
Chapter 263 It Just A Matter Of Time

 Gina's point of view…

   Due to the stressful day I had yesterday I woke up feeling so weak with no appetite and Chris has been here with me since morning abandoning his royal duties and I was really touched to have him here trying to understand me better.

   I still could not believe how everything turned out, Chris was shocked to know that her mate has been with her all along yet none of them were aware. It shows that sometimes, what we are searching for will be right under our noses.

    Although I did not know Ben in person but when Nora told me about him, I felt the connection and I thought maybe she should have a relationship with him without knowing they were destined for each other.

   It was midnoon in the south and I am sure most families had had their lunch but I was far from eating breakfast. I didn't know what I was feeling,I was just restless rolling from one side of the bed to the other with Chris rolling after me.

   Despite how I was feeling I still found his attitude amusing and had to chuckle once in a while.

   I looked at my breakfast that was safely covered by the end of the table and felt like having something to feed my baby. I need to eat even if it is little. I can't suffer my unborn child.

I rolled over and faced Chris with pouty lips.

   "You need something"

He asked and I nodded my head

"I want to see if I can eat a little"

I said and he stood up then carried me bridal style heading to dinner at the table by the end of the room. I held onto his neck and inhaled his fragrance,it calmed me a little and for that moment, I had peace too.

   He gently placed me on one of the seats and opened the dish in front of me. It was a breakfast of fried spinach and mashed potatoes. I looked at the dish and frowned.

   I don't even know why I have to eat something like this in the first place, who in the world would eat a dish like this. There is nothing you will not see in the South, South will be the end of me. How I wish I could go back to Beverly for one week, I miss the place, the modernization and everything.

   Chris pulled the next seat and sat then held my hands.

   "Bae, you know I am here for you and I am sorry you have to be going through this for us, if there is something I can do you know I will do right, baby girl?"

   He said lovingly and kissed my knuckles. I battered my lashes trying to prevent my tears from falling, I do get emotional these days and I know it has to do with me being pregnant.

  " Of Course, baby I know what you can do and I am happy that I am doing this for us. It is just that sometimes I can't deal with the pregnancy but fine,I know I will pass. It will just be a matter of time." 

   He caressed my cheeks and I smiled at the gesture, it warmed my soul to see him being all concerned.

   "It's fine, we will go through this together and when the prince is born, we will both enjoy to have him"

   I smiled again and sniffed at the same time, I am damned lucky to have this guy as my mate and husband. Despite being powerful, he is still down to earth. Quality of a noble man and I can't stop loving him.

   He pulled his hands away from mine and picked a spoon to feed me when I told him to stop, the dish should be cold by now so I need to warm it but not to worry, I am not disturbing anybody to do that for me since I could simply manipulate heat and that was what I did,having done that.

   He picked the spoon again and scooped spinach together with mashed potatoes and fed me. I mulched it grumpily with a deep frown, he chuckled and fed me some more. 

  " Some water please"

I said and he picked the Queen's water can and opened the cap and I took it from him.

   Don't get so surprised because everything here has my name or Chris's name tagged to them. 

   The maidens around avoid them like epilepsy and it amuse me to see them getting really afraid when they are handling our stuff.

    I handed the water can to him and took the spoon from his hand and winked at him.

   "You are pregnant too so eat, won't you"

I said and gestured for him to open up when I had scoped some mashed potatoes and spinach and he gingerly opened his mouth wide which got me laughing.