
one of his

don't read this book this is not my book nor my property I am just copy and pasteing if from another website I do this so that may have a interesting story to listen to in class or work 40k

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

Chapter 406 Intruder's running dog (subscription required)

  The promenade is magnificent and wide.

  Huge sculptures stand on both sides.

   Burning candles provide enough light to see things.

  The tens of meters tall sculpture flickers on and off, possessing a strange sense of solemnity and solemnity.

   For many superheroes, they feel only eerie.

  Those creepy sculptures make them feel uncomfortable like gargoyles in hell.

  Go underground from the surface of the magnificent battleship.

  Relying on the guidance of No. 066 Manhattan, they locked the target.

   As long as they kill all the way along this corridor, they will be able to find the imperial commander who directed this war.

   Sandman holds the mother box tightly in his hands, and if they find the target leaving, they will use the transmission channel created by the mother box to chase after them.

   Grabbing each other is the most important task of their trip.

   is the key to their reversal of the situation.

  The soldiers of the empire poured out along the branch roads on both sides of the promenade.

  With a variety of weapons, attack the superheroes entering the core area, trying to stop their progress.

   "The time for your death has come." Superman No. 043 roared, his eyes released laser beams with terrifyingly high temperatures, illuminating the slightly dark giant corridors.

  With the help of the Sandman, those imperial soldiers were not overwhelmed and were easily dealt with by Superman No. 043.

  Those soldiers tried in vain to resist the superheroes.

  However, these enemies have already made preparations in all aspects, and all kinds of artifacts and treasures at the bottom of the box have been taken out.

  In a narrow corridor that cannot exert the power of the empire's heavy equipment.

   It is impossible to stop these superheroes only by relying on these imperial soldiers.

  However, there are still more and more imperial soldiers pouring out from the branch corridor connecting the main road.

  Death is not the end for them.

  Fighting to the last moment for the Holy Emperor is an unimaginable honor in their lives.

  The brilliance of various weapons appears on the battlefield.

  The walls left one after another melting, cracking into subatomic, and even mottled old holes.

   There are some weird time beams that will speed up the time flow of hit objects.

  In just a few seconds, the things that were hit seemed to have been devastated by thousands of years.

   became rusty and old.

  After being hit by the Flash from another parallel universe, he suddenly became extremely old.

   Originally young and strong, he instantly became a panting old man with gray hair and cloudy eyes.

  His super speed force has been suppressed a lot in the imperial battleship, but with his extreme speed, he still has a speed that is difficult to catch with the naked eye.

  It is impossible for the empire to turn on and place devices that can harm its own people on battleships at any time.

   This gives him a little chance to make a difference.

   In the beginning, the Flash, with a speed that was difficult to capture with the naked eye, used the god-killing sword given by the black-born Wonder Woman No. 043 to slaughter those imperial soldiers on the imperial battleship.

  In parallel universe No. 043, Africa is the most advanced and developed region.

  The heroes there are basically black.

  The Batman in the parallel universe No. 043 is a black entrepreneur who looks like coal.

  The history of that parallel world and the history of other parallel universes are reversed.

  African tribes are living well and actively exploring outwards, learning and mastering gunpowder from the hands of the East.

  The existence of gunpowder weakened the gap between ordinary people and those warriors who specialized in fighting, weakened the authority of the great chief, and also broke the situation where priests had the right to speak.

  The selection of chiefs no longer focuses on a single force, but on multiple abilities.

  Under the influence of such factors, Africa took the lead in entering the magnificent era of Enlightenment.

  The tribes continued to merge, and the democracy in the parallel universe No. 043 was born.

  People elect small chiefs of small tribes, and then choose a big chief among the small chiefs to rule the big tribe.

  The highly respected elders will rule on various matters according to the regulations of the tribe, and even the great chief must be bound by the regulations of the tribe.

  In the struggle to defeat the Great Chief, all kinds of free thoughts sprouted.

  The major tribes have entered the age of industrialization one after another, and embarked on a great voyage.

  They are fighting everywhere, starting a journey to colonize the world and plunder markets and resources.

  At that time, Europe did not suffer from the ravages of the Black Death, and was in the dark period of the Roman Empire's civilization fault.

   Theocracy and secular politics are highly integrated, reaching an unprecedented peak.

  The Holy See called this era the Age of Divine Enlightenment.

   means the glorious and prosperous world opened by God.

  When civilized and advanced blacks entered Europe, they were shocked by the local poverty and backwardness.

  Europeans have no concept of hygiene at all, just like primitive savages, excreting excrement and urine in their own streets and houses.

  The stench hangs over the whole city.

  Those serfs were skinny and horrible, like walking dead.

  Lords, nobles, and clergy have absolute authority.

  They wantonly enslaved those peasants, ignored their human rights, and would send them to the gallows if they were not careful.

  These horrible acts are simply unthinkable in the eyes of those black people, because Africa has attached great importance to the concept of human rights.

   It is said that a great chief wanted to build a new palace, but that palace was chosen next to the house of a poor man.

  The house is still dilapidated, leaking everywhere.

  But the man still protested, thinking that the built palace blocked the sunlight and was not conducive to his life, so he sued the chief to the elders.

  Finally, the warchief relented, compensated the man, and apologized to him.

  Such a thing was impossible in Europe in the Dark Ages.

   "We have to bring civilization to this dark world." Said a great chief who led troops to capture the Spanish king.

  In Britain, they were photographed sitting on the throne of the fleeing British king.

  They entered Moscow, became masters of Paris, and masters of Berlin.

  With the advent of great voyages, the blacks expanded in the archipelago, South America, North America and other places, and enslaved the local aborigines.

  After the local people were wiped out by the plague, they captured a large number of white slaves to mine and open up plantations.

   This is the notorious white slave trade in parallel universe 043.

  At that time, the productivity of European society was low, and limited knowledge was controlled by the clergy and the royal family. Those small nobles and small lords who were illiterate all caught a lot of them.

  In such a situation, if they want to obtain a decent life, they can only obtain it by selling slaves.

  When the blacks planned to give up the white slave trade, a nobleman explained: "It is absolutely impossible for us to give up the slave trade. My people don't understand other trades. The slave trade is the means for us to gain glory and wealth."

  The white slave trade has improved the productivity of many large black tribes, accelerated the primitive accumulation of capitalism in Africa, and promoted the economic prosperity of Africa.

  After defeating the ancient Eastern Empire, many large tribes in Africa gained the right to speak in the world.

  Black people are regarded as the most noble race.

  In that world, people regard black, thick lips, and round faces as beautiful.

   Europeans with exuberant body hair, overly three-dimensional facial features, and pale complexions are regarded as ugly, barbarians who have not yet completed evolution, and are discriminated against.

   It was once called a white dog.

  Because of all kinds of discrimination, white people have erupted many white life expensive movements, trying to fight for equal rights for themselves.

   Many heroes in the parallel universe No. 043 are also basically black.

   Even Wonder Woman's origin is different from other parallel universes.

   She is the daughter of Mawu-li, the father of the gods, and the queen of the Amazons.

   It is not just the No. 043 parallel universe, in fact, many parallel universes basically have their own differences.

  In many cases, those superheroes only have the same name and the same ability.

  The Flash of No. 043 hit the wall with a bang after being shot by the light beam that accelerated the flow of time.

  He was so old that he could no longer see clearly, his eyes were cloudy, and his whole brain was not functioning well.

  When you keep running at high speed, you can't keep your mind as sharp as when you were young.

  He vividly explained the two laws proposed by Newton.

  Force equals mass times velocity.

  Force and reaction are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

  Accompanied by a loud bang, the high-speed moving old Flash stuck himself to the bulkhead, and even dented the solid bulkhead.

  Crimson blood flowed from the thing with the rusty lightning mark stuck to the wall.

  Wonder Woman got the god-killing sword from Ma Wu-li, the father of the gods, and gave him to use it, and it fell to the ground with a clang.

  The long passage of time has made the sword rusty and mottled.

   When it fell to the ground, it broke into several pieces.

   Another member of the Speed ​​Force family followed, along with The Flash being killed.

   The time beam's lethality to superheroes is terrifying.

  It can make them grow old in a very short period of time, and they are finally killed by the imperial fire.

  Heroes died tragically at the hands of the Imperial defenders one after another, which made Superman No. 043 even more angry. The veins on his dark face were clearly visible and terrifying.

  045 Sandman's eyes also showed hatred and anger.

  They led the raid team of many heroes and slammed into the shield wall and firepower of the imperial soldiers.

  Furious killing intent enveloped these superheroes fighting for freedom and justice.

  At this time, all they desire is killing and revenge.

  The imperial soldiers relied on the cover to fight back.

   Between the two sides has become a killing battlefield.

  Imperial weapons are deadly.

  Even if it is a concept-level existence, there is no way to resist those attacks.

  The superheroes also had to carefully dodge the attacks of the imperial soldiers and use their abilities and fetishes to fight back.

  For this raid, these superheroes not only brought the mother box, but also brought the Atomic Axe, the Lance of Destiny, the Mobius Chair and other fetishes with extraordinary power.

   Any fetish is extremely powerful, allowing the wearer to have the power to destroy the world and make all things surrender.

   Also from the No. 043 parallel universe, reached a settlement with No. 043 Superman, and No. 043 General Zod, who is also a survivor of Krypton, also participated in this battle.

  The surviving Kryptonian warriors all revolve around the hero-like figure, and follow him to the imperial front, fighting to protect their universe.

  General Zod No. 043 rushed to the front, and in front of him was a hatch shining with force field brilliance.

  A Kryptonian released red laser light from his eyes, trying to break through the hatch.

  I saw that the weird brilliance was stirred up and rippled, but there was no damage at all.

   Realized that his strength could not break the hatch.

  The Kryptonian soldier had to give up and put away the laser light released from his eyes. Unexpectedly, the laser light was reflected directly in the next second, piercing his body directly.

  The body of the Kryptonian was steaming and fell down.

  Several other Kryptonian warriors tried it, and found that the hatch was able to fire their attacks back 100% of the time.

  Fortunately, they had an extra mind, so they didn't repeat the mistakes of that companion just now.

  No. 043, a spear shining with milky white light appeared in the hands of General Zod.

  This spear was forged by the ruler of the creation star, Heavenly Father, using fragments of the wall of origin and the strongest N metal in the universe. Blessed by the surviving gods who were hunted down by the empire in the fourth dimension, they have incredible power and can penetrate time and space.

  He held a spear and stabbed fiercely at the hatch that was as thick as a wall.

  The power of the gods hidden in the spear formed a strong confrontation with the force field of the hatch.

   Dazzling light burst out, blinding the mighty Kryptonian warrior.

   Their eyes were so white that they couldn't see anything.

   After the light disappeared, the hatch had already fallen down, turning into a pile of hot slag.

  Many Kryptonian fighters rushed in.

  Although the imperial soldiers were ready, they still launched an attack.

  The first Imperial soldier is impaled by the spear in his hand.

  The protective cover shattered in front of the sharp spear.

  The exoskeleton armor exploded with electric sparks and a stench of overloaded circuits.

  The automatic artillery fixed on the corridor sensed the enemy's invasion, and the muzzle gathered a bright light like the sun, continuously bombarding the superheroes trying to rush in.

  After paying the sacrifices of three superheroes, a superhero who used a bow shot the automatic cannon with a reforged magical bow.

  The automatic cannon exploded, and the terrifying shock wave also sent all the surrounding imperial soldiers flying.

  The surviving heroes rushed forward and chopped down those imperial soldiers who dared to stand up to resist them.

  In the end, the imperial soldiers could only retreat with the wounded.

  On the long corridor, the two sides kept repeating such scenes.

  The superheroes led by Sandman paid heavy sacrifices and defeated the defenders along the way.

   Those imperial soldiers who failed to escape were brutally killed by superheroes.

  The long war and the sacrifice of their companions made it impossible for them to pretend that they were kind.

   Possesses great power and should have enjoyed the cheers of the people.

  But because of the arrival of the empire, he became a street rat.

  The empire is powerful and far surpasses its previous enemies, making these superheroes feel the despair brought about by killing on the battlefield.

   They don't turn things around like they used to.

  Individuals are small and powerless in war.

   Such insignificance is precisely what heroes cannot accept.

   "These things are disgusting." Superman 043 beats a human attached to a spider-shaped autocannon with four mechanical prosthetic limbs to a pulp.

  His tone was full of distaste for imperial technology.

  Those intruders fused life and machinery together, which is a violation of human rights.

  The fixed human beings on the war machine are all those who dare to resist the empire.

  After the empire captures those who dare to resist them, they will format their brains, program them like computer programming, and make them the computing core of war machines.

  The reason why Superman No. 043 hates the Empire so much is because the Empire made his Louis and his parents all slaves of war machines.

  The reason is that they cover themselves for illegal actions against the Empire.

   When Superman No. 043 saw the war machine made by his family appear on the battlefield, his heart collapsed.

  The beautiful and moving Louise was nailed to the machine like a suffering Jesus.

   She screamed as the War Machine advanced.

  He never thought that the empire's methods were so cruel.

  Use those who feel guilty as organic contemplators.

  An act like that is definitely a terrorist act comparable to ***.

   He will never forgive those **** intruders.

  Will spend all his energy and time resisting the invasion of the empire.

  With the death of humans, the spider machine also fell tremblingly, and the artillery installed on both sides exploded due to the accumulated energy.

  Such killings cannot alleviate the desire for revenge in Superman No. 043.

   Only the complete killing of the emperor who launched the war of aggression can be regarded as the end of revenge.

  Superman No. 043 is so determined for revenge.

  Never give up because of anything.

  However, the changes in the fate of the universe in the heavens are unpredictable and full of irony.

  Even those who claim to be omniscient and omnipotent cannot observe every direction of fate.

   The fate of Superman 043 is decided at the end of the next hallway.

  A grenade exploded beside him.

  A time-space force field mixed with black lightning covered a range of tens of meters, including Superman.

  Superman No. 043 screamed.

  The shiny black steel body was shattered into pieces, and the terrifying brilliance shattered his body from the subatomic level.

  His hatred, his desire, all turned into ashes with him.

  No one cares how much hatred and unwillingness he bears.

  Even his companions didn't care, at most they gave a few sad eyes, and then continued to fight resolutely.

   Wait until the entire resistance organization is destroyed.

  No one cares how much hatred a Superman from the parallel universe No. 043 has and what kind of past he has.

  No one cares about the dead.

  The heavens and the universe are like this.

   Icy and unforgiving.

  The superheroes knock down the imperial soldiers who stop them, and march forward amidst the explosion.

  They are united and moving towards the goal.

  Manhattan from the parallel universe #066 is always locked on the target, making sure they don't miss.

  The reason why he was able to capture the opponent's target was because he had fused the Mobius chair of the parallel universe to which he belonged.

  That is a chair with great strength.

  Owned by Myront of the New God Clan.

  Miront is a new **** with a mysterious origin. He does not belong to the Genesis Star, nor does he belong to the Apocalypse Star.

  He desires only the search for knowledge.

  Mobius chair allows the person sitting on it to know everything that happened in the past.

   Allows the owner to have profound knowledge.

  No. 066 Manhattan killed the Myronte of his universe, took the Mobius Chair, and strengthened his control over the past and knowledge.

  The Möbius chair can spy on some unimportant imperial information.

   Unfortunately, there is no way to get more important information.

  The technology of the empire is terrifying.

   They seem to have some means of preventing others from observing their fate lines.

Whether it is the boss of the Endless Family - Destiny, Manhattan who can travel through the universe at will, or the gods in charge of fate and time, when they use their special abilities to observe or make predictions about the Empire, there is no way to see the Empire , as if the empire did not exist for them.

  The empire burned all threads of destiny leading to itself.

   It is impossible to predict the fate of the empire, and many superheroes and gods can only retreat and target those empire commanders.

  However, the higher the rank of the commander, the more difficult it is to observe his future.

  Among the many heroes present, only No. 066 Manhattan can see the existence of the enemy's supreme commander.

  Relying on the power of its own connection and the power of the Mobius chair, it locked the imperial commander who is closely related to the fate of many heroes.

  After paying a heavy sacrifice, they came to a hall.

  The hall is extremely magnificent, with a marble staircase flying straight down from the golden gate at the bow, with exquisite waterfalls carved on it.

  Depicted banners with different emblems are hung on the walls.

  The roof is inlaid with many small skylights, allowing one to see the bright stars in the void.

   Various murals are depicted on the ceiling.

  Humans fight against various aliens, and step on each other's corpses to win.

  So savage, it is honor to kill.

   Proper *** behavior.

  In the center of the hall, there is a holographic pit with a height of thirty meters and a smooth metal edge.

  Blue light filled the space inside, and the tactical projection in the pit rippled.

  A large number of screens and data windows are suspended beside, and a large amount of data is dancing.

  No. 066 Manhattan moved his gaze away from above, and he felt a slight pain in his head.

  Those data are not that simple, the empire fully controls time and space, and analyzes multiple dimensions.

  Untrained and strengthened three-dimensional creatures are unable to receive that kind of multi-dimensional information with infinite details.

   "Don't look." Manhattan 066 whispered, "That information is harmful to us."

  Dr. Fate's eyes were bleeding.

   That information alone hurt him.

   On the contrary, those illiterate heroes who don't understand multi-dimensionality seem to have no problem.

   Their ignorance of the truth is an advantage.

  The machines installed around the hall roared.

   The weird head soaked in the yellow liquid showed a painful expression while processing the data.

  The hall is empty.

  Only an old man sat on a throne made of silver-white metal.

  The throne is floating in the air, allowing it to look down at the huge holographic projection, like a **** overlooking his kingdom.

   "I'm very glad to meet you all." Hawke watched these heroes pouring in, and said in a slightly tired and sarcastic tone: "You have won again and captured your target."

   "In this case, then order your men to put down their weapons immediately and surrender to us unconditionally." A superhero stood up and said: "You will accept justice."

  Hawk, who was sitting on the throne, showed a mocking expression.

   "Surrender to you? If you win this battle, will you win the entire war?"

  Many superheroes spoke one after another.

   "Naturally surrender to us. The invasion war launched by the evil empire is doomed to fail. Are you still obsessed with it?"

   "Surrender or we'll kill you."

   "Pull his soul out, and send him to hell, and let him be tortured."

   "Haven't you recognized the form yet?" Sandman, the leader of the resistance organization, stood up and said.

  Hawk stretched out his old hand and clicked in the air.

  A huge screen appeared in front of many superheroes.

  The battle of Genesis Star is being played on it.

   Countless imperial troops have broken through the protection created by the Heavenly Father, Darkmond and the Endless Family, and landed on the surface of Genesis Star.

  Those gigantic mountain-like steel monsters released beams of light capable of destroying everything towards the ground, turning the city into coke and ruins.

  The fighter turned into a titan landed on the edge of the city wall, ignoring the attack released by the defenders, and smashed the wall off with a huge powered iron fist.

  The crackling force field, which is powerful enough to crush a starship, made a crackling sound, mixed with various sounds on the battlefield, and it became extremely ear-piercing. Yes

   Countless knight mechs can activate the spears in the mechanical palms to attack the enemy.

   Countless imperial soldiers held their flags high and marched amidst deafening artillery fire.

  Destruction has come to Genesis.

  Many heroes watched in horror as the overwhelming artillery fire fell on the huge city that had been turned into a fortress, blowing away all the boulders containing mysterious power.

  The superheroes who stayed behind on the Genesis Star died in wailing and screaming, and were crushed by the collapsing rubble, turning into unrecognizable flesh.

"No, let them stop." A lanternman from the parallel universe No. 056 roared and flew over, but was cut into pieces by the flashing light beam in the next second, and fell to the ground with a splash of bright red blood. It flowed out from the debris and stained a large area of ​​the floor red in a short while.

   "Keep him in check," the Sandman yelled. "Give him the order to stop."

  Hawke shook his head involuntarily as he watched these enemies of the empire show pain and despair.

   They are as naive as children in the field of war.

   But this is also in line with the purpose of the creators behind the scenes.

  Sentimental, passionate.

  The thinking of these superheroes is as colorful as lamps coated with color film.

  The nourishment they provide is much richer, delicious and sweet than ordinary people.

   It makes sense to execute these humans who are unwilling to obey the empire and trust the holy emperor, at least to prevent these fools from continuing to grow those indescribable things.

  Prevent these guys from becoming obstacles and cancers that hinder human society from becoming detached.

  After paying the sacrifices of several heroes, Sandman walked up to Hawke and lifted the old man up.

   "Stop, or I'll torture and kill you with endless nightmares."

   Hawke smiled.

   "The reality I have witnessed is a thousand times, ten thousand times more terrifying than the nightmares you can imagine."

   "You murderer." The Sandman growled angrily, "Killing so many innocent people, how can you still laugh."

  "We have tried hard to tell you the truth, hoping that you will find your way back. It is you who chose to resist. It is you who first put human beings in danger, but now you pretend to be so innocent."

   "What you have brought is dictatorship and autocracy, a brutal invasion and killing."

  "We have brought technology and development, so that unemployed people can get jobs to support themselves, so that they are no longer confused and suffering. Our laws bind every group, draw the boundaries of the strong, and the freedom of the weak."

  "The freedom and justice you talk about are meaningless. You regard human society as your own playground, and use your abilities to enjoy the happiness of players unscrupulously."

"You proclaim justice, but there is no law to restrict you superpowers. Those who died tragically because of your struggle have no compensation and no condolences. You claim to be free, so you sit back and watch women sell themselves for money, and let men sell themselves for money. Money is a slave. And you can safely assume it was their choice."

   "I've searched through the history books of mankind, and I can't find any laws or proposals that you promote to protect those who are weak."

  Hawk's tone was calm. He was born at the bottom, so he naturally knew what the bottom needed.

   "What you care about is never the justice of ordinary people, but the justice of whether you can continue to become gods and heroes above all living beings."

"Those ordinary people just because of their words and behaviors that you don't understand, you ignore everything and use your own ability to punish them, calling it a just sanction. You act recklessly, intending to transcend ordinary people How is it different from those dictatorial tyrants who use their power to do whatever they want?"

  The empire has a complete speculative system.

  Throughout the ages, even in many universes, the establishment of empires is definitely the most legal.

   When human beings were fragmented and tortured by the aliens and the age of the long night, the emperor wiped out many aliens such as Greenskin, Randan, and Kraves, and finally established a human empire.

   There is nothing better than the emperor to gain the righteousness of the country.

  As the legendary commander of the empire, how could Hawk lose the debate.

  He was born as a worker, and started as a soldier at the bottom, and gradually became an imperial marshal who could be trusted and relied on by the Holy Emperor.

  If the eloquence is poor, I'm afraid they won't be able to climb to where they are today.

   "I'm going to kill you." The Sandman growled and shook the opponent: "Tell them to stop."

  Hawk is mocking and tired from beginning to end.

   "All the enemies of the empire on Genesis Planet have been declared excommunicated and rebellious. Even if they survive, they will be made into machine slaves to serve the empire forever. As for you, you will stay here."

   "Do you know why I didn't leave? You can run very well. If you don't catch all of you, I'm afraid you can continue to run."

  Hawk's words were weak, but the Sandman showed horror.

   I saw that the hatch they destroyed became intact again at some point.

   "Take him away, I don't believe those guys dare to ignore his life and death." As expected of the leader of many parallel universe rebels, Sandman made a decision immediately.

  Unfortunately, it's too late.

  The mother box that erupted with light did not open the sonic boom channel.

   It's like an online game without an internet connection, it can't serve them.

   Zod from the parallel universe No. 043 was the first to be defeated.

  In an unbearable strange explosion, his face was pierced by some kind of energy weapon.

   This Kryptonian general who once dreamed of ruling the universe, but was influenced by the love of Superman No. 043 and became the guardian fell like that.

  He didn't even see the person who killed him clearly.

   Immediately after the second, the third.

  Something invisible is slaughtering enemies who enter the strategy hall.

  The Sandman grabbed Hawke and injected his deadly nightmare power into the opponent's soul. As long as he had an accident, the opponent would die immediately.

  Relying on his special ability to try to search for the targets of influence, he showed a look of despair.

Nothing at all.

  The opponent is not only physically invisible, but also mentally and spiritually invisible.

   In other words, the enemy does not exist at all.

   However, the heroes who were slaughtered were a sure sign that someone was slaughtering them.

  Physics and the occult are all gone!

   "It's a quantum state." No. 066 Manhattan, with pure white eyes and a hydrogen atom symbol carved on his forehead, shouted: "They are only in a state of existence that can be observed by us at the moment they attack us."

  Manhattan, who gained abilities due to the quantum conversion experiment, immediately realized the strangeness of the enemy.

  How could such means exist!

  It is impossible for the Creator to achieve such a degree!

   However, he didn't wait for him to figure out how the Empire managed to put the soldiers in a quantum state and attack them.

  A dagger emitting blue light pierced his head from the front, and the tip of the dagger just pierced through the hydrogen atom symbol carved on his forehead.

  The opponent is like stabbing a target, piercing from the center of the symbol exactly.

  Manhattan in the parallel universe No. 066 died like this.

  His power to change the past and the future has not had time to show, and he was slaughtered like a wild dog.

   "Tell them to stop." The Sandman howled in despair: "Hurry up."

"This trap is specially set up for you." Hawke said: "When I realized that the strategic plan had made a mistake, I used the trick just to get rid of you completely. In that way, the empire will get an equivalent amount of money." A stable territory of the galaxy can lay the foundation of an empire."

  The parallel universe is separated by the wall of origin, seemingly boundless, but in fact its area is very small.

  The desperate Sandman choked Hawke's throat desperately, trying to get the other party to order him to stop.

   However, the other party kept laughing.

   It made him collapse more and more, and the strength in his hands became stronger.

  It wasn't until the clear sound of bone cracking came that Sandman realized belatedly that he crushed the opponent's throat bone alive.

  Those unseen, unobserved warriors killed the last Sandman superhero and lifted the quantum state.

   Sandman saw their appearance clearly.

   All dressed in silver armor and a smooth silver helmet, with no faces visible.

  The body is slender and slender, holding a dagger in his hand.

  The Sandman could feel the coldness coming from under the armor.

  Like steel cast under pressure, without a trace of emotion.

  Those soldiers approached slowly.

  The Sandman staggered back step by step, and finally tripped over the dead body.

   He killed a legendary commander of the Empire.

  Such behavior is unforgivable and inexcusable.

  Even if Hawke wanted to exchange his broken body for a perfect victory for the empire from the very beginning.

   Sandman wants to say something.

   But he hasn't spoken yet.

  A warrior stabbed a dagger covered with arcane runes into his body.

  The Sandman's eyes were blurred, and finally fell into darkness.

   "Seal the commander-in-chief's body and bring him back to Terra." A warrior whispered: "He will be buried in the sacred cemetery until the day he is awakened."

   "What about this guy?" Another fighter kicked the unconscious Sandman.

   "Sent to the sage's laboratory, the research on the endless family is still going on, the sages need more samples."

   The creation star of the No. 02 main universe-077 parallel universe.

  The flames of war covered the entire city.

   Enough to send mortals deadly to horrific fallout floating in the air.

  The rumbling artillery fire scorched the entire ruins.

   Those artillery fires are so terrifying that they can erase the past and future of a thing.

   Delete data completely.

  Even the reflection in the highest sky will be completely erased.

   Does not leave a trace.

  Constantine, wearing a full set of protective clothing, led the team composed of Constantine forward in the ruins.

   Each parallel universe's Constantine is different.

   Some who resisted the Empire have been killed.

   is also somewhat unknown, failing to become an excellent Constantine.

  Those Konstantin who did not resist the empire and were outstanding, successfully entered the Konstantin squad.

  Constantine, who went to the empire, called himself Constantine.

  Constantine who followed him was divided according to their body shape, personality, appearance characteristics, and the parallel universe they were born in.

Now this team has old Constantine, little Constantine, fat Constantine, skinny Constantine, irritable Constantine, taciturn Constantine, scarred Constantine, violent Constantine Dante.

  The task of Constantine's team is to capture those guys from the Endless Family.

  The Sandman entered the Imperial battleship.

  No need to think about this anymore.

  A self-inflicted idiot.

   These guys are concepts personified.

  The empire tried to dig out some useful things from them and strengthen the research on the field of rules.

  The sages declared that if they could gain inspiration from these conceptual avatars, the empire would have the technology to create real gods.

  They will also become the most important right-hand man of the Holy Emperor.

  Konstantin knew nothing about the competition among the sages, he only knew that hunting the endless family was a very troublesome job.

   If the promises of those guys were not touching enough, Constantine would rather go to the frontline troops.

  Most psykers and Librarians have followed Titus to fight the Legion of the Monitor.

  Konstantin, a local mage, has become one of the few existences who can arrest the endless family.

   "This distance is almost the same." Constantine said: "Characterize the magic circle, summon those guys, and then lock them up."

  Members of the Endless Clan wield unimaginable power.

  It is difficult to destroy and harm them by physical means.

   However, they are not invincible.

  Mages can use runes and spells to imprison them.

  Sandmans from multiple parallel universes have been summoned by mages and imprisoned.

   "Summon death first, that chick has a great figure." Old Constantine fiddled with his snow-white hair, showing an excited smile.

   "Be serious, we are doing business." Constantine said: "That guy is the strongest, stay to the end."

   "I heard that he escaped to the parallel universe No. 045 and died, and he lived like this for tens of thousands of years." Old Constantine took out a photo.

  In the photo, there is a childish-looking, pure and lovely girl with smooth long hair, wearing a black gothic dress, and a slender waist.

  The turbulent chest makes people worry about whether such a thin waist can support such a majesty, and the bare white and flawless feet look so cute that people can't take their eyes off.

  Members of the endless family are the embodiment of concepts.

   But they are not immortal.

  If they are targeted by powerful beings and kill them with their hands, they will die too.

  The domain they belong to will once again give birth to an endless family member with all the memories of the former.

"Vulgar." Constantine said with a look of disdain: "Am I the kind of person who is easily shaken? You are an insult to my noble personality. Let's call for death first. The more difficult it is, the more we have to welcome it." Difficult to overcome."

  Andromeda Nebula.

   Planet Velo.

   This is also Wesker's hometown.

   With the offensive of the empire, Wesker, who joined the army, came back again.

  The difference is that he set off as a defender of the alliance, but returned as an auxiliary army of the empire.

  As soon as it landed, a group of local company executives greeted them obsequiously.

   Executives include humans and dwarves.

  All of them were smiling, and seemed very happy for the arrival of these imperial auxiliary troops.

   The official organizations of many planets in the alliance are taken care of by large enterprises or executives of large companies.

  Of course there are some purely official people, but their influence is generally not as great as that of executives.

   "Congratulations to all of you who have struggled hard to go home. We hope that you are looking forward to the stars and the moon, which is why we have brought you back."

  "You guys are here, life will be easier, bring down those **** alliance lackeys, bring down big companies, the oppression of big companies, freedom belongs to the people."

  Executives use flattery to try to make a good impression and avoid being purged.

   But at this moment, a discordant voice came.

"You are traitors. You have betrayed your homeland and become the lackeys of the invaders. You are shameless." A student who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old pointed at Wesker and insulted: "You will always be cast aside and nailed to history on the pillar of shame."




  The companion next to the student also shouted.

  The faces of the smiling executives turned pale, wishing they could just draw their guns and kill these guys.

  PS: All viewpoints in this book are considered from the standpoints of characters from different camps and environments.

  (end of this chapter)