
Chapter 344 Destiny Prevailed

      I felt a hot liquid on my cheeks and I realised that I was crying. I am crying. I think I know why because I was murdered before my star could shine. I remembered it all, that night I was murdered by the one and only person I have cherished so much, someone I called a mother, murdered me in my sleep, that night lady D shortened my life.

I fell on my knees and cried, the pain was too much and I was hurting. The feeling of being betrayed by the one you loved.

Ben rushed to me and hugged me yet I could not calm down. I want to let it go. My feelings of misery for years had to do with that night. 

   I was empty but couldn't place, it finally made sense now. It has to do with the fact I was angry for the injustice done to me only that I could not remember.

   It all began like this..

She had sent me on an errand.

  Back in the days when the South was the sweet home of the people. When evil has not taken over the land. When selfishness was not the order of the day.

   The South was just a number of a few families.

   I was just a lady who found out later in life that the lady I took as mom was not my mom at all. I was just someone she picked up like I was told. I did not get the chance to trace my origin.

  Lady D was not kind but I could not complain, I thought it is just the way she chose to love me until I found out she was not my mom but the funny part was we both look so much alike so if I did not find out that she was not my mom, I might not have known anyway.

  She had sent me out that night and when I returned. 

  She called me into her Chambers and apologized for the wrongs she had done to me.

  I told her that I had forgiven her a long time ago but she said no, don't I can't just forgive her like that because she was not so kind, that I needed to prove to her that I had forgiven her by lending her my bracelet.

   The bracelet was given to me by an old woman who had warned me never to remove it from my wrist be whoever asked me to.

   I thought there was no harm in proving to Lady D by removing the bracelet besides. I will get it back when she is done with it.

  After I had removed the bracelet, she hugged me and told me that she is happy that I have forgiven her. She then asked me to go eat and later we will talk.

  I left without caring much about the bracelet, with just the thought of getting it back from her later.

    I found out that after my meal, I dozed off and found myself outside of my body. I saw everything. How she had killed me after seeing that I was deep asleep. She had put a death potion on meal.

   It's a potion that causes witches to be dead for some time and would not have the power to do anything when in that state. You could wake up later by your own will.

   And right there she had buried the bracelet.


 Ben's point of view…..

   When Nora took off, I was happy to see her vibing to happiness. I had one motive in mind, to chase her and when I get her, I was going to keep her caged to me. 

  I had to give her time to feel the breeze on her skin but as the time went on I felt her mood changed and my heart twitched. That's when I realised that she was in deep sorrow and the next thing I saw, she was going down on her knees.

I rushed to her before she could hit the floor and hugged her to myself with her beautiful face bathed in tears.

   " Ben, do you know I remember how she killed me and separated me from you for years. Do you know what it meant for me to be without you for 100 and 50 years? I was miserable for years. I cannot get to you because of her, she betrayed me."

She cried out and I held her unto me.

  "Darling, it's fine, it's all in the past now. it's...it's a good thing you remember, just let it go. You found me at last, we found ourselves in the end, no matter how long she has planned for us to be away from each other, destiny prevailed.

    I am here with you and I promise you that we will live the remaining part of our lives together,we will transform together, and whichever one we want to do, we will do it together,Nora just believe me.

 You crying like this is breaking my heart."

  I looked at her tear filled face and started kissing her tears away.