A boy gets lost in the one piece world with his memories of everything except anime and manga taken away. Watch his journey as he is thrown into a world for the entertainment of those above
2 days later.
Corvak was currently sitting inside the sack like part of the sea king he was Riding on. The sea king species had a special sack that was water proof and could be accessed from the Mouth where it would usually store it's egg until it hatches.
Suddenly the sea king Said something and Corvak perked up.
"So we are finally here hah..Impel down..Took two days...Now How the F should I get in?".
Corvak had been travelling for 2 days now from New world to Paradise and then towards the calm belt to enter the Prison from behind so that he doesn't need to cross the Gate of Justice. Currently he was thinking of how to get in.
Suddenly the seaking spoke something. "Master there are some blue creatures entering the Prison via a small door in the sea".
[That must be the Bluegoris Returning after hunting seakings for food]. Sink said.
"Alright Seaking through that gate". Corvak said.
"Oi the Bluegoris have returned close the gate". A guard said through his Denden mushi.
Suddenly a gaint seaking's mouth emerged through the gate and a burst of haki spewed forth knocking the gaurd and the down den mushi along with the Bluegoris present. Corvak then jumped out of the mouth of the sea king and told it to swim towards the nearest island.
[You are most likely at level one. The target shouldn't have left this level].
"Well time to take a walk". Corvak said as he held the keys that the gaurd had on him.
Corvak combined his Mapping skill with his observation haki and started to Map the Prison.
[We should move through the floors rather than take the elevator]. Sink said
"Hmm... isn't the elevator just easier?". Corvak asked.
[The plan is..].
Corvak started his walk and it was quite easy. He started to teleport and then cut down the Bars of the Prison cells moving at the speed of a blink of an eye and cutting down or knocking out any Denden mushi he saw a long with Bluegoris on the floor.
"Oi the cell doors are cut up". One of the Prisoner said.
"No waaay is that the keys on the floor..! Everyone let's get out".
And this a riot started at the first floor of impel down.
Corvak then move to a certain wall and punched it with his 'D Room: Sphere'.and destroyed it as the space bubble rapped around his hand and exploded outwards.
Beyond the wall was the Crimson Hell. Corvak released his haki and knocked out the gaurds and proceeded to walk through the Forest towards the hole in the centre, bending all the sharp things as he walked due to his Super wargod skin.
"They made it look so hard..how did no one escape this place yet?". Corvak asked wondering about the lax security.
[I believe a report of a person getting out of his cell or worse an intruder should be sent to Magellan by now].
Well the We should hurry.
Puru Puru Puru..Gacha.
"This is the Chief warden Magellan Speaking". Magellan said with Hanyabel standing besides him.
"Chief.. there is a riot going on in the 1st and 2nd floor..The prisoners have escaped the cell".
"What how is that possible..did prisoner Buggy free them".
"Sir we think that their is another person who escaped but we have no visual..the Denden mushi are all going static and the Jail Cells are being cut opened by something".
"What about the gaurds". Magellan asked.
"They are all knocked out or dead..even the Basilisk is dead".
"No prisoner below above level 4 should be able to do that...At a time like this Damn!.. Alright focus on identifying the perpetrator".
Magellan banged his desk in frustration and immediately came up with a plan.
"Get me the all the staff on line".
"Yes sir". Domino said as she started to get al bunch of Denden mushi and dailed several numbers into it. "All of them are here sir".
"Alright everyone there is a riot going on in floor One and Two..Saldeath take the Bluegoris and stop the riot, also you can use the Bazooka unit. Sadie-chan Take the Demon gaurds to level 4 and wait their. If you have a visual on the Perpetrator then engage them. Dead or alive..i don't care but don't let them go any further. The rest of the unit will follow Hanyabel and me..it's time to transfer Fire-fist Ace..Got it?!".
"Sir yes sir!". *Gacha*.
*Puru Puru Puru*..*Gacha*.
"This is Vice Admaril Momonga the time to transfer Fire-fist Ace is here we will be waiting at the doors".
"Alright". *Gacha*.
Magellan and Hanyabel then proceeded to level 6 via the Elevator to transfer Ace.
"Ho...so this was the Sphinx?, looks weak". Corvak said.
He then held his hand out and used D Room: Cube on the sphinx trapping it and eradicating it from existence.
He then punched a hole where the Sphinx was napping and made the floor crumble as he jumped into the Hole going to level 3.
[It seems that there are no gaurds on this floor].
"They are probably waiting for me at level 4 the burning hell since their is no escape in that floor and the warden can immediately come to the floor after delevering Ace to the Marines.
[Well I have the target's location..he is singing so I guess you know where he is].
"yup". Corvak said as he moved towards a cell where a person was singing. "~AN DU (ORAA!) AN DU (KURAA!)~".
"Haha still singing Oh Come my way Bentham". Corvak asked.
"You know me..Who are U". Bon clay asked.
"The name is Corvak..Black D Corvak..I am here to save..say would you like to be my Crewmate".
"Oh..I don't Know U?..How do You know me?". Bentham asked.
"I am a Friend of Luffy...and you seem like a nice guy so.. whatcha say". Corvak asked.
"A friend of Migi-chan!..Alright But I want to meet a person..i can't leave unless i meet them". Bon-chan said.
"I know...it's Emporio Ivankov right..hmm now that you are crew I guess i should take you to Him...I know where to find him..So whatcha say?".
"How do you know that?".
"I can see a little of the future". Corvak said as he sliced the cage and gave a key to Bentham so that he could remove his cuffs".
"So before we go I have to tell you we need to go to level 5 in order to fullfill your request and also their is a Small army waiting for us in level 4..i can get you out right now but it's your choice".
"Hmm..can we deal with them". Bon-chan asked.
"Pretty easily". Corvak said.
"Alright". Bon clay said as both of them came near the vent that carried the smoke upwards from level 4.
"How to get down safely?..we need to-". Bon-chan was cut off as Corvak grabbed him and jumped as he landed on hot burning Floor of level 4 the Burning Hell.
(An: Impel.down is hard to write, the timeline is different..it was done purposefully. I am kinda sick so this one is more trash than rest of my trash chapters, Leave rewies please).