
Lich Tree Cave (4)

We looked at the ceiling and thought about what to do.

Ains: Let's try to get it open first.

Mesla: Ains is correct, I can jump up with someone's help, I don't think anything strong guards above room, or spell would have been destroyed a long time ago.

Rest nodded, including me on Mesla words.

James asked: Should we sacrifice another sword?

Mesla: Evets body should still have swords and daggers.

Ains: I will go and get the weapons, rest, for now, I will bury him also.

James: Should we help?

Mesla: Let him be, let's have some sleep, we have been stuck here for more than a day.

Mesla went and sat opposite the door, and closed his eyes, I with James found a corner and we started to talk about what we could find in the above room.

James thought, that there should be a hall and a few smaller rooms or a long corridor. I thought that the corridor was a good suggestion because when we descended below ground, it wasn't possible to go much higher, but you never know. We did run a lot in the cave after we triggered an arrow spell.

After we finished our discussion, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, it was dark in the rooms and only torch or our fire spells could light this place. As I drifted into dreamland I silently thought that if all blood skeletons can be seen in the dark.

I don't know how much time has passed, but James woke me up, Ains and Mesla were already waiting.

I felt damn tired, and looking at Ains I suddenly felt that I forgot something very stupid. How the fuck did he see in the dark?

I felt it was weird and I asked out: Hey Ains, how did you see in the dark?

Mesla slowly went further away from Ains and James, who has always used his hand to hold a light in here were also looking at Ains weirdly.

Mesla: He is right, how did you see in the dark?

Ains: I can use metal to brighten up a bit and James's light had bit illuminating presence as well.

Mesla: I understand, sorry for doubting you.

Ains: Don't worry, it's wise to be careful.

I wanted to say something but Mesla suddenly pulled his sword with insane speed and trust it in Ains heart.

After that, he kicked Ains to pull the sword out and spit on him.

Mesla: Damn he took me as a fool, the door was clearly closed and light couldn't pass it thanks to some simple spells still on it.

James, we should go look at what happened to Evet's body.

Mesla agreed, and I followed along, we found Evets body buried, we did a bit of digging until we saw the missing hands, and after that, we stopped and buried him completely again.

I kept cursing in my mind, it was hard to shovel with my hands. And now I think about it, we wanted to use a metal spell to get above it.

I looked at Mesla and asked: So now what, we kind of killed him a bit too soon.

James laughed and Mesla as well. Then James spoke: Yes too soon.

Mesla: Let us go.

We went back to the first room and looked at the ceiling until Mesla spoke again: James try to plast it, Chris help as well, you are the stronger one here.

We nodded, Mesla went outside from the room and us near the exit door.

James put both hands near each other and created a circle with a small space between his fingers. I followed, and then seeing him sparking already, I agitatedly rushed all my energy to the middle of my both arms.

I saw a fire coming alive, while energy sucked in the middle. It was so simple. And suddenly I subconsciously aimed with my hands to the ceiling and pushed all energy to ceiling, it got blasted, blasted and blasted, I kept shooting small fireballs like handgun bullets, James joined in as well, and it worked, we keep seeing ceiling slowly crumbling.

It didn't take long to ceiling fall down, we both with took steps back to get out from the room.

Mesla: Not bad.

James: Good idea Chris, slowly draining spell off works sometimes far better than blasting it with a big fire.

I nodded, and kept my mouth shut, what can I say, thank you.

We kept waiting for the dust to disappear because we didn't want to make any dangerous movements. We were also lucky that the door wasn't stuck and we could easily go inside.

It took a while for us to be able to go in. When we went in we saw crumbled stone pieces on the ground. And looking up we saw a path.

Mesla said: Look there.

I looked where Mesla finger pointed, we saw a few blood skeletons stuck, but they were stuck. Mesla and James took their swords and killed the Blood Skeletons.

After that, we helped Mesla jump up, and he pulled us up. With the wind element supporting Mesla, it was very easy for him to jump, especially with an extra push.

As we all were on a new path, we walked on, swords out, ready to battle and block anything.

The path keeps descending until we reach two large doors.

The doors had two tochers and we neared they lit up.

Mesla: Blood skeletons don't need light, it's possible that this was the cave of a half-blood skeleton.

Me: Like Ains?

James: Nothing like that, he was something else, Half-blood skeletons got a heart, like any human, they are lighter red in color as well, and they can hide their heart anywhere. Didn't you read Miklakla books?

Me: I did, but that book got only basics, and I looked over only important stuff, I skipped some parts.

Mesla: Well here we go!

He started pushing the doors open.