
Chapter 318 Jade Is Missing?

  "Jade is missing?

Gina asked surprising Govey who stared at her shocked. To say I was less surprised could be well put.

   "You know about him"

Govey questioned.

"I got to know about him two days ago but that's not important, hope you have got something that belongs to him?"

She said and stood up.

   "Yes I have his clothe here with me"

Govey said and pulled out a cloth from her bag. I have not really noticed that she has got a bag with her all along.

   Gina collected the cloth and sniffed on it.

"Follow me" 

She said and left the lounge.

And we followed her. Her Aura every day keeps changing. She has gotten more confident and bold. She is more of a tigress now and I love that. My baby of yesterday can after all take care of herself without me worrying. It sweetens my soul.

   We passed through a long corridor and came to a stop in front of a huge metal door. The door opened with her doing nothing and I knew right away that the key to the door is her presence and no one,I repeat, no one will be able to go entrance into the room without her.

   We walked in and the room lit up. I blinked and blinked. The room was wow, she has got a nice place here. There was a sense of witchery all over and at once, it dawned on me that the princess is venturing into full witchery after all. Well she is the witch princess so I should not expect anything less.

    There were two bookshelves stuck with books which I believe to be book spells. Gina does not need spell books because she is the ancient spell book which contains every other spell book or maybe they are here for formality sake.

   There were about three racks filled with potions. She has really gotten busy these few weeks. 

   By the far end, stood the portrait of my nephew and his wife. She has made a portrait of her parents. It's nice to see them here. I stared long at the portrait and both of them blinked at me and smiled. I smiled and returned my focus to Gina who was standing in front of a huge mirror by the right end of the room.

   The room was painted black and red, this color combination spelt authority.

   Govey and I walked over to her to do what we are here for. 

     "Dear mirror Jade is missing and we need to find him"

She said and that moment, the mirror took us back to The East.

   We saw how Jade was taken away by two hefty men who could not disappear due to the magic surrendering Jade and they had to walk. Walking was difficult for them which at some point they had to rest and right there they lost Jade to a faceless Shadow. Govey and I gasped at the same time and clutched onto our hearts. 

   The mirror went blank.

"He is safe from the dark lord, the dark lord was the one behind his kidnapping and where he is now, he can't be found until his seventeen birthday. So no need to worry"

She said and looked at Govey who released the air she was holding.

   I sighed and calmed my racing heart.

      Since we are sure of Jade's safety, I thought maybe I should relate my nightmare to Gina.

   "I had the same nightmare too"

Gina said, still staring at the mirror. I know she had read my thoughts and for her to have the same nightmare too then, it was not a nightmare after all.


I said ready to listen to what she has to say.

"And I was able to find out that My son's destiny is tied with your unborn baby girl but definitely she is not Glamorous. So there was never a need to fear. What Glamorous did was a manipulation of minds, she did it in order of confusion. But that does not mean she will not be born during their time so there is going to be a twist but destiny will prevail after all."

   I was not entirely relieved but I was thankful. At least I know something and to be on the lookout.

  "Thanks Gina, you have saved a soul."

"Anything for you my beloved Aunt"

Gina said and finally faced Govey and I with a smile plastered on her face.

   "I think we are done here so let's go and see if we could catch old time because I have really missed you my friend and to tell you how unfair Chris has treated me"

The last statement got her tearing up. Gina will not cease to be a drama queen, anyone who does not know her will think she has got real tears.

   "Alright, I would not hesitate to tell him his place if he misbehave with you"

Govey was smiling all through. In her mind she would wonder how adorable the witch princess is when she is not serious.

  We all Chuckled and left Gina's secret room. Our mission here was completed.