
one of his

don't read this book this is not my book nor my property I am just copy and pasteing if from another website I do this so that may have a interesting story to listen to in class or work 40k

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 366 The duel between Guilliman and Yogg-Sothoth 7 (subscribe)

  Constantine's ability to tell stories is a must.

  As a scumbag, he is cynical and knows how to mobilize the emotions of those people.

   Following his impassioned and emotionally charged words, everyone in the bar gathered together, their eyes widened, expecting Constantine to say more about what they were interested in.

  Even the bartender, who was studded with many prosthetic limbs, slowed down and raised his ears to listen to the story told by the stranger.

  As a man who can get by in **** just by opening his mouth, the word timid is not in Constantine's dictionary.

  He is a good hand at fooling others.

   Telling stories, he is a master of hands.

  I saw Constantine standing on the table, just like the troubadours in ancient times, using passionate words and exaggerated body movements to tell the story that has been suppressed in his heart.

  He polished it a lot, but the general plot direction has not changed.

  " Titus yelled, "Today is your end, false god. The glory of our emperor is destined to spread all over the universe, and there will be no shelter for false gods like you. As soon as the words fell, Zeus launched an attack. With a wave of his arm, countless thunderbolts fell, setting off a terrifying explosion. One side was the great warrior of the Holy Emperor, in charge of millions of legions, holding the imperial sacred artifact, and the other was the ancient The evil **** is known as immortal and eternal. The fight between the two sides was so tragic. The terrifying light beam spread across the endless sky. The earth wailed, the sky wept, and everything trembled. Titus escaped the terrible blow and turned his backhand Cut to the evil god. With the painful cry of Zeus, the king of gods, one of his arms was cut off and fell on the scorched battlefield, with bright red blood gushing out. When he staggered backwards, Titus grabbed Seizing the opportunity, he jumped up and punched the opponent **** the head. One eye of the **** king Zeus exploded on the spot, penetrating people very deeply. Unable to maintain his own huge body, after kneeling on the ground, he became the size of a normal person. Titus stepped up and grabbed Zeus by the hair, and put the sharp, blue radiant ax blade on the opponent's neck."

  "The king of gods knelt down, his armor was broken, and Titus, whose face was stained with blood, said in a low, menacing voice: "Pseudo-gods, either submit to my emperor, or meet death. ""

  When Constantine talked about this, everyone in the bar had their eyes wide open and their mouths slightly opened.

  When they learned that Titus had made a god-king kneel down and asked him to surrender, they all cheered.

   Feeling overwhelmed, it is difficult to express my feelings.

  I wish that I was the one kneeling down to the evil god, and I was the one who said the domineering words.

   "The glory of the holy emperor lives forever, and Titus is indeed the hero of the empire." A man shouted: "It is the manifest destiny for humans to rule the heavens and the universe, and no one can stop us."

   "Let those false gods die."

   "No **** can stand above our heads."

   "Long live Titus, the glory of the Holy Emperor shall live forever."

  People's voices are very noisy.

  The only thing they have in common is that they are all extremely excited.

  Constantine brought this story to their hearts.

  My heart is full of admiration and admiration for the great emperor's vision.

  The resources consumed by the interstellar project are unimaginable, occupying a large proportion of the empire's finances.

  Many people question whether it is worth spending such a large price to maintain the inter-universe channel before the galaxy is unified!

  The story brought by Constantine undoubtedly gave these confused people a boost.

   Those abominable evil gods are everywhere.

   Only by adhering to the ideology of the imperial emperor and overthrowing them all can human beings live a good life and realize the manifest destiny of ruling the universe.

   "The **** king let out a wailing sound, but he still..."

  Konstantin took a sip of water and planned to continue talking.

   Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a man in the uniform of an imperial double-headed eagle walking in from outside the bar.

  He looked around the bar and saw Constantine standing on the table. He pushed through the crowd and walked to Constantine, interrupting the story.

   "Mr. Constantine and Ms. Zatanna, your spaceship permission to go to Terra has been approved, and we have to set off."

Konstantin looked at the man with a drunken face, and after confirming that he was the person in charge of the cross-universe exchange group, he jumped off the table and said apologetically to the crowd: "It seems There is no way to finish this story, I have seen many things with my own eyes, I have seen how Titus killed the gods, I have seen Sanguinius soaring in the sky, and the people screamed with frenzy. If you are there, You can feel the excitement in my heart, this is a crazy time."

  Everyone could not help complaining and feeling disappointed. .

  They were listening enthralled, but were interrupted at the last moment.

   That kind of feeling is like the feeling that after accepting Huang Mao's incredible experience, he is always close to his childhood sweetheart.

  My heart is always itchy.

   Very disappointed, very lost feeling.

  Desire to be powerfully satisfied and fill the hunger of the soul.

   "Respect the Holy Light, the all-knowing and all-powerful emperor of the empire, may he always shelter our confused souls, cheers, my friends."

  Constantine ignored those people's pleas to continue speaking.

  He raised his own wine and bid farewell to everyone.

   After drinking, he left the lost audience.

  In those resentful eyes, he left with a smile, without a trace of nostalgia.

   He is worthy of his name as a scumbag.

   Walking out of the bar, a gust of cool wind made Constantine sober up a lot.

  The person in charge brought the two of them to a hovercraft with a roaring engine on the side of the road.

   With the hissing of mechanical equipment, the hatch door slowly opened.

  Konstantin saw that the other companions who had been selected to study and communicate in this universe had already found their place in it.

  He and Zatanna were the latest.

  The mission of the cross-universe exchange group on the Emperor Supreme is over.

  The Holy Emperor has received them for the second time.

  Listened to their appeals, and also answered some confusions raised by them as representatives of universe 02.

   The next stop of the exchange group is to go to Terra, the origin of the empire.

  They will visit and learn about the past of the empire, understand the bitter history, and the burden of human beings.

   It only took thirty minutes for the hovering airship to reach the orbital station connected to the webway.

  The entrance to the webway of the Emperor Supreme is located deep inside the battleship.

  It was a very huge circular arch that radiated light.

  Giant tracks extend from the arch-shaped webway gates, and stop at giant track stations to load and unload goods and people.

   There are several orbital stations, and the one that Constantine and others arrived at is the one closest to the entrance of the webway.

  Several tracks are laid on the metal bulkhead with gravity.

  The Empire did not build direct trains to Terra.

  These trains connect to the port city in the webway.

  Spaceships from all over the galaxy arrive at the port city, where they moor, and transfer their cargo onto giant trains to the world of Thrones.

  Accompanied by a low roar, giant steel trains flew out of the arch.

  The head of the train exudes a bright blue fusion light.

  These trains are huge, and they use plasma energy piles to provide energy for the trains.

  The amount of goods delivered each time is amazing.

  The most special thing is that the gravity of this space is different.

  All the bulkheads are both the ceiling and the ground for passengers. Everyone stands in a different position and feels completely different.

  People will see the train running on the walls and ceiling, like a magical world.

  The hovering airship stopped at a giant mooring square.

   There are a lot of people here, which is unusually noisy.

  There are countless floating airships that rise and fall.

   Some airships came out of groups of pilgrims. They came to worship the throne world where the holy emperor was, with a pious attitude.

  Even just looking at it from a distance is enough to satisfy their short and small life.

   There are also some businessmen in Chinese clothes. This group generally looks richer and fatter, and they are also equipped with various shiny advanced artificial limbs.

  The merchants talked about the preciousness of the goods, the difficulty of the journey and the profits in it, trying to attract the attention of their partners in order to raise the price a little.

   There were also hurried-looking imperial staff trotting forward, as if carrying an urgent task and not daring to waste any time.

  Crowds of people wave after wave, like a tide that has no end.

  Pilgrims and merchants of the empire must enter and leave the Emperor Supreme by train.

   For this reason, every time the train arrives at the station, it is very crowded.

  Konstantin and others, with the help of several bureaucrats, entered the train track station along the crowd.

   After checking their identities, they boarded a train smoothly.

  Because it is only a short distance, the train is not as luxurious as the inter-universe train, and there are no living facilities.

   Just provide a seat.

  The overall layout is like the characteristic green leather train in Constantine's world.

   It's a bit bigger, and there are projections inside.

   Every few minutes, the train will depart, pass through different rail stations, and finally enter the webway, heading for the city built in the webway.

  Konstantin sat by the window, watching the bustling crowd of people outside.

  As the train moved, those people were also retreating rapidly.

  The three officials responsible for leading them chatted in low voices about the next arrangement.

  Constantine is not very interested in this.

   Keeping your eyes outside, watching the huge double-headed eagle and the bustling crowd.

  He knew that leaving the Emperor Supreme this time might be permanent.

  The universe is so vast, and the universe of the heavens is so huge that it exceeds the human mind.

  He is so small that he will never have the chance to face the Holy Emperor, nor will he have the chance to see that noble and perfect face up close.

   It's all so sad.

  If you give your all, you can keep him by the side of that great man.

  Konstantin will definitely give up everything he currently has without hesitation.

  Property, honor, and love are just passing clouds, and as time goes by, they will all disappear in the long river of history.

  Serving that holy emperor is something that can make one's soul happy.

  Even if you only share a few trivial responsibilities for it, it will make your life feel happy and fulfilled.

  Konstantin knew he was not qualified to stay.

  What qualifications does an insignificant person like him have to expect such honors!

  Think about Sanguinius, think about Titus, think about every big man in the Empire you meet.

  They all have superb wisdom, extraordinary courage and strategy, and they will die for the Holy Emperor without hesitation, and fight against unimaginable powerful enemies for him.

   "I'm even afraid of death, so what qualifications do I have to stay by His side." Constantine sighed with a little sadness: "If I have enough courage and make enough meritorious deeds, maybe I will have this opportunity."

  The speed of the train is not fast, it is equivalent to the subway in Gotham City.

   A few minutes later, the train left the huge track station and drove along the track into the huge circular arch.

   When passing through the bright light of the arch, the strong light stimulated Constantine to close his eyes.

   When he felt the bright light disappear and opened his eyes again, the train drove into a thick fog.

  Relying on his extraordinary eyesight, Constantine was able to see the bulkhead behind the roiling fog.

  The bulkhead looks like silvery flowing metal, with slight ripples and fluctuations from time to time.

  The golden double-headed eagle emblem of the Empire can be seen everywhere.

  The mage's instinct made Constantine realize that something was wrong.

  Did his spiritual sense tell him that behind the bulkhead was hidden a horror beyond the imagination of the world.

  Those horrors howled in the world of the bulkhead, hitting the bulkhead violently again and again.

  The screams of those horrible things cannot be heard or perceived by mortal senses.

   The only way to realize what is happening is through psychic perception.

   Like the inter-universe tunnel he had experienced.

   Those monsters are constantly attacking this special tunnel.

  The difference between the two is that those abominations cannot enter it.

   Unlike the inter-universe tunnel, those monsters have a chance to enter the train.

   The more you understand the Empire, the more you will feel the power of the enemy of mankind.

  Those horrible things are everywhere, lurking in the darkness like terrible ghosts.

  When human beings relax a little, they will make a comeback from the darkness, devour the minds of those rational people, and push the brilliant civilization into the abyss.

  The train moved smoothly along the rails at high speed, stirring up the terrible fog.

  Zatana, who is also a mage, also noticed the abnormality.

  The mist rolled, and faces appeared one after another.

   There are human beings and alien aliens.

   Absolute nothingness filled her mind.

   Up and down, left and right, front and back, extending infinitely, without end.

   It's like being abandoned in the eternal nothingness.

   But she stared at the complex geometric structure beyond the comprehension of human mind, as well as the terrifying things hidden behind, and endless confusion and awe would emerge in her heart.

  The technology to build the webway is so advanced and unimaginable.

  Just staring at the finished product made her feel dizzy, and her whole brain was about to explode.

  What kind of talent does its builder need to build such a mysterious and magnificent tunnel.

  She thought of the inter-universe tunnel, the technology contained in the road that runs through different universes is probably even more amazing.

  The danger behind it is even more terrifying.

  Fortunately, the inter-universe train is fully enclosed.

  This allows the ignorant passengers to keep their sanity from breaking down and screaming in the face of the madness of the multiverse.

   "If you feel uncomfortable, you can put down the baffle." An official saw the discomfort of Constantine and Zatana, and realized that their magical talents sensed something that should have been concealed here.

   "It doesn't matter much." Constantine shook his head and said.

  The official sized him up a few times and nodded after confirming that there was no problem.

   "If you feel uncomfortable, put it down, don't hold on." After the official urged again, he turned his head and continued to chat with his colleagues.

  Konstantin nodded, took another look at Zatana who was staring outside, and then looked at the tumbling fog again.

  The dense fog seems to have a life of its own.

   It feels the gaze.

  The invisible hand fiddled with the tumbling thick fog, making it like a drama, presenting countless distorted scenes to the creatures who dared to watch it.

  A howling man is engulfed in a mist like flames, twisting and dissipating in an instant.

   I saw a man and a woman made of mist cuddling intimately together, but were swallowed by a terrifying hound rushing out of the darkness.

   What the fog reveals is both eerie and incomprehensible.

   It stands to reason that the speed of the train left the fog behind before it formed.

  The problem is that the train doesn't seem to be moving, and the tumbling fog around it keeps changing, creating horrible and distorted scenes one after another.

   It gives people the illusion that the train stops in place.

  Konstantin has learned some physics knowledge, and from the tumbling fog, he guessed that there should be a problem with the reference object.

   Those weird mist illusions have been presented in front of them by some unknown method, which created this illusion.

  Konstantin finally chose to give up. He put down the baffle, closed his eyes, and tried his best not to pay attention to the terrifying thing behind the bulkhead.

   Silently reciting the lame prayers they had learned, convincing themselves that the protection of the Holy Emperor would keep them from being harmed by terrible things.

   More than an hour later, there was a slight vibration from the smoothly running train, and there was an obvious sense of deceleration.

  Konstantin opened his eyes and looked out the window. The tumbling mist became much lighter.

  A magnificent giant city appeared in his eyes.

  The towering city walls stand up to the sky, with no end in sight.

  The terrifying scale makes it feel like it's the end of the world.

  That is the webway city connected to the Emperor Supreme.

  The majestic giant wall is full of holes of different sizes.

  A train goes through one of the holes.

   After a few minutes, I entered the world of light from the dark tunnel.

  The huge artificial sun is suspended above those tall buildings, casting warm sunlight.

  Countless cargo spaceships swim in the sky like fish schools in the deep sea, casting huge shadows.

   When Constantine stepped off the train, a giant spaceship flew over his head, casting a huge shadow on the ground.

  Under the guidance of the pilot, the giant spacecraft moored into the port to load and unload cargo.

  Konstantin looked up at this majestic giant city.

   Countless towering buildings made him feel small.

   It's like ants crawling through Titan's buildings.

   There is a huge arch not far from him, and countless speeding cars shuttle back and forth like a school of fish, at an astonishingly fast speed.

"Another miracle of engineering." Zatanna sighed: "My numb heart almost feels like we used to live in a primitive tribe, and the architectural miracle we are proud of is in front of the empire. Mud houses built by primitive people.

  Constance was silent.

  Even if he is cynical and rebellious, it is difficult for him to show contempt for the evil **** in the face of such a magnificent city.

  After arriving in this world, they have witnessed too many miracles.

  If humans long for heaven, then this is heaven.

   is the earthly paradise built by the Holy Emperor for mankind.

  Officials have prepared everything.

  After getting off the train, there is already a speeding train to the airport waiting for them.

  The inter-universe exchange group has no plan to visit the webway city.

  Many people have this idea in their hearts, and want to see how this city built between reality and fantasy looks like.

  Unfortunately, they must obey the original tour plan.

  The speeding car merged into the traffic flow, and it was flying fast all the way, shuttling among many towering and majestic buildings.

   ended up placing its guests alongside a passenger ship.

  It was a passenger spaceship going directly to Terra, without any armed forces, and it didn't look advanced.

  The huge hull is moored in a microgravity port like a giant.

  This magnificent webway city is divided into a gravity zone, a transition zone, and a gravity-free zone.

  The gravity zone is mainly used for living and commercial activities.

  Transition area is used to berth cargo ships and transship cargo.

  The zero-gravity zone is the take-off zone.

  Getting out of the speeding car, Constantine, who was standing on the open platform, felt a sense of enlightenment.

  He saw a giant webway large enough to accommodate Celestial-class warships.

   The giant cargo spaceships with a length of several kilometers or even more than ten kilometers, like moving metal mountains, also appear very small in the network tunnel of the main artery.

   Some spaceships will be docked at the port, and more spaceships will continue to move towards their destinations, densely packed, like a school of sardines wandering in the deep sea.

  The webway city they are in is just an insignificant station in the complex webway system.

  Under the urging of the officials, Constantine and the others hurried onto the spaceship before they had time to look at the magnificent scene.

  The environment on the spaceship is quite good.

   One large room for one traveler, just like a hotel, fully equipped with living facilities.

   There are luxurious restaurants, clear swimming pools and cinemas, etc.

  The connection of the network channel and the shuttle between the stars are no longer a problem for the empire, and it is a matter of routine for the citizens of the empire.

  Spaceships across different worlds are also like cruise ships.

  Set sail from the webway city, after an uneventful week.

   After finishing grooming, Constantine boarded the aircraft that was transferred from the airport outside the solar system.

  Through that glass he was able to gaze upon the sacred home of the Empire.

  Except for the huge Ark of Atonement, densely packed weapon platforms, endless fleets and miraculous giant cities, what caught Constantine's attention the most was the giant beam of light piercing the starry sky.

   Shooting out from the surface of Terra, illuminating the vast void, sinking into the unpredictable subspace, it is so bright that it is difficult for people to ignore it.

  If you look at it with spiritual sense, you can see the torch like a lighthouse in the turbulent etheric ocean current.

   That light was full of pain and despair.

   This incident puzzled Constantine.

  Why is there such a beam of light cast in pain in the empire.

   was responsible for taking them to Terra, and Kitan, a Primaris warrior belonging to the White Archon Chapter, told Constantine the details.

  That beam of light was ignited by the traitors of the past as fuel.

  The empire did not establish a webway. When building the lighthouse system, it relied on the astronomical torch maintained by the great emperor as a reference to navigate in the complex subspace.

   In the beginning, the Astronomican was built and maintained by the Holy Emperor and father of many loyal Primarchs - the Great Emperor.

  The Emperor was still free at that time.

  With his wisdom and strength, he launched the Great Crusade and united the lost humans.

  At the end of the Great Crusade, he handed over the army to his most trusted son - Horus, and he returned to Terra, planning to give the last gift to mankind.

   That is the webway that Constantine saw before.

  Horus was bewitched by the dark gods to become a traitor when his father was busy with how to let all mankind walk on a perfect path.

  Using his power as Warmaster, he divided the Loyalists and waged a terrible war.

   Surrounded Terra with the minions of the gods and those traitors.

  The Great Emperor's plan failed, and the Webway brought backlash, forcing him to sit on the golden throne that drained psychic power.

   At the cost of the lives of countless heroes, the Emperor struggled to defeat the rebellious son.

However, the empire has been torn apart, and the Primarch has also suffered casualties. Even the Holy Emperor, who was still the Primarch at the beginning, was also deceived and plotted by the hateful Fulgrim in the follow-up work. He was seriously injured and unconscious, and was forced to enter the quiet stagnation field.

  In order to prevent the backlash of the webway from destroying the home world of mankind and destroying human civilization.

  The Emperor chose to sit on the Golden Throne.

  Willing to extract spiritual power and life to maintain the existence of the empire.

  Its terrible torture made its soul no longer whole.

  At that time, thousands or even tens of thousands of psykers had to be burned to death every day to maintain the existence of the Astronomical Torch.

   It can be said that without the Astronomical Torch, there would be no empire.

  Human beings have long been reduced to slaves and playthings of the gods.

  At that time, human beings had to pay an unimaginable price just to survive.

  Looking around, there is only endless darkness.

  These terrible disasters were not brought to an end until the Holy Emperor woke up again.

  The Holy Emperor captured all those traitors back to Terra.

   In punishment for their horrific crimes.

   erected great statues of atonement and burned them like firewood.

  Its light can be observed by the entire galaxy.

  Use this light to warn every citizen of the empire to betray humanity and the price of betraying the empire.

  It is also to tell those people that happiness and beauty are never free, nor are they a gift of fate, but the spoils of countless human heroes who exchanged their blood and lives.

  Let the people of the empire always be vigilant against the enemies of the empire and remember their mission.

"When you arrive in Terra, you can visit the Astronomican buildings where the traitors are imprisoned. You only need 150 Empire credits. It is also a well-known landscape in Terra. The only thing to pay attention to is, ignore it Anything those traitors say. For example, that cunning and despicable Fulgrim who tricked the Holy Emperor with family affection and then killed him will scream that I defeated Guilliman. That Lorgar will shout that the Holy Emperor is A liar or something, the state religion was founded by him or something crazy."

   After Kitan finished talking about the origin of the Apostle of Atonement, he recommended Constantine to visit the Astronomical Buildings where the traitors were held.

  Konstantin and the people beside him were all silent after hearing the story behind the atonement torch.

  Behind the glory of the empire, there are many unknown blood and tears hidden.

  Countless heroes have fought for the survival of mankind.

  Konstantin finally understood why the empire didn't like those gods at all.

  They have suffered too much.

   "I will go." Constantine said: "I will go and see the astronomical torch used to atone for the traitors, and see those traitors who betrayed the empire."

  The Emperor Supreme.

  The strategy room, where papers, scrolls, books, and various data devices, holograms, and other items were piled up, seemed a bit messy.

  Servo skulls shuttle back and forth high above the sky, exchanging information and documents in front of those military commanders.

  The servants put away those precious and signed documents, and prepared to send them to different departments by category.

  Guilliman sat at the main seat, bowing his head and meditating on the information brought by the various expeditionary forces.

  Lion-Lion brought him a not-so-good news.

   They encounter the Necrons who are creating new weapons.

  The information read from the opponent's data center shows that the cancerous legion provided them with those technical knowledge.

  Those technologies gave the Necrons the power to fight the Empire again.

   This is not a good thing.

  Guilliman assessed the threat Yogg-Sothos posed to him.

  The most worrying thing is not this evil **** who claims to be omniscient, but what is behind this evil god.

  This means that the human empire will be involved in an unimaginable war.

  born of the Nameless Mist, Yogg-Sothoth, the One of All, is not a lone wolf fighting alone.

  The black goat goddess of the forest, who gave birth to tens of thousands of offspring-Sab Nicholas.

   Creeping chaos, good at deceiving and seducing - Nyarlathotep.

  And the most terrifying master of blindness and ignorance, the original Chaos Azathoth.

   These three are all indescribable evil gods from the same camp as him.

  The rank and authority of the original Chaos Azathoth are still above Yogg-Sothoth.

  These terrifying evil gods all hold infinite mysteries and knowledge of the universe.

  To be honest, if there is a real competition, Guilliman is not at all sure whether the knowledge of the database in his hand can match that of the opponent.

  Just the existence of a cancerous legion caused the empire to almost stumble.

  If those unspeakable evil gods have stronger family members appearing, how should the empire respond!

  Guilliman has given Ryan a reply, asking him to stop and personally preside over the analysis of the various technologies used by the pyramid.

  As the empire expands, more and more powerful enemies will be encountered.

  The empire must develop the habit of quickly learning the opponent's knowledge and finding targeted restraint methods.

   Only by constantly learning and innovating can we maintain a leading position.

  Otherwise, it may be abandoned.

  It is a good thing to stay strong, as it can cover up many problems, and even if there is a crisis, there are enough cards to solve it.

  Once you are behind and weak, even if there is no problem, you will be beaten by others.

  Guilliman turned his attention to the ongoing tactical game.

  The Cadia battlefield has come to an end.

  The armies marching together are encircling the alliance formed by the enemies of the empire.

  Prepare to complete the task.

  Military commanders are doing their best to calculate and simulate any counterattack the enemy may make.

"The enemy's activity area is being compressed, they have built a total of twenty main defense worlds, and sixty secondary defense worlds, orcs and space undead, the cancerous legion is separated, which means that those guys have not been able to integrate these The army has only achieved a preliminary coordinated operation."

  "The beasts will never be able to integrate their own troops. The Silent King will not bow his proud head to the orcs and admit that they are his allies."

"There is nothing impossible in this world, they are heading for failure. When faced with a crisis, even the orcs will show unmatched wisdom and strategy. Don't underestimate any enemy, arrogance will only make us pay unimaginable heavy price."

"They are responsible for the defense of different areas. The main traitors and orcs encountered by Lord Dorne, and most of the people encountered by Lord Lane are space undead. The cancerous Legion shrank near the Cadia Fortress. Obviously, They're doing something there."

   "Then we have to speed up, no matter what they do, we must stop them in time. We have stayed here for too long, and we should send part of the fleet to put pressure on the enemy."

  The commanders debated, looking for the opponent's plan to veto it, and then put forward their own plan.

  Guilliman listened to their discussion.

   was not in a hurry to speak.

   Arguments and proposals spark more discussion.

  The seemingly perfect proposal was found with a fatal weakness.

  The proposal full of mistakes and omissions gives people another perspective to consider.

  He listened to the opinions of the debaters, and screened out what he wanted from them, and improved them.

  This approach can save him a lot of work.

   As the old saying goes, three cobblers are worth one Zhuge Liang.

  All here are experienced imperial commanders.

  What Guilliman can consider, they will basically consider.

  Working hard at everything will only be exhausted to death like Zhuge Liang.

   To be a man, we must learn more from Sima Yi. To live is the greatest victory.

  Sima Yi boiled Zhuge Liang to death, Cao Cao to death, Cao Pi to death, Cao Rui to death, and finally created the Sima family.

  Laughing for a while is not a victory, but a real hero is laughing until the end.

   "Where is the Orc Emperor-Bonecrusher?" Guilliman spoke abruptly, intervening in the arguments of many military commanders.

  His vocalization silenced everyone.

  Several commanders who are good at data calculations quickly opened a new information window.

   "There are data showing that it is the Slaughter Star not far from Cadia, and many orc warlords are also gathered there."

   "How far is it?" Guilliman asked with a smile.

"1.256 light-years. According to the evaluation, if the Cancerous Legion supports it, it will take half a day's voyage, and then the Necrons and the traitors of the Empire. The latter two will take a little longer." The officer replied. .

   "Half a day." Guilliman knocked on the table, then looked up and said: "Find a way to slow down their support speed, at least three days must be created."

  The military commanders looked at each other face to face.

  One of the commanders asked a little uneasy: "Your Majesty, why do you want to buy all this time?"

"Calculating the time, the orc warlord is about to complete its evolution. It's time to replace the orc emperor and take control of the orc biological weapon." Guilliman said in a concise and seemingly absent-minded tone: "We have to give it some Time to defeat the Orc Emperor and take it over."

   "The distance is so close, once we appear on the Killing Star, it will inevitably arouse the vigilance of the cancerous legion, and they will not sit back and watch our replacement plan."

   "That's why Your Majesty wants to buy time. You don't have to repeat this question, we can understand it."

   "It may be much better to focus on how to solve the problem instead of finding fault with your colleagues, General Andrei."

   "If you talk less nonsense, then I will focus on the problem itself, rather than your frivolous attempt to gain His Majesty's attention."

  The debate between the two parties brought some gunpowder.

  Guilliman did not show any irritation, but smiled instead.

   "Am I so small that I'm not worthy of others' deliberate pleasing??"

Andre was shocked, "Your Majesty, what are you talking about! I never meant that, you are the lord of the empire, the savior of mankind, if your majesty is not here, then we are meaningless and have no achievements ."

"I understand your sincerity, General Andre, you can't tolerate the behavior of any cunning villain in your eyes. You try your best to keep me away from those flattering villains and let me listen to the words of honest people." Guilliman There was a sly smile in his eyes, "But can you promise me not to be so harsh on Erkas, he is just a little uneasy because he has just been promoted to his current position, trying to prove that he is worthy of trust through performance of."

"All of you here are the pillars of the empire, my staff, my generals, you must never put your mind on fighting with each other and dislike each other, that would be a huge loss to me, don't you want to fight because of your own Are you selfish to the detriment of your sovereign?"

"Never dare to do that." Erkas bowed his head and said: "I will try my best to do better. Andre's reminder has benefited me a lot. I will never go to the villain's house for His Majesty's favor road, that is an unimaginable crime."

   "Your Majesty, I definitely didn't mean it. I apologize to you, Erkas." Andre also said.

"I understand that you are all for my own good. Occasional differences are necessary, but you must always remember that you are one, comrades-in-arms and brothers fighting side by side for the future of mankind. Under this premise, any Disagreement, you must learn to examine and accept any different opinions, and you must not let that desire and anger swallow you up." Guilliman said with a smile, "Restart the topic just now, how to win more than three days for the orc warlord. time."

  (end of this chapter)