
Chapter 419 Magic Is Awesome

Briana returned a few minutes later with a crystal clear blue gown. I stared at the gown like it's a piece of shit.

  "Who is going to wear this gown?"

I asked and Briana stared at me.

"You of course or are you not the one having an occasional today"

She replied and I flinged up.

   "Who gave you this gown to bring here?"

"Girl chill, your mom did. She said it's from the South or whatever"

  Briana replied and I became more angry. Mom knows I don't like blue yet she did not say anything when the blue was given to her for me. What was she thinking? Did she think I wouldn't mind because it has to come from the South?

  I glared at Briana and stormed out of my room in search of mom. She better have some explanations for me.

   I found her in her room arranging some boxes, probably presents that are for me. I did not get to give those boxes a second glance, I just focused on mom who was busy making sure the boxes are in the right order.

 " Mom!"


She turned and looked at me. It was obvious in her face she didn't know I had been in the room with, well that door was not closed, I just walked in.

   "Why blue, mom?"

"Why blue what dear and why is your face like that?"

"Mom, I don't like blue for heaven's sake and you allowed them to gift me a blue gown?"

  She sighed and looked at me, helplessly.

"Abigail, this gown is a gift from Gina. Your first Southern attire and you are complaining. You should be grateful, I know you don't like blues but you can manage it, it's just for a few hours, you will pull it off. You don't have to whine because of it."

   I stared at mom, speechless. Does it mean she is not getting my back on this? I am not gone yet and she has taken a stand.

   "Mom, I am talking about the blue color"

I reminded her.

   "I know Abigail but at this point in your life, you need to adjust. You are no longer the sixteen year old Abigail. Learn that it's not everything you want you get. Gina did not know you don't like Blue and you did not expect me to ask her to get another gown of another color because of your dissatisfaction about the blue color. Just manage the dress darling, it's for the moment"

   When I saw she was not going to say something else, I walked out. This is the worst thing they can do to me, giving me a blue dress on a day that is supposed to be my happiest day. 

   I felt my eyes stings and I realized that my tears were flowing. Mom just betrayed me.

  "But, come to think of it, why cry when you can turn the blue color to another color"

I thought.

  But still, it will not change the fact that the original color was blue. I had no choice anyway. There is no way I was going to put on that blue dress so I am going to change it.

  I wiped my tears and sniffed back the ones threatening to fall when I got to my door.

  I opened my door and walked inside to see Briana staring at the dress.

  "Just give that to me"

I said and snatched the gown from her hold and dropped it on my bed. I grinned and remembered the Angel on Black. If black looks cool on her, it will sure look good on me, from now on, black will become my favorite color.

  "Since I don't want the blue, I want you black"

   I said and waved my hands and the dress tuned to black. I shrugged off my shoulders.

  "Magic is awesome, you get to do things that ordinarily, you would not be able to do"

   "Abigail, why do you have to change the color?. It was just a color, not that it matters. You have a lot to learn about life, you can't always get what you want."

Briana said and huffed.

  "Too bad my dear friend, as far as magic is concerned, you can always get what you want so don't preach to me what you don't know"

   "Whatever, if you don't mind. Come, let me fix the dress on you. I still have to work on your face"

  I smiled and stood up.

"That's what we should better get doing other than arguing about colors"

She rolled her eyes and I chuckled.