A boy gets lost in the one piece world with his memories of everything except anime and manga taken away. Watch his journey as he is thrown into a world for the entertainment of those above
"Wait Corvak we can't leave the slaves and the mermaid Camie, They all have Collar that need to be removed".
"Ah ya almost forgot".
"Franky!, the key is in the backlockers of the shop, And Oldman could you remove Camie's collar.".
"Oi Who are you!". Luffy asked
"Oh..i am Black D Corvak, 7 years old". Corvak said in a child-like tone that did not befit his looks.
"Oh..sokka". Luffy nodded and the others sweat dropped.
Law focused on the D part of his name.
Rayleigh then went up to Camie's tank with Zoro and he sliced the tank's top freeing her, Rayleigh then took off the collar using his Ryou and the collar exploded as he threw it away.
"Oh how did the old man do it". Chopper asked.
"It's that haki thing probably". Sanji said.
"Oi,Oi i got to see something good, i will take out the Marines on the way out as an help to you guys.".
"Hah oi Eustass-ya you got to be joking, i am going to be the one who takes them". Law said.
"The one taking them out woul-".
Corvak stopped Luffy and Said."Don't worry the Marines aren't a problem, Oh look Franky has returned..Oi Franky! Tell the Slaves to free themselves. We are going".
He then waved his hand to signal them to walk and walked outside as the Strawhats followed along with Wu and Rayleigh.
"Surrender now Trafalgar Law, Eustass kid, In moments Admiral Kizaru will be here. It's best for you to give up and return the hostages.". As the group walked out they heard the shouts of the marines yelling.
"Oi an Admaril is coming, This is bad". Usopp said.
"Yosh..i will take them out". Luffy said and the crew readied themselves.
Corvak simply walked past them and into the line of fire of the Marines.
"Oi what are you doing Corvak-ya".
"Stay away this is our fight".Kid yelled.
"Surrender now or you wi-"
Corvak simply looked at the Marines and Activated his Conqueror's Haki, As soon as he did a wave of dominance and death washed over the marines as they started to drop like flies Unconscious or dead due to his kill effect.
Everyone was shocked, even though the blast was controlled, the effects of it were felt. Due to sheer pressure he emitted the ground cracked and the marines flew a few centimetres as they were blown away.
"There, the problem is solved, go home everyone".
He said as he walked in the direction of grove 13.
The Life is Rosy riders where there waiting and Corvak asked them to get everyone including himself to grove 13 as he reached them.
Everyone got on as Wu held Hachi, Who was Bleeding even though chopper treated him the best with what he had.
They soon started to head towards grove 13.
"What a monstrous haki at such an young age, the new era sure is full of surprises". Rayleigh said silently.
They reached Grove 13 after a while of riding and Banged on Shakky's bar.
"Hai hai...Ray san you came early!..Hachi what happened..i will get a bed ready". Shakky said as she went in with everyone.
"Oh i guess we all have something to discuss with each other.. so who is going first...old man!". Corvak said as everyone sat near the bar and the bed that was laid next to it where Hachi was being treated by Chopper.
"I was once In the crew of Gold D Roger and-"
"Pfft... you where on the crew of The pirate king".Luffy said spitting his drink while Corvak smiled.
"Yes..I am Silvers Rayleigh The ship's vice-captain. Nice to meet you".
Everyone was stunned and looked baffled.
"Oh you didn't tell them Hachan".
"They only want him to do coating".
"I know him, he is very famous". Usopp said.
"He is in several books" Nami cried.
"Why does such a figure and Octopus know each other?". Zoro asked.
"He saved me when I was stranded on the sea, He was little then, it's been ten years since he joined the Sun pirates".
"Oh you mean Arlong?".
"No Luffy the Sun pirates were former slaves saved by a man named Fisher tiger, He was one awesome dude..it was a shame he was betrayed by humans and died...Arlong's hate of Humans is also because of that". Corvak said.
"Ho..Is that so".
"Fisher tiger". Nami whispered.
"But wasn't Gold Roger Executed 20 or so years ago.. Wasn't the crew caught along with him". Sanji asked as he lit his cigarette and everyone listened.
Rayleigh took a sip of his shot and said. "He wasn't captured, he Turned himself in..the government Picturized it as if they caught him to show their power however that's not the truth".
"What! why would he turn himself in?". Nami asked.
"The end of our Journey was in sight..Four years before the public execution..Roger caught an incurable illness, But there was one man at twin capes who could ease his pain, a doctor named Crocus, He also came on board after we asked him
After 3 years we while managing to escape death we finally conquered the grand line".
"Crocus.. Wasn't he there for 50 years straight.. he did say he was part of a Pirate crew once.". Usopp asked.
"He came on board after we agreed to search for a certain crew".
"Oi brook that's definitely you guys he was searching for".
"Crocus-san..To think he would go to such lengths". Brook said.
"So what happened after You guys Conquered the sea". Sanji asked.
"That's when it all began..Roger was called the Pirate King by the people but a dead man had no meaning for titles". Rayleigh said as he drank a little.
"After that he disbanded the Roger pirates and after a year turned himself in and was arrested, It was announced that he would be executed publicly in his hometown Lougetown....I didn't attend it but apparently many Famous Youngling of today where present their".
"Ya like Mihawk, Dragon, Smoker, crocodile, Doflamingo and so on". Corvak interjected and Rayleigh agreed.
"Ho even Luffy's dad was there". Usopp said and Zoro perked up at the mention of Mihawk.
"His last words where ' i won't die my friend', The world Government and marines where shocked, the supposed warning towards pirates was turned into a Great pirate era by his few words..he changed his life's last words into a hellfire that still rages within pirates...I haven't drank and laughed as much as i did that night..Our captain lived One hell of a life". Rayleigh said happily.
Everyone was silent and listened carefully while Luffy was shaking in excitement.
"Then that means Roger created this great pirate era Knowingly?". Usopp asked.
"i can't answer that..only people li-".
"Yes he did, they arrived too early and couldn't find One piece in the traditional sence..and don't even try to say people living now create this era Old man...Everything started due to him knowing about 'It'".
Everyone looked at him while Luffy was confused of what just happened, he was focusing for once.
"I'm certain several people Gained something from Roger that day, Do you know a pirate named Shanks?". Rayleigh asked everyone.
"Old man you know shanks?". Luffy asked.
"Ya he and Another pirate Buggy where Cabin boys on our ship".
"Ha..shanks was on The pirate kings ship!".
"What didn't he tell you...We met again and he was missing his hat and arm,when asked he talked a lot about you. After that i wanted to meet you one day Monkey D Luffy".
"Shanks". Luffy said as he held on to his hat.
In any case good job making it till here, I'm sure he is waiting for you in the New world.
"Really!I can't wait to see him".
Now then what do you want to say Young man.. Rayleigh asked Corvak.
"Oh Ray-san i don't think everyone has asked their questions". Arten said looking at Robin.
Robin understood and asked."Rayleigh-san,What exactly is the 'will of D'?, Roger's name was engraved on the Poneglyph using Ancient language on sky island,How was he able to use that writing?, Did you guys know what happened 900 years before the current time, the blank history?".
Law who was just sitting their now perked up as he heard about the will of D.
"Ah we know, we learned everything about the history, Even if i tell you about it you won't be able to do anything, we and ohara were too early..take one step at a time towards it, but if you still want to know i can tell you."
"No i will continue my journey".
"I'm sorry about Ohara, but Roger wasn't able to decipher the words...w'are pirates not geniuses like clover or other researchers.. He heard the voice of all things that's all".
"Voice of all things, isn't that what Wu used to listen to the fish". Nami said, Rayleigh simply looked at the Mink.
"You-gara, it's nothing special Corvak can use it on a higher level than me".
Rayleigh then looked at Corvak and spoke. "So i think that's all the questions. Now tell me why did you want to meet me".
"Oi Wait...I want to know about the will of D". Law said.
"No need...Cora-san didn't know what D stood for...he didn't take you in because you where a D... don't try to Bring reasons for the love you recieved Law". Corvak said.
Law just stood there shocked as he heard what Corvak said and asked. "And ho the hell are you and How do you know all this".
"I know your past.. about joker..about Cora-san.. about your fruit.. about Flevance and Amber lead".
"Why do you know that is what I am asking".
"Time powers, that's all I am saying". Corvak said and everyone looked at him confused.
"So continuing on...Luffy! If i hadn't come today all of you would have been dead.
Luffy looked at him a little confused.
"Let me say again..if it wasn't for me right now changing the timeline you all would be dead in like 20 minutes into the future".
"What are you talking about..We can deal with Marines". Zoro said not believing him.
"Marines?..How.many?.what rank.. an Admaril of the Marines...You think you can take on an Admaril..Hahahaha". Corvak laughed.
"Oi what's so funny-". Luffy yelled in anger.
"Oh i don't know..Maybe the part where all of you where gunned down and died, or the part where you where crying as you lost your crew". Corvak said.
"Everyone died...stop bullshitting something like that will never happen! You liar". Luffy yelled.
"Oh and why not?..what part of you think that you can escape an Admaril for 3 days?..Ray-san if he goes up against Kizaru will he die or not?".
"Hmph...he will definitely die". Rayliegh said.
"And how long does coating take".
"3 days". Rayliegh answered.
"Y'all are just lucky that up until now you met enemies who where at your level or a bit stronger than you all..Get it Luck not strength..your captian here is on a high thinking he is strong but y'all can't even face a Pasifista let alone an Admaril".
"What is a Pasifista anyway".
"They are Robot wepons modelled after Bartholomew kuma..they are tough and can fire lazers..think of one strong enough to take out all of you at once and there are 20 or so coming to this island along with Kizaru".Corvak said.
"What did you think was gonna happen when an Admaril shows Up!".
"That you can just run and hide!, no you all should have been gunned down if it wasn't for the fact that we are talking right now".
"A Tin can stops us, oi don't joke around i ca-".
"You died trying along with Zoro, all three of you did your best attacks however an Admaril is an Admaril for a reason and in return they killed Nami, Chopper and Brook.".
"And besides that's not all". He said as he threw a paper to Robin.
"Read that aloud". Corvak said.
Robin looked at the paper and was hesitant but read it aloud. "The Execution of 2nd commander of Whitebeard pirates 'Firefist' Ace's Public Execution has been Confirmed, the execution will be in 4 days at Marine Ford on the date 5/5/1522".
Everyone was shocked and Luffy yelled. "Ace has been captured..I must save him, He said as he wanted to run off towards Marineford".
"Oh and how will you save him...". Corvak asked.
"I don't know but i will definitely save him an-".
"You said the same thing, and then Ace died protecting you from Akainu".
Luffy was shocked and looked at him pissed.
"How would you know that".
"Like i said i can see the future you idiot, but let me ask you..If your crewmate was captured then you all would go save them right..Then what do you think will happen at Marine Ford when Ace the 2nd division commander of Whitebeard is captured..It will be a war!. One with powerful people involved".
"Ace won't die he-".
"What he promised you when you where kids.. don't worry he didn't die, you killed him due to your idiocy, you where the weakest person in that war and it cost someone else their life".
"You lose your crew,then lose your brother who could have been saved if it wasn't for you...lost your dream and became a man swept up by the waves of the sea, barren and broken..do you know your words Luffy, they were and i quote 'I couldn't protect anyone'.".
Luffy and the crew looked stunned and lost for words.
"The Grandline isn't some playground and you aren't someone special.. Strength matters if you wanna fullfill your dreams otherwise People die for your mistakes and weakness!".
"There was no finding All Blue, No beating Mihawk, no Becoming the great warrior of the sea, No Drawing the map of the world, no One piece, no sailing and certainly no One piece...all you guys had was death because your captain thought that his luck was one of his strength and forgot how dangerous the sea is". Corvak said angry.