
Chapter 378 Limit To What He Can Do

        I don't care if I hurt her or not, by my attitude. She is supposed to know me by now. I don't give a dime about how anyone thinks my attitude is. The only person who I can't look down on is my mom.

  For all I know, I am a princess and my friends know that so they don't complain although they have not really asked me how come I am a princess.

  Well my dad is super rich and my grand dad is, so that alone has given them something to attribute to.

   I stood up and headed towards my wardrobe. A scent hit my nostril and I sniffed the air, Theo was nearby.

   He is here in my room and he is still invisible.

   He always does that, I don't really understand the kind of power he possesses. If not that we connect, I might actually not know he is here.

  "Theopihilus, you don't have to be invisible in my room. What are you doing ?"

    "My darling bride always has a way of fishing me out. How are you darling?"

He stated the moment he made himself visible. He was sitting on my bed all along and I am sure he heard my conversation with Briana.

  I don't even care if heard or not, he knows me too well so no argument about that.

   "How is Mom Gina and Dad?"

    I asked him instead of answering his question about how I am doing.

  "You ignore me again."

He said.

   "You don't have to fuss about it. I am fine, as you can see I am fine. What are you doing here anyway?

He looked at me and kept quiet. I observed him. He seems too withdrawn. Like before, he would talk and talk but lately he has been showing a nonchalant attitude. I am not supposed to be bothered about it because we have been friends since childhood.

  Mom said that before the prophecy about our destined being tied together was made for the second time, that during my birth day, mom Gina had come with Theophilus who could not stop hovering over me and that attitude of his did not make anyone doubt that truly we were meant for each other.

   "You are going to another party tonight, aren't you?"

"Yeah, you want to come along?"

I asked then smirked, the Southern Prince has a limit to what he can do. I am more free and he can't because the whole witch race looked upon him for direction. They have this philosophy; lead by example. Although he is not their lord yet.

   "Nope, just do your thing. See you"

He said and left and returned my focus to what to wear.

 Theopihilus point of view…..

I left Abigail's room feeling so bored with only one place in mind to be and that's Gracie's room. If I feel like running away from Dad's nagging about what is expected of me, I come to her room to rest with her being unaware. I have literally done this after the day I helped her with that snake bite. I later learned from Mom that such snake bite kills and it's on rare cases that the victim gets to survive.

  I am a witch and I am not supposed to crave for blood but tasting her blood that day, I wanted more and when I am not close to her, the hunger intensifies and since I can't come out of nowhere to demand to suck her blood, staying close to her became the only option.

   I have thought about how I was going to explain to her that I want a taste of her blood. She is a human, she will freak it.

  Staying invisible with her had made me watch her grow from the little girl she was to a daring beautiful lady. I was just 3years older than her because she is the same age as Abigail.

    She was moving to town and it does not quite sit well with me, not that she staying here was of my advantage. I just love seeing her in the woods. Hearing her laugh and smile at the animals keeps me glued to her and if she moves to town, those simple things she does in the woods, she will not do them again.

  I appeared in her room and she was looking at the mark I gave her on that day. She loves to do that and I feel connected to her each time she caresses the mark.

   I have only one mate and I have tried to understand why I feel what I feel towards Gracie. There are questions I have not been able to get answers to.