the chaos, shouts and cries filled the air as marines clashed with pirates in a desperate struggle for control. The acrid scent of smoke and gunpowder mingled with the salty tang of sea air, creating a heady mix that hung heavy over the battlefield.


As chaos unfolded, Vergo led Zephyr's wife and son carefully through the back alleys of the town, guiding them towards the center of the HQ, where the central fortress was being reinforced by the remaining Marine forces. The bombardments were concentrated heavily on the town side, where the families of the Marines resided. Those who survived the onslaught scrambled towards the main fortress, seeking refuge amidst the chaos.

Amidst the cacophony of destruction, a powerful voice reverberated through the chaotic atmosphere.


"Zephyr, you bastard! Come out and face me like a man!"

Amidst the chaos and destruction, a hulking figure emerged from the shadows, towering over the surrounding devastation like a colossus of death. It was Captain Darius Bloodskull, a name feared throughout the seas, leader of the infamous Blood Skull Pirates, with an active bounty of 1,186,500,000 Belly. Standing at a staggering height of over five meters, he commanded the attention of all who beheld him. His imposing presence struck fear into the hearts of even the bravest souls, and his very name sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to oppose him.

Captain Bloodskull's muscular frame was adorned with scars, each one a testament to the countless battles he had fought and emerged victorious from. With a cruel sneer etched upon his rugged features, he moved through the chaos with an air of merciless determination. His massive blade cleaved through the ranks of marines with ruthless efficiency. Despite his immense size, he moved with a surprising grace, his movements fluid and precise as he dispatched anyone who dared to challenge him.

With each step he took, Captain Bloodskull left a trail of destruction in his wake, his fury unleashed upon all who dared to oppose him. The air crackled with electricity as he unleashed the power of his Logia-type Devil Fruit, the Zuma Zuma no Mi, transforming his body into a living storm of plasma.

As he advanced towards the heart of Marineford, his eyes burned with a fierce determination, his gaze fixed upon his ultimate prize: Admiral Zephyr's family. He held a deep grudge against the Admiral, stemming from a previous encounter where Zephyr had bested him in combat. If it weren't for a stroke of luck, he would have found himself locked away in Impel Down. When members of Cipher Pol approached him with a proposal for revenge, he eagerly accepted, knowing that today he would finally repay the resentment in his heart by taking the lives of Zephyr's loved ones within the very heart of Marineford itself.


Darius spotted a Rear Admiral who had just cut down one of his subordinates as he moved in the direction of the HQ. He didn't need to go searching for Zephyr's family; the Cipher Pol had promised to share their location once it was confirmed. All he had to do was go on a rampage, kill Zephyr's family, and leave the HQ unscathed. With a swift motion, he raised his arm to strike down the Rear Admiral with one downward stroke.




A hand, coated in Armament haki intercepted the blade, defending the Rear Admiral's exposed back. Dragon, his hand clad completely in Haki, stood unfazed in front of the infamous pirate. Another figure moved past them with blinding speed, cutting down the pirates who were causing havoc.

Using his Observation Haki, Darius identified the two new combatants who had halted his progress. His expression twisted into a scowl upon recognizing them.


The man standing before him was none other than the son of Marine Hero Garp himself. And the other Marine, moving with incredible speed and precision, was Rear Admiral Bogard, the right-hand man of the Marine Hero.


For a moment, Darius's mind went into overdrive. There shouldn't have been any Marines of such caliber within Marine HQ. He had confirmed it with the Cipher Pol, with whom he had been in contact. The individuals before him were elites among elites, capable of challenging him head-on. If he had known he would have to face the Marine hero's son, he wouldn't have agreed to this.

As Dragon and Darius locked eyes, the tension crackled in the air like lightning before a storm. Without a word, they launched themselves at each other, their movements swift and deadly.

Darius shifted into his plasma form, his body becoming intangible as he surged forward with blinding speed, aiming to deliver a devastating blow.


"Busoshoku :Koka"

 But Dragon was prepared; he countered with a surge of Armament Haki, solidifying his own body as he met Darius head-on with a thunderous clash.


"Your tricks won't work on me, pirate scum!" Dragon's voice boomed with authority as he pushed against Darius, their strength matched evenly in the intense struggle.


Darius grinned maliciously, his eyes gleaming with defiance. "You think you can stop me, Marine? I've faced stronger opponents than you!"


Their battle raged on, with each strike sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Dragon's mastery of Armament Haki allowed him to land powerful blows, each strike infused with the force of his will. Meanwhile, Darius's Logia abilities allowed him to evade and counter with lightning-fast attacks of his own.

Meanwhile, a few hundred meters away from the clash between Dragon and Darius, a shadowy figure lurked in the darkness, monitoring the unfolding chaos with a sense of urgency. This figure was an agent of Cipher Pol Aegis Zero, specializing in infiltration and reconnaissance. His Paramecia-type Devil Fruit granted him the ability to remain undetected unless faced with a formidable master of Observation Haki. Now, he found himself facing an unforeseen complication with the arrival of Dragon and Bogard.


Quickly retrieving a transponder snail, the agent made a swift call to execute the secondary plan. "We have a change of plans," he reported, his voice laced with urgency. "Proceed with the elimination of Zephyr's family. Leave no witnesses behind. I will notify the other party to act immediately. Time is of the essence. Rear Admirals Dragon and Bogard are currently engaged with Bloodskull and his crew on Marineford. We cannot afford to let this opportunity slip away. Complete the mission swiftly before the chaos settles down."


This lone CP0 agent understood the gravity of the situation. With only one chance to succeed, he braced himself for the challenges ahead, knowing that failure was not an option. 

The CP0 agent swiftly relayed his command. Normally, he would have had additional CP0 members for support, but this was a sensitive mission. Therefore, only a single CP0 agent was dispatched. In the event of exposure, he could be swiftly eliminated and branded a traitor to avoid any compromise with the mission.


Vergo, someone who had survived the slums of North Blue, was well-versed in navigating chaos. His life experiences are currently aiding him in safely escorting Zephyr's wife and child. He wasn't acting out of righteousness; for him, this was simply Young Master Ross's orders. If there was one person who held equal prestige in Vergo's heart as Master Doffy, it was Ross. So when Ross and Doffy asked him to become the perfect Marine for the future of the Donquixote family, he readily agreed without a second thought. Vergo also knew that Ross had taken a huge risk in smuggling the mythical Zoan fruit just because Vergo had insisted on consuming one. Vergo had a liking for the unbound vitality trait that came with mythical Zoan fruits, and he had requested a mythical Zoan, believing it to be unattainable. However, Ross selflessly provided the devil fruit just because Vergo had asked for it.

"Shigan!" Vergo, lost in thought about recent events, detected a sudden incoming attack aimed at Zephyr's wife, intended to kill her with a single strike. Reacting swiftly, he employed Armament Hardening, a skill he had learned from the notes that Ross had sent the Donquixote family. The materials they received were top-notch, as the knowledge was extracted from Garp. During their training, it was quickly identified that Vergo had a high affinity for Armament Haki compared to Observation Haki.


The attack aimed at the woman's heart was deflected by Vergo's interception, but the force of the strike sent him crashing into a nearby wall. "Vergo!" the woman screamed.


"Tch, kid, you sure are troublesome; such a waste of talent." A man dressed in a Marine Rear Admiral uniform now smirked creepily at Zephyr's wife, who was holding her son protectively.

"You... you're a Marine. Why are you doing this?" Zephyr's wife couldn't help but ask in shock, realizing their assailant was not a pirate but a Marine officer.


"Sorry, Miss. Orders from above. I have to complete the mission. You can blame Admiral Zephyr for this. If only he was willing to follow the World Government, we wouldn't have to resort to such nasty things," the Rear Admiral mocked while drawing his sword to end Zephyr's family.

"Aargh!" Vergo launched himself like a bullet, mustering as much Haki as he could, aiming a punch at the Rear Admiral's face. However, the man was alert, resheathed the sword, and quickly caught Vergo's arm with his own arm wrapped in Haki.


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