
Plan B

Wu Tang waited on the piece of island left after Corvak's little test for 5 days now. He had been given a mission by his current captain. Suddenly he heard the sound he was waiting for.

[Your teleportation is ready]

[Teleporting in 3,2,1].

A flash of white later Wu Tang was standing at his destination as planned by Corvak.

Suddenly he felt the ground and surroundings rock, he was standing on grass that was thin unlike the jungle, He felt several presences around him and turned around, his Hulking figure dwarfing them.

He looked around and found that he was on a ship.

"You-gara where am I?" He asked the tan lady sitting on a table along with an orange hair girl and a blonde man in a black suit covering them protectively.

On the railing of the ship sat a boy with a strawhat and a man with a long nose along with a Raindeer and a skeleton.

A green haired man was sitting under a tree on deck and his hand was on his swords.

"You are on our ship the Thousand sunny, might i ask how you got here?". The tanned lady answered.

"Oh sorry about that, The thing is my captain teleported me here by mistake. I was looking for the Sabaody Archipelago. Do you know where it is.?".

"Awesome! You? Are you a Monkey who can speak, do you poop?".

The Boy in the Strawhat questioned with stars in his eyes.


He was suddenly hit in the head by the orange haired girl.

"What are you asking him, it's rude!".

"Oi Mr Monkey..i am Sanji, who are you?".

"Hmm..I am Wu Tang..I am a Great ape Mink, You-gara said your name is Sanji, as in black leg Sanji?..if so then is he your captain?". Wu said pointing at The boy wearing the Strawhat.

"Yes he is, do you have any business". it was the swordsman who was under the tree who asked.

"Hmm i would like to talk however it seems a storm is coming".

Nami heard this and looked ahead and yelled. "Guys turn in the sails it's the 'Yuda current'.

"What's that, The name sounds like 'definately bad stuff'...".

Suddenly several watersports that looked like living snakes came out of the water covering them on all sides.

"This looks bad". Franky said and everyone agreed

"This looks fun". Luffy said and Wu agreed.

"Sanji Kun! Try to steer us out". Nami yelled.

"I can't Nami-san the rudder isn't even budging". Sanji yelled back.

"The current is coming this way" Chopper yelled.

"180 pound phoenix". Zoro blocked it with his swords cutting the water.

Another sprout came but was stopped by Franky who used his 'weapon's left'.

"Gomu Gomu no pistol!". Said Luffy as he destroyed a sprout.

Everyone was drenched in sea water as they all Cut, Punched, Slashed and kicked the rising water sprouts.

"There is no end to them no matter how much we destroy them". Zoro yelled.

"YOHOHOHO". It seems they named the current appropriately

"Oi Saru, help us and don't just stand there, isn't that naginata on your back for attacking!". Sanji yelled at Wu Tang.

Wu simply shrugged.

"Use 'coup de burst' to exit this place".

"We can't there is no end to the currents an-".

Before nami could finish her sentence the current ejected the ship high into the air and sent it further inwards into the watersports generating area.

"So navigator can we escape if i can create a Straight path without water currents for sometime right?". Wu asked.

"Of course".Nami answered.

Wu walked up to the front of the ship. He then took out his Naginata and realed it back, then he swung it with so much force that a *Clap* sound was heard after he swung it.

"Tidal crusher!".

A giant slash with air compressed in it went flying out Of the front of the ship cleaving away at the ocean surface destroying all the Sea Sprouts and stopping them from forming for a while.

"Whoa! that's so cool". Yelled Luffy.

'A cut like that using pure strength! what kind of a monster is he?'. Zoro thought.

"Coup de burst!" Franky yelled as the ship flew off straight into the path created by Wu and escaping the sea current.

"You are really awesome Wusaru!". Luffy yelled.

"KEHEHEHE, I Ain't that awesome". Wu said embarrassed.

"Oi Luffy! It is in sight". Nami yelled.

"Wuha.. that's the red line hah...it's the second time i am seeing it, the next time we see it i will be king of the pirates!" Luffy yelled.

The crew started to reminisce about their past and adventures while Wu just stared at the giant continent.

"What happened..are you seeing it for the first time?". Robin asked.

"Hm it is, My captain told me about it but the real thing is on a different level".

"Hm your captain?, are you a pirate?.". Robin asked again.

"No we aren't yet or so i think..My captain is kinda unpredictable right now..he is also an idiot sometimes".

Robin stared at him and looked at Luffy and smiled.

Zoro then went up to him and asked. "Oi Saru guy, how did you perform that attack?".

"You-gara just cut it really fast with a strong force". Wu said as if that explained everything.

"Ho is that so!". Zoro said and the rest of the crew deadpanned.

"Wuhya Oi Wusaru, do you want to join our crew we are trying to go to Fishmen island".

"I am sorry but I already have a captain..And how do you plan to go to Fishmen island?".

"We can use the Shark submerge to check under the ocean". Franky suggested.

Robin, Brook, And luffy got on the Shark submerge and started to dive while the rest of the crew stayed on the ship.

Sanji made everyone tarts and it was delicious, Wu had never tasted anything like it.

"Shi shi shi there is a giant fish under here!". Luffy said.

"Such a huge mouth for a rabbit". Robin said.

"YOHOHOHO By the way Nami-san i am sorry to ask but..What colour panties are you wearing".

"You pervert take this seriously!". Nami yelled as she picked up the speaker.

'She is scary'. Thought Chopper.

'That women is scary' in another way'. Thought Wu Tang.

Wu then looked around and saw that the swordsman wasn't around.

'He was injured so maybe he went to rest'.

Sanji then asked him. "Oi Wusaru you seem to know our captain and me why is that?".

"Oh i know you all, to be exact Captain told me about you, he seems to be fond of You-gara, besides that i want to ask if You-gara will go to Sabaody Archipelago to buy supplies or are you going directly to Fishmen island...if so then Me-gara will have to swim towards it".

"Don't worry i will ask Luffy to drop you there, besides we have no luck finding Fishmen island..maybe asking in this Sabaody Archipelago might be helpful.".

Brook Robin and Luffy returned with Shark submerge and everyone was disappointed to find that they found no clues.

Suddenly a rabbit Seaking emerged from the Ocean.

"Hoh it's the one that was chasing us!". Brook yelled.

"Gomu Gomu no Pistol". Luffy punched it with all his might.

"Oi it barfed something". Sanji yelled.

"A fish".

"no that looks like a -".

Suddenly the silhouette of Female came crashing on sanji.

"A fin?". Asked usopp.

"It's a mermaid!". Luffy yelled.

"Oh amazing...". The mermaid said to a starfish that was with her.

"Oi Camie you are crushing someone". The starfish that looked like a glove answered.

"Ahhh!.. i crushed a human...Are you alright..plz don't die..ahhh". She started to cry while shaking sanji.

Everyone gathered around her and she noticed them.

"Ahh..A lot of humans...thank you for saving me from getting digested..it's the twentieth time that i have been eaten".

"That's a lot". Ussop cut in.

"oh ya i need to repay you somehow..I know. Do you like Takoyaki?". She asked.

This got Wu and luffy's attention who both said yes.

Camie asked for money but Papagu the glove/ Starfish hit her on the head, scolding her.

Everyone started to do their goofy acts around her and she was amazed by it.

"You-gara where is this Takoyaki you speak of i want to eat it". Wu asked seriously with a Stern face.

Sanji hit him on the head. "Oi Wusaru! Stop scaring her.

"Oh i didn't mean to..iam just interested in the outside food". He said again but this time with a grin.

"Oh yes the Takoyaki..Then we will have to meet up with Hachin somewhere.".

She then picked up a Denden mushi and dialed Hachin's number.

*Puru* *puru*

"Yo is this Camie?".

"Yo Hachin"

"This isn't Hachin it's Marco from the Macro crew that always captures you,we beat up Hachi and captured him.".

"What there is no way that you can capture Hachin". Camie cried.

"Usually yes, but we had the help of the flying fish riders, if you want to rescue him then come 5 km east of the 44 grove at the base of Flying fish riders.".

"Camie do not come here it's a trap". another voice that was suspected to be Hachin yelled out.

"If you don't come then we will sell him,. got it".


Camie looked stunned and sad at the transponder snail and then resolved herself.

"Sorry everyone but i have to save my friend".

Nami walked up to her and offered a deal to help her in return to a way to Fishmen island.

"Oi..who is this Hachin anyway?". Luffy asked after getting kicked by sanji for saying 'Eo no Takoyaki'.

"Oh he is the owner of the Takoyaki stand and makes the best Takoyaki in the world".

"Oh...Yaro domo..Let's go save the Takoyaki".

"Yes Captain!". everyone yelled.

Wu also wanted to try this Takoyaki, hence he also agreed.

Camie and Nami or Namichin as Camie now called her, along with Papagu started to discuss about their route and Nami gave orders to go straight.

(An: Leave comments and reviews please it helps a ton)