
Chapter 76 - Violet



Dressrosa Palace, Violet's room....

Violet was quite shocked and surprised by what had happened today.

She never thought that the Donquixote Family, who were cruel and heartless in toying with others, could be toyed by others. After all, the one who was deceived them was someone who was still in their early teens when he were with them! And now that person could easily toy with the Donquixote Family, while Donquixote and his family were completely helpless.

Violet pondered and then muttered.

"If only...."

"If only you could meet me and help you. Right?"

Violet suddenly heard an interrupting voice! Then suddenly a tear of space appeared before her! Violet was very surprised and then she heard a voice.

"Get in!"

Hearing that, Violet entered the tear nervously and hesitatingly.

Then, within the purple-black space, Violet saw someone sitting there.

That person was a man who looked to be in his late 20s, had white-gray hair, and a tall lanky but sturdy stature. The man then smiled and greeted Violet.

"Heya, nice to meet you, Violet. Or should I call you as Princess Viola?"

Viola was very surprised to see this man. Then she spoke.

"Are you... Lepus?"


".... Why did you draw me here?"

"Because I don't like seeing sad and upset women. That's why. And also... I wanted to tell you a glimmer of hope."

"Hope? What do you mean?"

Then Lepus' facial expression became serious and he said.

".... Do you believe that in about 2 years or so, the Donquixote Family will be brought down and Dressrosa will be freed from darkness?"


Viola was shocked and confused.

"There is someone who hates and has a bitter grudge against Doflamingo and his family. And he may have started preparing various long-term plans to bring down the Family. He and his allies, will work together to bring down the Donquixote Family. And they will definitely succeed.... That's how it is."


Viola was taken aback by Lepus' statement.

"I don't want to spoil his revenge, that's why I let Doflamingo and his family. As for myself, I only see Doflamingo and his family as entertainment.... Maybe I'm like a villain for those who are heartless and pretentious like them. But, I am a good person and friendly to people I consider good too. That's why I'm speaking here with you."

Lepus smiled at Viola.

"But unfortunately, even if Donquixote Family is eventually brought down and your family will able to return, you probably won't be able to rest easy."

"What do you mean?"

".... Do you think that the World Government would be silent, knowing that a World Government-affiliated Kingdom's royal princess was once openly and deeply involved with a group of criminals even if she had no choice?"


".... Maybe your family can return to Dressrosa and reign again. But... you will still have a black mark on your name. Even though everyone in Dressrosa can understand, forgive, and not belittle or ridicule for all your actions and reasons while being a part of Donquixote Family, what about the others outside? And can you forgive yourself? Do you still have the face to calmly smile and return to being a royal princess who is also the heiress of the throne and future queen as if nothing had happened? Will you be able to feel that you are still worthy of the throne of Dressrosa? Can you assume that you have suffered no more than your niece, Rebecca?"


Viola was a little emotional. But then she realized that what Lepus said wasn't really wrong either. She fell silent again.

".... So, I want to give you a solution."


Viola asked a little confused and frowned.

"Yes.... Come with me."


"I will give you a place by my side. I can protect and take care of you. You surely understand I can do that.... And like I said earlier, I will be kind to people I know they has a good heart. Moreover, I have a soft side to women. No matter how bad and dirty a woman is in the eyes of others, if I consider her clean and good then she's like an angel and I will take care of her as best I can if she wants it. Trust me."

Lepus firmly said.

"Well, you don't have to answer and decide now. You have 2 years to consider it. I will come and ask your decision 2 years later."

Lepus gave enough time for Viola to consider his offer.

Then Lepus opened the gap for the Viola to come out.

"You can leave now."

Viola then turned around and headed for the tear.

But, suddenly Lepus shouted.



Viola asked confused.

Lepus smirked and then said.

"Tell Doflamingo and the others, 'Viola is mine! I'll crush anyone who dares to touch her!' .... That's all."

Hearing Lepus' statement, Viola blushed slightly and then rushed out of the gap.
