
One Piece: A New Beginning

At the age of 12 Darren Butler died from kidney failure. As an avid one piece fan, he loved the show a lot , and from his own words his favourite devil fruit was the Yuki-Yuki no mi. “The Yuki-Yuki no Mi is an amazing devil fruit, Monet miss used it, it’s definitely not weaker than the Hie-Hie no Mi!”. Darren would always get into debates with his school friends of it. After his death he found himself within the same one piece world he loved. And a gift package beside him. —— Warning: 1.Don’t expect too much accurate timelines

RadicalAM · Cómic
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20 Chs

19. Adventures around Water 7

Darren woke up leisurely to birds chirping and tides hitting the shore, he had decided to sleep near the shore due to him loving the sound of water hitting sand.

Getting up, he stretched, "pheww" taking a deep breath in Darren quickly made breakfast as he woke up Evan.

"Yo, Evan get up it's time to go get my boat", "mmm, let me sleep some more" Evan moaned as he moved around in his little tent.

"Haaah, seems like that one day of taking a break has gotten to his head" shaking his head Darren ate his rabbit meat and drank some sake he had bought awhile ago.

After 10 minutes a groggy Evan woke up as he sat down and ate the food Darren had made, after eating they engaged in a conversation.

"Darren, after getting your boat what are we going to do?".

"It's simple, we'll explore Water 7 throughly since that's what I originally wanted to do".

"So there are attractions here?".

"Yeah, have you never been here?".

"Yeah, I was always at the revolutionary army's base".

"Oh, well that's fine since today is all about fun!".

Darren then got up as he put on his mask and lead the way towards Dock One.

"When we are in the city and around, call me Midas".

Darren said not forgetting to remind Evan, "oh ok, should I change my name too?".

"Might aswell, why don't you just go with Bob for now".


Walking through the city, they arrived at the Sea Train, "this'll take us to Dock One".

Hearing Dock One, some people on the Sea Train had respectful gazes along with some having admiration.

Whispering Evan said "they really respect Dock One".

Also whispering Darren said "yeah, I heard it's every shipwrights dream to work there".

Stopping at their destination, Darren and Evan got off as they walked for 3 minutes before arriving infront of a massive gate saying 1.

"Here it is, I've prepared enough money before coming here".

After walking inside smells of fresh wood and heaving pounding sounds echoed around Dock One, Evan looked around seeing all sorts of ships being built, repaired and renovated.

Walking inside the building Darren headed straight to front desk.

He met up with Paulie once more, "hello Paulie, it's me Midas".

"Hello there Midas, your ship is ready, come I'll show you".

Darren the followed Paulie outside as they arrived at what was now a small ship.

Looking at the outside of the ship Darren smiled.

The ship was white in colour, it had circle patterns round the ship which were blue along with a new crows nest.

"This is a nice design, thank you".

"Hahaha,. No worries it's our shipwrights goal to make the best ships possible" Paulie said with a smile.

"Ok now let me show the inside".

He then lead Darren and Evan inside the ship, walking inside Darren didn't feel the needs to slouch since Paulie had built it so even people the were 6'7 in height could walk comfortably.

Looking around Darren was surprised at how spacious it was, "Midas, this ship is really nice!" Evan said with a smile.

"Yeah I know Bob".

Paulie then introduced the areas newly built, "this is where you can do your business", looking at the toilet Darren nodded.

"This is your bedroom, we also built the cupboard you asked".

The room was really spacious as there was a big bed in the centre along with a cupboard to the side.

There was also a nice chandelier atop the roof as it shined, Darren had also requested for a rug. To cover the floor in the bedroom.

The colour way was brown and light red, with the brown being the main colour, after looking around and being satisfied Darren said "thanks Paulie, this is a masterpiece".

"How much is the price for this rebuild?".

"It'll be 100,000 berries!".

"100,000!" Evan gasped, Darren without budging gave him the exact money.

"Pleasure doing business with you", Paulie then grinned receiving the money.

Darren undocked the ship as he boarded it, "come on Bob, let's go".

"Ok" Evan the jumped on, Darren looked back and said "thank you very much Paulie, it's time for us to leave".

"Ok, if you ever need your ship repaired or built you know where to come!".

"Ok bye" Darren then waved as the sailed away back into the city.

"Now that we got your ship where should our first destination be?".

"It'll be a cafe".

Darren and Evan then travelled to a cafe that was known for its delicious treats. They indulged in mouthwatering pastries and sipped on fragrant cups of coffe, as they sat outside, they watched the flow of people passing by.

Soon they arrived at the famous Aqua Laguna Park, without hesitating, Darren took off his clothes as he only had swimwear on, he still had his mask on.

They both then dived into the pools as they let themselves get carried by the currents, after getting out of the pools Darren ran towards the slides and tunnels Evan climbed the tallest platform at the water park.

Jumping off and on secured flawless mid-air flips before plunging into the pool, Darren clapped as he laughed, their actions were watched on by the audience and little children.

They soon joined in as the little kids started laughing and playing with both Evan and Darren.

Darren then also climbed the platform, jumping of he done multiple backflips before splashing into the water.

Laughing he got out, heading to the little store inside the water park, Darren bought two cans of orange for him and Evan.

After drinking the cans, Darren and Evan proceeded to race each other on every ride as Darren won although it was close.

After exhausting themselves at the water park, they then headed out to streets as they are stall foods and then two Yagara Bulls.

Dashing across the water canals they raced around the city, Darren had also leapt across a bridge with the civilians watching him and a crowd gathered.

After having fun on the Yagara Bulls Darren and Evan walked along the side road, they came across a street performance by a group of talent musicians, intrigued they listened.

Darren had to admit that although the singer wasn't as good as the singers back on earth, he was still amazing to listen to.

Their day of fun and exploration in Water 7 concluded as they feasted at a waterfront restaurant. Eating seafood delicacies and drinking sake, Darren and Evan grew closer throughout the day.

Walking back to the boat Evan said "mann, that was the most fun I've ever had! Thanks Darren!".

"No worries, it's been so long since I let myself go like that too!".

"But man was the Aqua Laguna Park fun!".

"Yeah! The slides and the platform were so fun to jump off of".

Chatting and laughing they entered the boat Darren looked back at the city as it had now turned dark, street lights were on.

"Let's call it a day, we have another day of exploring!".