
Chapter 85 - Spoiled Princess


Some time after Perona whined, she saw the air in front of her suddenly seemed to tear.

Then the tear seemed to widen and open and someone came out.

Seeing a white-haired young man emerge from the tear, Perona was shocked.

"Hm!? Who are you!? .... How could you suddenly appeared here like that!? Is it devil fruit's ability!?"

The man who emerged from the torn space, Lepus, then answered Perona.

"Yeah.... I'm Rex Lepus. I'm here to pick you up."

"Pick me up?"

Perona looked confused as to what he meant. Because she doesn't know Lepus and why he picking her up.

Lepus then explained.

"Yeah.... I want to recruit you to be a member of my pirates."

Hearing Lepus' answer, Perona instead acted arrogantly by crossing her arms then laughed and said scornfully.

"Horohorohoro! .... Become a member of your Pirates? Hmph! Who do you think you are!? Are you greater than Moria-sama!? Hmph!"

Seeing Perona's attitude, Lepus remained calm.

"You don't want to? Oh, fine then.... Please enjoy your solitude on this gloomy and lonely island.... Goodbye."

Lepus then turns around and will re-enter the gap which still open.

Seeing that Lepus was about to leave, Perona was taken aback and shouted.

"D-Don't go! I don't want to be alone here!"

"What do I care...."

Lepus coldly answered and about to re-enter the gap.

Perona panicked and then she jumped and knelt down to hug Lepus' waist.

"Iyyyyaaaaahhh!!! Onii-san! Onii-sama! Ouji-sama! Please don't go! Don't leave me alone!"

Perona whimpered to Lepus.

Lepus frowned and then snapped at Perona a little.

"Grow up, Perona! How long are you going to be childish!? You're an adult for good sake!"

Shocked, Perona shuddered and then released Lepus.

But, soon she suddenly burst into tears.

"Uwaaahhhhnnn!! I got scolded! Uaaahhhhnn!"

Lepus frowned even more because Perona was whimpering and crying.

Not long after, Lepus sighed and closed the gap.

"Whatever.... I want to explore this island."

Lepus then walked away leaving Perona.

Perona who was still whining then quickly fell silent after seeing Lepus walk away.

"A-Aahh!!! Wait for meee!!!"

Then she quickly followed him because she didn't want to be left alone.

Some time after they walked, in the middle of the forest they saw several Humandrills holding weapons.

Perona already knew about them when she's still alone in this island and explored it a little with her Hollow. However, now she was confused and wondered looking at them.

"Why... they didn't attack?"

Lepus then answered Perona.

"Because I suppressed them with my Haki."

Right. Lepus used Haoushoku Haki to suppress and intimidate the Humandrills.

"Haki? What is that?"

Perona didn't know about Haki, so she asked.

But Lepus was lazy to answer and explained at length about Haki.

".... Don't ask. It's a pain to explain."

Perona was silent and they continued to walk through the forest.

Some time later, Lepus who was walking exploring while using Kenbunshoku Haki and his boundary abilities to 'scan' around, found something. Lepus then headed to the bushes.

Perona was confused as to why Lepus suddenly headed to the bushes. But, after Lepus returned, Perona was very surprised by what's in Lepus' hands.

"What!? Devil fruit!?"

Right! Lepus finds a devil fruit hidden behind the bushes!

The devil fruit is shaped like a durian but is turquoise in color with a pattern of black swirl stripes.

"Not bad."

Lepus smiled a little and was satisfied with what he found.

"You're so lucky...."

Perona is impressed with Lepus' luck in finding the devil fruit here.

Because of what he found, he was already satisfied with the exploration. So, Lepus decided to leave.

Lepus then opened the gap and asked Perona.

"I'm going.... Are you coming or not?"

Hearing that Lepus was about to leave, Perona then rushed to answer.

"I-I'm coming! But, I want hot chocolate! And dolls! And a soft bed too!"

Perona also did not forget to state her demands.

Lepus could only sigh in surrender.

"Hah~.... Fine. Up to you. Come in."

The two of them then entered the gap and left the gloomy island Kuraigana.

Some time later, Lepus opened a gap on the Jormungandr's deck and come out with Perona.

Then Lepus called all the crew to gather on the deck.

Shortly after, the crew came to the deck and they were a little surprised and wondered curiously to see Perona who was by Lepus' side.

After all gathered, Lepus then introduced Perona.

"This is Perona the Ghost Princess."

Hearing this, the crew doubts a little.

"Ghost Princess?"

Ryzer asked doubtfully seeing Perona's clearly human appearance.

"Ghost Princess!? She looks more like a Spoiled Princess!"

Boris also doubts and does not believe.

"Is she strong?"

Max frowned wondering at Perona's competence.

Realizing that she was belittled, Perona laughed.

"Horohorohoro! Are you underestimating me? .... Eat this! Negative Hollow!"

Perona then summons three Hollows and then directs them at Ryzer, Boris, and Max. The three Hollows then flew through their three targets.

Seeing this, Lepus then sighed because he knew what would happen next.


Before long, Ryzer, Boris, and Max suddenly fell to their knees and drop their head.

"Aahh.... I want to be a flea...."

Ryzer said gloomily.

"I'm trash. I'm just a trash..... Uooohhhh!!!!!"

Boris the big macho man was crying.

"Kuh.... Just kill me...."

Max looked grimly and gave up on life.

Looking at them, Lepus said lightly with a smile.

"Don't judge a book by its cover."

Perona then laughed at the three.


Meanwhile, the rest of the crew could only be stunned speechless.


#15th Member

Name: Perona

Arcana: [The Fool]

Epithet: "Ghost Princess"

Bounty: ???

Position: Scout

Hometown: West Blue

Age: 23

DF: Horo Horo no Mi/Hollow (Paramecia)

Haki: -

Skills: Scouting, Dropping other's mentality.

Information: Former "4 Spooks of Thriller Bark". Spoiled and Lazy.
