
Chapter 90 Curse of the Sword

       "What curse of the sword are you talking about?"

I sked her. She stood with her back facing me.

"Gina or should I say Maria"

She said and face me. She inhaled and exhaled.

   "You have a lot of mysteries surrounding you,most you have known and the rest still unknown. The rest might be uncover as you live but some might remain uncovered."

   She said and stared deep into my eyes.

"Poor child... I am truly sorry that the ordinary life you prayed for was taken away from you before you could start it"

   "I was among the witches that made research on why you kept dying each time you came to life after fulfilling a mission. A warrior princess was not meant to die and come back to life,she was meant to live and to protect her mate and her empire. But yours was different,you kept dying each time you came to live. So I and few witches has been on the research for a century to know why only for me to find out that there is a curse placed on the sword that the bearer will keep dying each time she came into existence"

     I stood there staring at her with my mouth wide open,I was dumbfounded. So the curse of the sword has been the reason I kept dying.

   "Who would not want me to live for my people?"

I asked after I got over my speechlessness.

    "A every mother loves her child to the core, Universe laid a curse on the sword so that you will not have to stay after fulfilling your mission"

She said. Well I am not a mother but I know the love of a mother to her child so it's understandable to why she did what she did. I can't blame her.

     "So now that the curse is broken,what's next?"

I asked

"Well when you are done with your mission this time around,you could choose to live or die. It's your decision entirely this time around. But you breaking from the curse of the sword does not guarantee that you will not die from other means"

   She said and I got more curious.

"Other means like how?"

I asked.

   "I mean,you know that Chris is your life and death,if anything happens to him to warrant he has to dye,you dye too"

She said and I understood what she meant by other means. And choosing to live or die,my decision would be staying; no two ways about it.

  " So I am Called Maria Gina Theophilus,what a long name?"

I asked and she laughed

"You cease not to amaze me"

She replied and swiped hand in the air and  another sword appeared.

"Huh...where did that came from?"

I asked though I know how it came about. Witches and magic.

    "Fight me,let's see if our dear queen still knows how to fight"

She said and made towards me

"Hohoho... Easy there, give me chance to pick my sword"

I said and made my way towards the sword but she breached me

      "The enemies don't give you time to prepare for battles,they come unexpected so don't let them meet you unawares.. be prepared at all times....lesson no 4"

She said and swinged her sword at me,well I managed to pick my sword in time before it swept pass my ear. That was close.

    She came at me again but I was able to defend her attack and she smiled.

"Nice try but not so good"

She said and I huffed,who is she kidding?

   "Always keep your enemies engaged,don't go wordless while fighting that way you will be able to detect his next move....lesson no 5"

I was so going to learn a lot today.

   "You are so good, Tiana,were you a teacher?"

I asked implementing lesson no 5 into action,keep your enemies engaged .

She smiled and said

"You are a fast learner....well I was the one who tutored you"

I gave a nod and continued my attacks on her. She swinged her sword left and right like a nija mutant. She is indeed good at this,I bet if I am going to beat her today or any day.

    We have been on this for twenty minutes now and none of us seems to be running out of energy.

There is one thing about this sword,it's gives you a whole new energy. You can't get tired fighting,I noticed the last time I held it.

    She came swiftly at me and I lost my balance. She chuckled at me. 

"That's called cheating"

I whined

"Well the enemy will use every tactics to bring you down,he does not care the means he uses. If he has to cheat,he will...lesson no 6"

She said and pulled her sword away from my neck and I breathed in.

    "It's not all about fighting,you could master all tactics in the world yet at the battle field, you will fail. I doubt if you are going to have an open battle with Lord Xexes"

She said.


 So guys what do you think of the story so far?,Kindly connect with me on Whatsapp (+234110461687)and tell me what you think. Much love from here❤️.