
One Piece : A Cool System I Guess

Deadpool01 · Cómic
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3 Chs

The death of a normal guy

"Where am I…" *he would look around before noticing he couldn't move. His movement slowly coming to him as he would begin to hear birds. All of his senses were slowly coming to him as he would push his elbow on the sand and try to stand up but ultimately fail. After around a minute he would be hit with a sudden influx of basic human skills as he would finally be able to stand. He would then start stretching because of his muscle memory, although not knowing what he did before these events his muscle memory might be able to help him. However most of his stretches were hand based as he would finally be done stretching. He would then finally take note of his surroundings. An island, his back was to the beach but he was facing a large rainforest…*

[Skill Gained : Observation Lv 1/25]

[Skill Description : You can observe your surroundings. 180• vision.]

"Uhm.. what?" *the magical screen infront of him randomly appeared, this would make him very sceptical as he would then think of it kind of like a game. Now calling out some stuff to see if they would work.* "Stats."

[Zelus ???

Title : None

Strength : 3 (+3) 6

Speed : 4

Agility : 5 (+4) 9

Durability : 2

Intelligence : 6 (x2) 12

Luck : 5

Human average : 3.



Muscle memory

You can perfectly replicate a move from your body. This is also etched into your brain and can even be used when subdued.

Inner body

Can see the vital parts of enemies and the user, can be evolved if surgeon.


You have hit the Jack pot with this trait, as all moves cost 50% less stamina and your iq is doubled. Skills take 50% less time to evolve.]

"Wow.." *he would look at the perk genius in shock before saying* "skills."


Healing Lv 3/50

You can heal minor wounds by yourself.

Optical planning Lv LOCKED/LOCKED

Sees the best path to take in a fight, has 50% more chance to land

Boxing lv 5/30

You know the basics of boxing and probably was the captain of the boxing club in your school. +25% strike damage. +2 agility, +1 strength.

Kick-boxing lv 9/30

Skilled in this martial art, you were the best in your town and won a small-scale tournament once or twice. +45% kick damage. +2 agility, +2 strength.

Cooking lv 2/10

You know basic recipes. Food made by you give a +10% stamina and recovery rate boost, can alter depending on dish.

Hunting skills lv 2/5

You know how to camp well, being able to survive in the wild for a couple weeks by yourself.

Observation lv 1/25

You can observe your surroundings. 180• vision.]

"Huh, a locked skill… that's odd. Inventory."


"No inventory, great. Well wait a second how did I even get here?!? Why am I worrying about this, where am I! I know my name is Zelus Ar- wait what? A-… I don't remember at all." *he would pound on his head before sighing and walking towards the jungle before something dropped straight on his head. He would have caught it however due to his high agility but what he caught wasn't regular sized.. it was the size of a medium sized dog, but weighed a bit more than a cannonball however it was just a regular coconut, but massive. Now looking up he would be face to face with a large chimpanzee, roughly 2m tall and way more muscly than him, not like he would admit that though.

"Uh… Hello?" *he would say, not really expecting a response before he would hear back from the chimp "Hu-Human? This I-is a bad place f-for you. Go back now!" *the chimp would say as Zelus looked completely baffled at the speaking chimp. He would then throw the coconut to a tree and would instinctively drink and eat all of it, ignoring the chimp. I guess he was used to this in his past life he would call it, not remembering anything that good on but the chimp didn't seem to recognise him. He would then stand back up straight before looking at the chimp*

"Hm, what are you talking about? And why are you so big…" *Zelus would say ignoring most of his words, despite understanding.* "I not big, I small! Get out before the owner of thi-" *the chimp would be interrupted by a large howl around 10m away. Now there would be footsteps evidently coming towards me as this one didn't seem peaceful, it looked incredibly large and then he saw it… A polar bear!? No way they could survive in this heat, they must have had some crazy adaptation. Oh man why am I worrying about this he's almost a meter away. He would stop analysing then realise he's severely out-strengthened, muttering* "Observe." Quickly as he would see some info*

[Polar Bear

Strength : 32]

"Oh man…"