
Chapter 401 Who Is Gracie

"A harmless lady I think. She caught my fancy and I decided to check on her nature but the funny thing is, I can't access her nature. So since you are the witch princess, you can check her for me"

I told her and she relaxed then asked me to follow her to her witch chamber which I did.

  We got to her witch chamber and she stood in front of her large mirror and asked me to describe the girl. Theopihilus stood by her side watching her.

  "She has got green eyes, hair silky…."

I was not done describing her when the lady appeared in the mirror exactly like she appeared to me smiling.

 Theopihilus point of view…..

I was shocked when the image of Gracie appeared on Mom's witch mirror. I had a question in my mind. Why would Abigail feel threatened by her appearance?

Mom looked closely at the image in the mirror and stepped back.

"I can't get access to her, she has this powerful aura which means she is not just a girl but a girl with an extraordinary gift. She can talk to animals, she can heal with herbs but you see who she is exactly, I can't tell. She is beyond my comprehension"

Mom said, still looking at the image. Gracie turned her back on us and disappeared.

Mom Nora stared at mom and mom stared back at her too.

  I was trying to understand the whole thing. For mom not to access her means that Gracie is not who everybody thinks she is but who is she?. Why do I have this feeling that there is something mysterious about her. 

  "I don't understand Gina, who could the girl be? For all I know she does possess an aura but not an evil one which means she is not evil but who then is she? She is a human, but who is she?"

Mom Nora asked. We were all trying to figure out who she is because I am intrigued myself. I have known this girl for almost Eleven years yet I did not figure out who she is.

   "I think we should all forget about her. There is nothing to worry about her. She is not important"

Mom said dismissively and left the witch chamber without us asking to follow her. Mom Nora smiled at me and disappeared. I was the only one left at the witch chamber so I decided to try my luck and see if I can find who she is.

  "Mirror on the wall, who is Gracie?"

I asked, hoping for the mirror to at least reveal something about her. I waited and I was about to leave when I heard a voice coming from the mirror.

  "You all should stop summoning me"

It was image of Gracie. She warned and withered away.

I sighed and walked out of the chamber.

Gina's point of view….

I got to the garden and sat down, looking worried. I was bothered about the girl's identity. It's not that she is evil but I want to know who she is. Why would my mirror hide her identity from me?.

Who is she truly?

  Chris came into the garden and sat down after kissing my forehead.

  "Gina, any problem?"

"It's not that it's a problem but I am bothered. There is a girl we can't figure out her identity. She is not a threat but I am just curious about her"

  Chris took my hands into his and kissed my knuckles.

  "You don't have to worry. Probably the girl did not want you to access her nature and you know she is not a threat so why bother?"

   Chris was right anyway. There is no need to worry when she does not oppose any threat.

  "Alright, I will stop worrying. What's my king up to?"

  I asked, smiling down at him.

 "He is up to nothing. Just missing his queen"

He said and pulled me with him.

"When was the last time I took you on a ride to pleasure, my queen?"

He asked, grinning.

 My heart rose and fell. He is seducing me and he knows what he is doing. For twenty years plus, loving making with Chris has been better with each passing year. I used to think that when we older, it will not be like it used to be but I was wrong, the older, the better.

    "I think this morning"

I replied and he laughed heartily.

"That's right but it feels like ages and I am damn rocky hard for you. What do you think?"

  He whispered.