A boy gets lost in the one piece world with his memories of everything except anime and manga taken away. Watch his journey as he is thrown into a world for the entertainment of those above
"So then how do we get there?". Nami asked.
"Oh i can ask the fish". Camie said as she hopped to the side of the deck and Everyone watched.
"Hey!" she yelled into the ocean and a lot of fish came up to the surface.
"woah awesome. A lot of fish popped up. Camie, you can talk to fish".
"so then can you guys show us the way". Camie asked and Wu listened as well
"They say they will guide us to near the base". Camie said.
"Hm They seemed to be scared of these Flying fish" Wu also said.
Everyone looked at Wu and Nami asked him. "You can talk to fish as well?".
"Hm I have the voice of all things".
Everyone just accepted it as some unknown power.
The fish then formed an arrow to the destination and everyone followed it.
Zoro came out of his training and asked what's going on. To which Luffy told him how they where going to rescue Takoyaki.
"I hope Hachin is fine, his voice sounded so weak.".
"Don't worry Camie he is tough, and you guys, are you sure about yourselves.. There are a lot of groups who Aim to traffic humans. If you aren't careful you might get caught.".
"Human trafficking?". Nami asked surprised.
"Yes human trafficking is popular and thriving in Sabaody Archipelago". Papagu said.
"Even among them Mermaids and Fishmen sell at a higher price, the Macro crew wants to capture Camie".
"Hachin probably thought that we where captured when we went missing and got captured himself searching for us, he is straightforward like that".
"Hmm no it can't be him". Sanji murmured.
"Usually hachi wipes the floor with those guys, however it's a different story with the 'Flying fish riders'.
"You-gara, who are these Flying fish people anyways ?". Wu Tang asked.
"They are a recently formed notorious group of Human traffickers. They seem to be searching for someone. They check every ship that passes through.".
"Seems like a pain in the a*s" Franky said.
Suddenly all the fishes dispersed and Wu yelled. "They are coming through the sky". He then readied his Naginata and spun it looking to attack.
"Everyone Looked up and saw 3 Flying fish with riders on their back".
"Sugay...I wanna ride one".Luffy said overjoyed.
"KEHEHEHE, then let me get you one". He then released his Spinning naginata cutting the air and sending a vacuum slash.
"Khuki giri!".
It cut one of the riders and his flying fish feel right onto the deck.
"Ho Wusaru you are awesome..Sanji can you cook this". Luffy said
"Let's see, it might be tasty, i will see what i can do".
"The two others seem to be retreating". Usopp said.
"Hm they seem to have gotten some order". Wu said.
Let's keep Heading towards their base, we need to save Takoyaki" Luffy said.
2 minutes later.
"Oi i see something" Luffy said from the head of the lion he was holding on to.
"Seems to be their Hideout".
"Hmm is that where they are keeping this Hachin guy?".
Oh my 'can't go to that island' disease seems to kick in again.
"It's not an island, more like a residential area that is artificially created".
"Everyone be careful Macro crew is someone who i was captured by atleast 30 times".
"That's a lot!" Usopp Yelled.
"For a residential are it sure is quite". Chopper said.
'They are hiding underwater waiting it seems.. Captain did say to evaluate them and make my own choice..i will let Them handle it'. Wu Tang thought.
In the centre of the arc was a cage hung up like bait waiting to be caught.
"Oi Hachin, are you alright!". Camie yelled.
"Show yourself Macro!, give back Hachi". Papagu yelled.
"What is that black blob inside the cage". Franky asked.
"Oh it's Hachin" Camie said after looking at it for a while
"It's good Camie there seem to be no enemy, it seems like snack time". Papagu said.
Wu just looked at them.
"You guys are you for real..no matter how you look they seem to be hiding and waiting for us".
"Haa i never thought of that". both of them Looked shocked.
"No wonder they get caught". Everyone nodded.
"Camie it's me, don't worry about me. It's a trap go back!".
"Oh hatch- ahh why are you all black".
while this was going on Nami, sanji and Zoro looked at Hatchin.
"That name, the familiar voice and that wierd silhouette, Nami what do you think?".
"Hm it's almost certain".
"All we have to do is ask". Sanji said.
He then shouted. "Oi is Arlong Doing well".
"Arlong san?..he got caught by the navy with choo and kurobbi, I escaped and now i run a Takoyaki stand".
"Hmm...Ohh is that you! Takopachi!". Luffy yelled.
"Gah, shoot". Takopachi yelled.
"The Takoyaki chef Hachi was you?.. Takopachi from Arlong's crew!". Luffy yelled.
"Hm what happened" Robin asked. and some of the newer crew as well as Wu where interested at the older members reaction.
"Ah that's because we have some bad history with him..Nami's home Village was ruled over by a Fishmen pirate called Arlong, he used to be One of the top officers of the group. They where very cruel towards Nami and her people".
"I see, everyone has history". Brook said.
"If it's so then we won't help you Takopachi..But is your Takoyaki that delecious".
"Oi don't get lost between food and logic". Sanji said to Luffy.
"Oh do you know Hachin, is he a friend". Camie asked.
"We aren't friends" Zoro said scaring her.
"Turn the ship back". Usopp yelled.
"Namichin aren't you going to save Hachin".
"Hm..sorry Camie but we didn't know it was him..i am really sorry".
"No.. Papagu we will save him...he always helps us!". Camie yelled and Papagu followed leaving behind harsh sentences".
Camie jumped into the water however was caught instantly by the Macro crew.
"Oi she has no sins" Sanji yelled but nami stopped him. She looked at Hachi who was yelling and told Luffy to save him too.
"Gomu Gomu no Pistol and another". Luffy said as he grabbed both Camie and Papagu.
"Zoro cut the rope and cage". Luffy ordered.
"Straw hats watch out they are coming from under water!." Hachi yelled.
"Let them come..you all, it's time for battle".
All of the straw hats got ready while Wu Tang watched them and decided to help if things got out of hand.
The flying fish riders emerged from the sea.
They started to bomb the ship with cannon balls but Sanji kicked it away. The straw hats started to fight each showing their prowess however they where outnumbered and overwhelmed.
Brook suddenly lept up and used an attack 'lulluby' that made everyone sleepy, he then ran on water cutting them.
Zoro cut the cage and rope of Hachi and he punched the Macro crew who were trying to kidnap Camie.
Zoro cut a flying rider who was going to hurt Hachin.
"Don't space out it's still a battle!" he yelled.
One of the men came crashing in on the ship however Sanji and Luffy stopped him by kicking him while Luffy stopped the fish.
"Dang..i want to ride one". Luffy then jumped on a flying fish, however the rider was sleeping, he then went crashing in to one of the huts, Wu noticed that their was a single enemy and an animal in the hut.
Brook kept running on the water and reached the shore, Wu also noticed that the swordsman Zoro seem to be injured, no he was healing from a previous injury which seems to be internal.
Suddenly a flying fish rider attacked Zoro however Hachi saved him.
Nami used her Mirage tempo and thunder clouds to take out several of them.
Although their numbers where decreasing, their where still a lot of them.
"Dos manues, clutch!" Robin said gracefully as she broke several Riders backs and arms.
Chopper used an attack called clover diamond to take out one while Franky used an attack called strong hammer to take out two.
"Man these guys are non ending". Usopp said as he aimed for one but missed due to the shop shaking a lot.
"Oi Franky Can we steady the ship".
"They won't let us". Franky said.
Wu was impressed by the team.
'Thwy are versatile and use their strong points very well while covering each other's weakness. Hm it's too bad none of them have their haki active..The swords man might be close to unlocking his armament though.'.
Suddenly Luffy came running out with a man on a buffalo chasing behind him.
"Run the big one is coming" Luffy said to Hachi who was in the way
"Is it the masked man?".
"Him and a cow".
"Cow?". Everyone asked.
"To think you guys would get crushed, You guys aren't flies or mosquitoes, Flying riders".
"I don't need this hideout all i want is the straw hats".
"I have no business with mermaid or Fishmen or the glove, get the hell out if you wanna run, i am not doing this Human trafficking stuff for fun, you know that too right guys".
"Of course head". the riders answered.
Today is a good day, the man who i wanted to kill so much is right in front of me, god does exist, I will kill you today Black leg Sanji.".
"Sanji isn't he angry at you, did you piss someone off".
"Maybe during my restaurant days he said".
"Let him punch you maybe that will solve it". Usopp said.
"No it's very recent". Duvel said.
"That doesn't narrow it at all". Sanji said.
Suddenly Luffy took off his mask and everyone was shocked. He looked like sanji. No more like a bad drawing of sanji.
He then went on to say how his life was and how it turned around for the worse due to Sanji's wanted poster. Wu was laughing hard while Franky was crying about it.
Duvel shot out his harpoons which almost hit the women making Sanji more mad he then swam towards him and kicked him in the face.
"Why didn't you just change your hairstyle or something".
"Oh i never thought about it". He answered shocking sanji.
He then kicked him again however the Fishmen riders caught sanji off gaurd and caught him in a net dragging him into the sea.
"Oi Sanjichin" said Camie as she jumped behind him.
Two men then bought a giant harpoon over The ship and dropped it but Wu slashes it to bits and pieces taking out several of the riders with it as well, shocking everyone.
"What's with that ape?".
"Che, i wanted to test the new weapons of Sunny".
Camie then came out with a bleeding sanji, only he was bleeding from his nose.
Duvel then charged at Luffy with Motobalo the cow but Luffy caught it by the head and stared at it making the cow go limp and Unconscious.
'Ho. Kehe this kid he has Haoushoku no Haki'. Wu thought to himself
Everyone was confused and asked about what Luffy did.
"Hmm, i didn't do anything".
'He doesn't know, Should i explain it..No i can't otherwise it will spoil the plan'.
He looked again and saw Sanji beating the hell out of Duvels face.
The battle was over and the Strawhats along with Hachi,Camie and Papagu went out to eat Takoyaki.