
Chapter 348 Real Enemies

  I got to my secret room and slid in. Since I became the queen of the South I built out a secret room out of the mansion and in here, I am able to monitor what is going on around me. I am furthering into witchery because I am the witch princess and it is expected of me.

    I stood in front of my large mirror which has become my crystal ball.

 I was told by Tiana that I have got crystal ball in me and that's why I can see things people can't, things witches see through crystal ball but because it confusing and scary and I don't need to be in that kind of situation while I am pregnant. I decided to make the mirror my crystal ball so I performed a sorcery ritual on it and it became my crystal ball.

   "Mirror on the wall, can you kindly tell me what my nightmare means, does it mean Nora is going to die or what?"

I said but instead of it to show me what I am expected to know, someone popped up in the mirror.

  "Hello my dear princess how are you?, I am sorry I have not come to pay homage to you. I have been so caught up in the great beyond that I haven't really had time to come say hello but that doesn't mean that I have not been with you. So for the answer you seek concerning your nightmare, I tell you my dear it's just a mirage, it's not real. They are trying to confuse you so I tell you not to worry because this is not happening. 

   "This might have been the case tonight but it has been taken care of so don't panic."

She said, I was not after what she said but who she is. She should at least introduce herself.

  "Who are you?"

"Pardon my manners, I am the one who gave you life the first time you were born."

She replied and I smiled at her.

"My mother?"

"Yes dear, I believe I am done here. Will be on my way now"

She said and turned to leave but stopped.

 "Don't forget to give your son the name Theophilus. He will be greater than his father and just maybe the war might be really over in his time"

  She said and vanished.

I was in deep thought, what does she mean by, the war might really be over in his time?.

    I sighed and left the room. I needed to go to Beverly as soons as possible. Tonight, something is definitely going to happen and I want to know how it goes. I have just gotten assurance that nothing will happen to Nora and I believed the lady but I can't sit here and do nothing.

Xylie's point of view……

The lady returned with a cup and a knife. I narrowed my eyes. I hope it's not what I am thinking. She is not slicing my palm with that. 

  She dropped the cup and knife in front of us and brought out a red candle from her coat and set it in front of us. She flicked her finger and the candle lit up.

  "I am sorry but I need your blood to perform the ritual of life"

She said, looking up at me.

   I thought of saying no then remembered that family comes first. And Nora has been selfless when it comes to Gina and I, so I am not only doing this for her but for the family. She needs to be protected and that's all that matters.

  "Alright, do as you want"

"Stretch out your palm"

She said and I stretched my palm towards her. She kept the cup under my hand and sliced my palm with the knife then let my blood run into the cup. When she had had enough inside the cup, she closed her eyes and my palm healed instantly.

   She lifts the cup and little by little and pour the content over the burning candle, as she pours it, the candle flame gets higher while she mutters something under her breath. She continued like that until my blood inside the cup finished and the candle went off instantly without the wax burning.

   "The ritual of life is done and Nora and Ben are saved. The plans of the witches have been aborted so thank you both for coming here. I think it's time for you to return to where you came from"

She said and Rory and I found ourselves inside my room, on my bed.

  I was relieved to be back home. The feeling you get when you have a problem but get it solved at the end. I saw Rory staring at me and I smiled at her. Suddenly she became so pretty.

   "I am glad your aunt is safe now"

Rory said and closed her eyes.

Weird right? I got to discover a lot today and I am shocked by those involved. Friends are the real enemies of our life. So it's advisable to be weary of the friends we keep. 


 Hi guys, hope you all are great?. Hopefully, the new month will be a blessing to all of us. Have a nice day.