
Chapter 332 No Life....

   The lady kept mute and was staring at me, I don't know what she was trying to do or if she's trying to understand me at the moment.

   I did not want to think about anything. I realise that what she said is true because I have noticed several times whenever I get angry, things will react to my anger. I don't get angry easily but if I am angry there is more to show.  I was not too surprised, I just wanted to be sure that both of us were on the same page.

  "so what made you to come and see me today, I mean why you decide to come today because I can't remember letting anyone back into my life not even my own shadow like you said."

   I asked and examine the dress in my hand again, I wanted to just dress up and probably chat or find out more things from her while I wait for Ben but I have forgotten to cream my body so I picked my cream, run a little on my palm and massage them into my skin while I wait for her to tell me what she needs to tell me.

   "I was so damn impressed with the way you were handling your life, tell you, I know I am your shadow but I can't do half of what you have done and I am proud of you.

   I have always been with you, it's just that you don't know, like there is literally no life without a shadow. There is no shadow, there is no you and I am sure you know that as well as I do, so you asking me why I came here today it's out of the way but I can choose to answer that.

    I just came to say hi, to remind you that you haveve got a shadow who you do not want to let back into your life but I am your every essence of your every existence, you are lucky that while I was on my own, nothing happened to me. I am sure if something had happened to me, this moment might not have existed and you know that.

  I am happy our life, your life, is going the direction it should was supposed to go long time ago if not that's some witch decided to play with destiny but forgot that destiny can only be delayed but can never be denied"

I batted my eyelashes twice, I could not believe that I listen to that long note of hers. I did listen and I understood her anyway. I did not that know one's shadow could exist outside of you, well that's good. There is nothing that is not possible like I always say, in the witch race.

   By now I was done massaging the cream into my skin why she stares at me.

  "So are you ready to welcome me back into our life or should I continue to be a wanderer like I have always been?"

She said and I felt the anger in her voice, it was  like she's angry at me or something. Well she should be because, I will literally do the same. 

  I had no idea that I shut my shadow out of my life. If I was aware of all this since, I could have done what I should but it's never too late to start.

   I did not need to ask her what should be done or how to let her back into my life.

   I already know how, so I close my eyes and welcomed her back into me.

   I felt fulfilling when I opened my eyes and realise she was no more there, she was in me after all. My Shadow and I have emerged as one.

    There are things one do not know at once, as your days progresses you learn new things. Life itself is a teacher and you never stop learning.

   Like I learnt today that I have got a shadow who became a wanderer because I shut her out of my life. And at the same time I learnt that my anger can do wonders. Things just get better, I don't just know it, I feel it.

Who knows what my anger will do to my enemies in a while to come?.

  " I can't wait for that time"

I said, giggling and wore my dress,  got my flat shoe.

   Yeah you had me right, flat shoe, it will help me enjoy my day, besides I don't feel comfortable on high heels and again, like I said before, I don't even know if it is a date. I will just dress simple to take anything. At this point in my life, wearing something that will make me uncomfortable is not appreciated because anything can come up at any time and there is a need to be ready and be at the defence mode.

   It's never a crime to be too careful.