
Chapter 323 What If?

Xylie's point of view.....

   Rory and I were back in my room laying on my big bed. I laid down with a pillow supporting my head while my chest was her pillow. We have been talking about random things. She told me her experience at great beyond, I laughed at some and chuckled at some. Her mood swing continued to rotate. She will continue to be the master of her moods.

    There was something she said about those who chose to transform, sometimes they are given a chance at love but not everyone of them. Some people were born unlucky.

     Mom had promised to get her own room ready but I don't think she would make use of that room because she is so clingy. If she is like this, what happens when I decide to make her mine if the need presents itself.

   "Xylie, don't you think, we should get prepared for shopping and now your mom is coming with us?, we still go sightseeing together?"

I thought for a while. Mom coming for shopping could be enough but for sightseeing, could she tag along too

   "Well that depends on her. She could go if she wants and it could be all fun"

I said and adjusted her head on my chest. She was playing with the button on my shirt. It was cute the way she toys with it. The feeling of having someone lying close to you gisting at random things was so sweet and I really did not want the moment to end. Moments like this don't always come by but I could make it to be like this always if I want to. Who am I kidding?. Rory is a sweet soul and you can love her easily but there is a need to take a step at ago.

   I like how she opens up to me.

  Mom came in without knocking and I frowned.

  "Mom what the heck, what if?"

"Sorry my bad but I know there was no if so I came to tell you both to go ahead with the shopping without me. I have something to take care of and it's urgent,so urgent"

   Rory frowned but when she had the reason why mom can't go with us, she relaxed.

    "It's fine mom, we can always do this some other times so I guess we will get going because Rory want to tour round Beverly and she will Kill me if I don't take her round as I promised"

Rory chuckled because she knew she got me hooked up. Mom smirked and winked at me.

   "Alright then, you both should have fun while at it, catch you two later"

Rory and I smiled and promised her we would and she left the room. Rory turned to me and smiled.

"So we are doing two at ago. Which do we do first, shopping or sightseeing?"

  I frowned and thought, there is no way, we will shop then go sightseeing, it has to be the other way round.

   "We go sightseeing then shop"

"That's great then, I love you"

 Rory paused and narrowed her eyes at me then covered her mouth.

"Oops, I bet that did not come out right"

    She said grinning, I had nothing to say to her but to shake my head. She is really loving this guy here without thinking if he will love her back. Her free spirit has been her driving point and she believes she will get what she wants. She is a goal getter and I love her for real. I am just playing cool in case life has something else planned for both of us. Slowly and steady. If her plan is for a short time, I will make her time worth staying but if she has chosen to stay then maybe with time we will become an item, only maybe. I love her but I won't rush it.

    "Rory you will have to go use mom's bathroom because I have only guy's stuff or make use of Gina's, all you need you will see it there. We will shop for all you will need"

"Alright then, let me quickly go. The earlier the better."

She got down, wore my flip flop and left the room, I watched as she left. She did not argue this time, I was surprised she agreed with me so quickly.

  I sighed after I couldn't hear her footsteps and got down from the bed too, I need to get ready too so that when she comes back, we could go then. Like she said, the earlier the better.

   Rory might just be what I need to get back to life, to take back whatever it has away from me. 

    Mom can do much but not as much as Rory will do for me why she is here. How I hope something great will come out of this?.

   I took off my shirt and trousers while leaving my briefs on, picked my towel and left to have a cool bath. Bathing before breakfast was normal for me until today all because of Rory.