
Chapter 81 A good boyfriend

    " I came to see you"

     He said and smirked. The expression on his face disappeared as soon as it appeared. I rolled my eyes again,I came to understand that since I met him,I have been rolling my eyes constantly. The pest will not stop getting to my nerve.

 "I know you have not had lunch so I brought lunch for us to eat"

   He said and reached out to the basket to pull two paper bag with can juice. He made a little space on the desk again and placed them there. All these while I was just following his movements with my eyes.

  "Okay,you are welcome then."

I finally said,not caring a bit.

"Hope you will leave me in one piece?"

I asked him frowning, he arched  his eyebrows that even made it all the fun. I chuckled and turned away.

  "I don't know what runs in that pretty head of yours."

He said, sounding annoyed and I was like;what's wrong with him?.

"Well nothing that concerns you"

I replied with no interest,I was getting bored of him being here. I hate it when my privacy is invaded. I shifted uncomfortably on my seat gaining stares from him.

   "Okay I get it,"

He said,

"I really do not need be here,since I came it's been one attitude or another"

   He began packing back all that he brought out from the basket with one of the saddest look I have ever seen. My heart clutched at the sight of his mood and mentally knocked my self on the head.

"Don't be an asshole,he means no harm"

 My other self said to me and I sighed, I am really hopeless at the moment. I don't want to have anything to do what the this guy not when my mate is out there searching for me.

    I stood and held his hand but then I felt this spark and I stared at him. Well good enough for me,I don't think he noticed.

    "I am sorry I am being an ass,forgive my manners"

I said to him and he stopped packing and looked at me.

   "I mean no harm,I am here on a friendly visit but if you are not comfortable with me being around you,I could as well leave"

He said sounding heartbroken and I felt for him

   "I am sorry alright,don't mind my nasty attitude."

I said and he pinched my cheek.

"Ouch! That hurts"

I exclaimed and pulled my face away from him with the deadliest glare I could master and he chuckled.

   He took my hand and kiss my knuckles, I wanted to withdraw my hand but he held it tight. I looked up at him and I could not take my eyes off him,it was like he was communicating with my soul and body.

     I felt peace,the kind of peace I have not felt in my life. Could he be the one but he is a human?. I was lost in my thoughts that I did not realize he had pulled me to him, hugging so tightly again. I jotted back to reality but relaxed in his arms.

   He rubbed his chins on my hair and I felt tingles,I could as well stay in his arms forever,what is this, a mistaken emotions? What if I am reading too many meanings to his simple kind gesture?.

     I sighed and murmured.

 "I am damn hungry, can we eat now?"

   "Sure but let me hold you a little longer,I don't know when you will allow me to hold you again so let me Savage the moment."

I kept mute and let him have my body pressed against him for a little while,it's the least I could do at the moment.

     He continued rubbing his chin on my hair and the same time stroking my back. He sniffed my hair and inhaled on it,I giggled but yet making sure for him not to hear a sound from me which will indicate that I am enjoying this as much as him.

     He pulled me backward and stared at me longer than expected.

  "You are beautiful, everything about you is beautiful. I might not have known you for a longer time now but the little I have known you,you are a wonderful creature to be with"

He said and I mopped at him. What is he saying? A wonderful creature? Well he should get to know me first before tagging all these good names to me.

   "Thanks Ben"

    I smiled shyly and gestured to him that time of playing around is over and he chuckled once more.

   "Okay let's eat something."

  He said and brought the paper bags out with the canned drinks setting it back to where he first put them. He will make a good boyfriend. I smiled at the thought and settled on my seat to have friendly lunch with my persistent pest.