
One piece: Blessed Light

He was someone who's name struck fear in every criminal's heart. He was someone who's wealth rivaled that of countries. He was someone that everyone had to respect. But those factors still did not prevent that tragedy. he had failed once again and this time, He had also lost his life. All because he lacked power. power to keep those corrupted ones in their place. Now, he was born in a familiar world, a world he had grown quite fondly of. a world where he could grow strong. Strong enough to finally fullfil his dreams. what would this man do in a world where the seas are ruled by the Yonkos and Inhumane scum that arrogantly proclaim themselves as "Gods". That is for you to read and find out. ## Author's note: Schedule 9:00 am CT. at least 2 chapters per week. no chapters on Fridays and Saturdays No system for this fanfic. ## Join my discord server if you want to. Discord server link:- https://discord.gg/GqMKJsCUNN Please make sure to read the rules and react to the emoji else you wouldn't gain access to the discord server. It's a precaution against bots. ## Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. All characters, settings, and original concepts are the property of their respective authors and their associated entities. I do not claim ownership of these characters, settings, or concepts except what I have introduced myself. This story is created purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended for commercial gain. No copyright infringement is intended. ###

Rillik · Anime y Cómics
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

Chapter 002: The will of D.

Previous chapter Recap:-

The protagonist with a mysterious background had died failing to achieve his dream but before he died he managed to voice his final wish and Mysteriously it seems to be granted. After being born he Barely managed to escape from a precarious situation that was erased from history.


Deep within a forest of sorbet kingdom. Lucius's red eyes diligently searched at the edges of certain trees, searching for the herbs and flowers his mom had educated him about.

As Lucius walked deeper into the forest sometimes the windy breeze would gently tug his fluffy purple hair. Unintentionally letting his scent permeate in the air until eventually a tiger that resembled a deer started trailing his every step.

The Deiger crouched, ready to pounce the prey's neck, it slowly moved closer and closer only realizing after it felt a sharp sting on its paw that it had accidentally stepped on a bee.

A subtle nausea and paralysis started taking over its body which fueled its urgency as the Deiger rushed to attack that weak prey before thinking of making an escape.

Right as the Deiger was within 5 meters of Lucius ready to pounce, it felt an excruciating pain around its neck as if someone had twisted it from behind. It died without even realizing what had happened.

Lucius looked at the Deiger as his mouth curled up with a smile. 'Another successful hunt' he thought with delight, he subtly glanced at a tree branch which broke under a mysterious force before it was thrown towards the sky with quite a fast speed.

In the distance, on top of a large tree's branch, Ginny, now a young girl with messy light hair and freckles on her face looked everywhere as if waiting for a signal, which she found as her ears perked up before she locked into the direction where a tree branch floated like a projectile before going down.

After making a quick calculation inside her head for the rough location,Ginny quickly climbed down the tree and jumped into the broad shoulders of a towering boy named Kuma before immediately exclaiming into his right ear "Kuma-chi! Luci-kun is in the Southeast direction! Uhm.. about 370 meters!"

Kuma smiled sweetly before he used his paw patterned hand to let them almost instantly appear to that location, Thankfully they were only around 7 meters away from the exact spot. "Yatta! I have improved!" Ginny exclaimed in happiness for beating her previous record.

Kuma gently knelt down beside the Deiger before muttering "Thank you for your sacrifice."

Ginny looked at the deiger with contempt saying "It doesn't look appetizing… why would that old guy want to hunt it?" but it quickly shifted to a happy smile as she said with a hearty laugh "Thankfully. Those nasty nobles only want the hides, Kuma-chi! I am craving hotpot today!"

Kuma smiled before he touched the Deiger which caused it to be instantly sended to their church. A place his parents used to run.

Lucius on the other hand had already moved to another area to continue his scavenging. Now that his mind was more relaxed after completing the hunting request it had as usual started to ponder random thoughts. Especially what his mom had revealed recently about his lineage

He was a lunarian. 'At the very least, I am only half lunarian since mum doesn't have wings.' Lucius mused internally as he almost absent mindedly picked up another batch of herbal plants.

His mind gradually drifted to what happened in the last seven years. 'I am already quite tall for my age…' Lucius mused looking at his current giant figure of 5'7 feet tall. Yet he didn't look like a human adult but rather an oversized Kid.

Despite being seven years old. Lucius kept a deep secret. Something he couldn't share with anyone, not even his mom who he trusted the most. It wasn't due to caution but because he was afraid of rejection. A thought he had long forgotten in his past life.

Indeed. Lucius is a reincarnator, more specifically a reincarnator with a peculiar cheat. A stand ability, which he had only read about in his past life from a series known for its bizarre poses and yet quite compelling storytelling.

As a homage to that author, he had named it 'Bring me an angel', a bizarre name inspired by 'Send me an angel by scorpion' and Lucius felt it was quite fitting because his stand resembled an humanoid angel with angelic garments.

From occasional tests Lucius had conducted. He had found out many things about it. First it had a similar sense of self-preservation like Jotaro's stand. Second… nobody could see it nor feel it.

'Except my mum...' Lucius furrowed his brows as his hand plucked fruits from a tree he sometimes visited. He had a strong hypothesis on the reason as well. 'Haki…' He mused while eating the sour flavored fruit.

Lucius initially didn't know he even had a stand until one day he almost stumbled down from the church roof, but angelic entity only he could see had stabilized his stance before immediately assimilating into himself like a ghost possession.

Another interesting thing that happened was his mom seemed to have already rushed to his location as if she was aware he was about to fall down and injure himself. But she showed a moment of confusion yet immense relief when she saw him uninjured.

Along with other such incidents as Lucius grew up, made him decisively conclude his mom knew about haki and even possibly mastered it to have future sight. That intrigued him very much so he already had a hunch about his past.

Lucius didn't think beyond it just being a mere possibility that this was all a coincidence. His wings and His Mom's behavior and him being timely placed around Kuma and Ginny suggested it all connected to a specific group of individuals who arrogantly proclaim themselves as Gods of this world. Celestial Dragons.

And most of Lucius's deduction was proven correct when he heard what happened in the past from his mom. How his parents met and what happened for her to be in God's Valley of all places considering he had lunarian blood flowing through his veins.

If one thing Lucius was very certain after reading one piece was about The world government's keen interest in the lineage factor. He suspected their seclusion from the whole world was due to that very reason.

So Lucius already knew why they would still decide to kill them off despite his valuable bloodline and his mom's words merely confirmed it. 'D.' He thought absentmindedly.

Lucius' mind shifted to his full name "Lucius D. Baruch" He muttered out loud, finding it peculiar because The name could be interpreted as 'Blessed light' yet That D. Initial made him the enemy of so-called 'Gods'.

'Indeed. They would rather kill everyone with that initial than consider happy corporations.' Lucius mused remembering how the five elders attacked King Nefertari D. Cobra after a certain declaration.

'I think Garp was only safe because he already became a world renowned Marine hero after God's Valley and they only realized he is possibly a D. Clan member when he rejected the admiral position… but that's just a speculation for now' Lucius drafted a possibility on why his mom was treated differently than others.

Lucius's eyes turned cold for a moment as his thoughts darkened 'But. That does not give them any right to hurt my mother. The one who went through so much to raise me and possibly my father who is likely being treated as a lab rat…' yet those thoughts quickly calmed down, his mind shifting to readjusting his plans for the future.

It was unlike the past Lucius who had initially become indifferent to the world and sought a lesser form of evil in a naive attempt to fix them. 'But not this time… I can become powerful… I wouldn't need to compromise, I can be firmer.' Lucius thought in an attempt to reassure himself.

'And the first step to doing that is understanding my second unique cheat. The stand called 'bring me an angel' Lucius affirmed that part of the plan. Not much had changed except he was going to be a little bit more rebellious towards his mother's word and visit the city. A bitter smile appeared on his face, his thoughts apologetic for his mom. 'I am sorry mom… I hope my actions don't bring you any sadness.'

After a final internal apology, Lucius picked up his seemingly ordinary looking 'bible' strapped to his waist with a sweet smile on his face because It was a gift from Kuma for his seventh birthday that occured recently.

Although its cover resembled the bible Kuma usually carried with him but in actuality it was a specially crafted Journal sold in Ohara. Typically used by the archaeologists and Historians to jolt down any crucial information they have discovered. Thus it carried a special type of paper made with preservation of written information in mind.

Lucius's smile deepened even more because he knew something even Kuma thought he had hidden quite well. Lucius had noticed Kuma sometimes sneaking out when they were all supposed to be asleep to go somewhere. Initially Lucius felt worried if Kuma had gotten hoodwinked by some bastard who took advantage of his kind and caring personality but Luckily Kuma didn't seem to have any injuries so he refrained from asking any questions.

Only when Lucius got that Journal did he come to the conclusion, Kuma must have been going to ohara himself in order to give him a surprise birthday gift. Thus he cherished it dearly and showed his appreciation by letting Kuma learn at least the German language.

Lucius had always considered his memories as his most important cheat, so because he was afraid he would gradually forget them all. He opted to write everything that was useful in notebooks and that was also why Kuma knew Lucius would love a journal.

But Lucius also knew the hidden danger of writing down his forbidden knowledge thus he opted for a cautious approach by only writing them in languages he himself knew.

Each page of this Journal had a specific pattern. Every few sentences he had either used Russian, German or Hebrew. This would both act as a defense against anyone who might try to decipher it and also serve as daily practice for those languages so he doesn't forget them.

Lucius flipped to the portion dedicated to his stand as he mushed over its details like a daily habit.

[Stand name: Bring me an Angel]

[Name inspiration: Send me an angel by scorpion]

[Stand ability: The angelic stand has two presumed abilities. The right hand grants 'luck' to anyone it touches for 7 seconds while the left hand nullifies all 'luck' for 6 seconds.]

[Stand limitations: The hand needs to touch the target for it to become active and it must be reapplied when the time has passed. Haki is a counter (presumed)]

['Luck' interpretation: This power is still quite mysterious. from various tests, It can at least manipulate probability. Can cause hidden injuries to accumulate within the enemy. A calculated bad 'luck' upon a target based on the environment may also occur. Long term effects not seen yet.]

[Stand stats]

[Destructive power: at least B (Presumed)]

[Speed: at least B (Presumed)]

[Range: C (10 meters) (Confirmed)]

[Durability: at least C (Presumed)]

[Precision: at least B (Presumed)]

[Potential: at least B (Presumed)]

[Potential usage: Punching a bad luck punch to inflict bad luck on top of damage… flying.. awakening..]

[Conclusion: It is a support based stand with a lot of versatility…]

After a brief reviewing and contemplating new ideas for his stand training. Lucius opted to visit one of his many secret training grounds to continue his daily training habit before returning back to the church in the evening.

Yet his movements stopped midway 'This feeling' Lucius thought with a slight frown. He felt a sense of foreboding as if some sort of unlucky event was about to occur indirectly affecting him. It was a first for Lucius.

'Interesting… this is possibly a new ability of my stand' Lucius mused over this vague premonition as he boosted his luck in a continuous manner while he moved towards the church.


"Oi, Roger! Do you even know where we are going?" Rayleigh grumbled out loud to his captain. Feeling a sense of exasperation recently due to Roger's adamant detour to some vague foretelling of fate.

"Bahahaha! Rayleigh,Where's your sense of adventure? Aren't you even at least a bit curious?" Roger asked with his boisterous laughter. His smile widened even further when he saw Rayleigh let out a sigh of resignation.

After feeling satisfied with his vice-captain's reaction,Roger decided to share his honest thoughts "I don't think it's a fluke this time… It's the same feeling I told you about on 'that' day! The voices have been getting more frequent these days as if.. someone is training 'it'. I want to at least make sure they aren't an enemy."

Rayleigh upon hearing Roger being so vague yet his tone carrying a rare sense of seriousness showed a look of concern but didn't say anything instead deciding to Trusting his Captain's unreliable behavior.

"Hmm? Gaban! Quickly! Turn the ship that way!" Roger suddenly exclaimed while pointing his finger towards a direction. "I smell… adventure!!" Roger Exclaimed again with his eyes sparkling with excitement!

"Sigh.. here he goes again." Rayleigh said with a wry smile before barking out orders to everyone on the ship.


Word count:- 2,225

Author's note:-

My dear readers… let me cook! I am also a reader so I understand why that specific writing down stuff can be annoying and enough to cause people to drop. Thus I can at least guarantee that I will keep them hidden unless I find a satisfying plot point for this. For now presume it's all according to the MC's plan (at least for his journals).

Anyways point out any mistakes if you have noticed any, vent your frustrations on why you still don't like it and give me your suggestions so I may improve.

And yes, No system. Say Thank you to your dear brother dain dankil for it. He along with my close friend Ramenlord has been very supportive And given me enough feedback for letting this fanfic be a thing. I hope I can finally finish writing a satisfying fanfic.

If I can I will try to upload a chapter per day Because I have a small stock now, not much, just at most two chapters ahead so I can swiftly make changes while also implementing ideas based on if someone suggested something I like.