
Chapter 72 Savage the Moment

Gina's point of view.......

     I was shocked to my narrows when the door bell rang. Offcouse I know it's Chris,I was not expecting him back so soon. Nora is here and I don't know how to tell her. She knows about Chris and I but I felt like I betrayed her by not telling her that Chris is here or that he slept here.

       I opened the door and Chris stood there looking like the prince he is. I smiled nervously at him and blocked his way .

    "Move princess"

He said and made to enter still I blocked him from entering using my body.

He raised a brows at me for the third time

     "Who is there?"

  Nora's voice sounded from behind me,I was blocking the entrance in a way tthat if you are outside you will not get to see who is behind and if you are behind me you will not get to see who is in front me. That was the situation at hand.


   I could not finish saying what I wanted to say when Nora shoved me aside. She froze the moment she saw it's Chris. Time stood still and I just dotted my eyes from one person to another.

    "Oh! Hi, it's you"

she said and look at me in a questionable manner

  "Hi to you too"

Chris said ,

   "Princess, can you move out of the way now?"

I made away for him and he went in and straight to the couch,he sat down.

   "You did not tell me that you guys are an item now"

Nora whispered behind my back

"I was going to tell you"

I said and she shrugged her shoulders

"The earlier the better"

She said and made her way to the couch opposite where Chris is sitting. She smiled at him and made to start a conversation but Chris beat her to it.

    "It been long time Noralla"

He said and Nora smiled at him

"I did not know you still remember may name"

She said. I was still standing at the door. It seems these two know themselves from way back.

"Offcouse, how can I forget your face,you have been the one who appeared on my dream the night I was to visit East"

  He said.

 "You sure have a good memory,I am glad you followed my instructions"

She said and relaxed on the couch. I moved over to her and sat down

"You both know yourselves before!"

I asked looking from one person to another. Chris made no attempt to say anything. It was Nora who answered me

  "Yes we know ourselves way back. I was your godmother and I was connected to your more than any other person. So there is no way we will not know ourselves"

She said and I stared at her.

  "So all these while you were pretending you did not know yourselves leaving me in the dark"

I asked no one in particular

"It was never our duty to help your find Chris,you were supposed to find him yourself and you did a good job finding him"

She said and Chris smiled in response.

    "Well I am glad that you finding Chris worked according to planned. So congratulations to you both. I hope this time around we don't hear story that touches the heart"

"Thanks "

Chris and I said at the same time. Nora smiled and stood up

"I have overstayed my welcome. Catch you both later"

She said .

   She picked her handbag and was about leaving when I glared at her

"What! Don't look at me like that"

She said and hissed. 

   " Mtcheeew...are you leaving already?"

"Offcouse or do you want me to do something for you?"

She asked, arching her eyebrows. I pouted my lips and she laughed

"Chris is here and I need to run along now"

"Oh yeah I got it. You want to leave me now. No problem then. Catch you later"

I said to her with the best smile I could master

"Come here"

She gestured for me to come.

    I went to her and she pulled me into her arms

"I love you always. Savage the moment and when the storm comes we will know how to handle it. We all got you"

She whispered and ruffled my hair. I giggled at her. She always treat me like a child. It's now I get to understand why she treats me the way she does.

  " I am fully aware of all these. Thanks Nora,  I love you too darling"

I said and kissed her cheeks

"Now run along"

I said pushing her to the door and she laughed.

   "Bye Chris"

She yelled

"Catch ya later"

Chris responded. I smiled and close the door.