
Chapter 87 Black and White

        Chris was not surprised to see the expression on his uncle's face when he made his way towards him. He is sure that what is running through his mind was how he was able to locate South after a century of being away. Well he should know that no many forgets his way home no matter how long he stayed away from home.

      His uncle was sitting on the throne like nothing matters in the world when he made his way towards him with the most charming smile he could Master.

      Lord Xexes had to sit up when he saw him, could it really be his nephew or his impostor but he has seen the invincible mark of Kings on his forehead so it's could only be him.

     "Hi Uncle, surprise to see me?"

Chris asked with a disgusting look on his face.

   "Hi Son"

Lord Xexes replied checking him out,he really want to make sure it's Prince Christamos.

   "I am quite surprised to see you,you lived and you never come home, son?

  He said and Chris felt disgusted. Who is his uncle trying to deceive,does he think Chris don't know he was the one that stabbed him that night.

     The memories of that night came flooding to his memory and he clutched his fist. The worst that could happen to a man I to be betrayed by the one you trust so much. His love for his uncle was endless but after the incident that nearly killed him,he vowed that he will get back at his uncle but Nature and Universe warned him against trying because it was not yet time to send the Lord to where he belong.

     He has just seen Maria out of his room when his uncle, came requesting for him to have a walk with him which he gladly did. Ever since he met Maria,he has gone back to being himself a forgetting about the death of his parents. Maria was the reason he was able to forget the tragic end of his parents. His uncle was happy for him and supported his relationship with Maria so he thought.

    They were having their best time in the woods having the best of nephew-uncle moment when his uncle took any excuse to go ease himself,the next thing he noticed was something piercing him from the back and what happened next,he could not remember. Thanks to Madam Hailey who rescued him and gave him a chance at new life.

      "Sorry dear uncle but I could not find my way back home"

He said and settled down on the couch. He just has to be extra careful because he knows the kind of uncle he has.

    Lord Xexes settled back on the throne and gave him one of his mischievous smiles. 

 "Oh! is that so... ? but it took you a century to find your way home,do you think the people who still recognize you as their rightful heir?"

  Lord Xexes asked his nephew with the most disdain look ever. There is no love between the two so none of them is going to keep pretending that the love each other.

     "Oh! sure they will,all you have to do is hand the throne over to the owner and peace will reign or else I am ready for you this time around. I am no longer the neive nephew of yours"

     He said and stood up leaving his uncle, chuckling. He went straight to his abode and things were still they way he left them. The power of magic,it retains things. He is done running,so let his uncle bring his tactics, he is well prepared for him.

    Lord Xexes knew that this time around that things has changed,he has always fight for this throne and will continue to fight for it until there is no one to contend the throne with him. He hopes this time around will be the last he will be looked down upon by his little nephew.

      Chris went over to his bed and raised the under,there lies a photo frame of century old,when black and white was on board. Now technology has made the world colourful. Maybe when these is all-over he will do something about.

     He picked it and cleared the dust on it,the smiling faces of his parents came into view.

   "Dad and Mom, I am back to bring the throne back it rightful lineage and I will do everything I could to make sure of that. I am sorry I have been away for a very long time"

He said caressing the photo frame,at that moment he felt peace and he knew that this time around things will finally be okay.