
Chapter 218 Life Is Scripted

 Xylie's point of view....

   I was not sure if I heard her correctly. My grandma,I never thought I have one or is she meaning to say Mrs Smith's mother but I don't think so because she does not sound like that. 

"My grandma, how?"

I asked with so much impatient.

 "Your Dad's Mom,my sister"

She responded and I became dumbfounded. First of all,I  never heard anything about her even from Dad. I had wanted to asked Dad several times but I never got the chance. 

   Nora here was closer to me back then,she was the best aunty anyone could ask for. The fact that no one brought up the issue of who my grandma was gave me a lot of sleepless night. I was curious,hoping for a day I will ask dad but he and mom died before I could ask.

  Being a ten year old Xylie,I was a boy like every other boys of my age but that never stopped me from being observant. I knew something was off.

   "So she is alive,like living and kicking?"

I asked

"Yes,she is"

She answered and exhaled.

    "How come?...for hundred and half years she was alive rather,is alive but I never got to hear anything about her. Was she invisible or what Nora,tell me what happened?"

Curiosity was getting the best of me and the silence surrounding us was not helping matters. I just want Nora to spill everything.

   "Well to cut the long story short. Sharon you grandma broke the family conduct in other for her to be able to stay with your father but what she did backfired and she was sent on exile never to return to the family. Few days back she ran Into me and somehow,I got to find out why she did what she did. After listening to her all she said, she was forgiven and reconnected back into the family."

  She explained. I will not say I understood what she said hundred percent but breaking the family conduct in witches clans is a big deal and it could spoil a lot of things in the family. The family conduct is the reason why a bloodline can't kill another. I have always wondered if Glamorous is my father's cousin,how she was able to kill him when the are family,now it is clearer. So all these have to do with my grandma,she is the architect of all the problems, why my sis has to go through what she went through and why my parents had to die.

   I breathed in then out,I have been living in the dark for hundred years now. I don't even know how I feel about it,if I actually want to see her or not.

    But to the brighter side of this,she actual played a script. It was scripted and she played her part so I don't think she is to be blamed. If anyone should be blamed,it should be Universe and her sister. We are indeed toys,they play us as they want and having a way to go against life is what I don't think we have. The life we live,we don't have a choice,we follow rules and when we break rules,we pay the consequences.

   "So all these has to do with my grandma huh?"

I finally asked and she nods,

"Yes dear but you don't have to feel bad about it. It was not her fault anyway" 

"I am cool Nora,I know it's not her fault so I am good"

I assured her and she smiled. I know she was worried but when I assured her that I am cool,she loosen up a bit. 

   I screened her and realized that last time I saw her she was a bit fuller. I know the issues of her mate bothers her and I feel she is closer to her mate. she is a sweet soul and everyone's favorite. She is more than kind and the little I have known her from the past,she never looked for anybody's trouble.

    "You don't have to shoulder everything Nora,I will love to see my grandma but not now and I also want to tell you that things will soon be okay."

    "I am glad you want to see her, maybe any day I deem it fit to go see her I will let you know and this sermon everyone keeps preaching to me,is clearly written on my face that I have got a mate problem?"

Her last statement made me to laugh.

"No,but those close to you will see that you are worried and it's not good for you"

I said and she made a mean face.

"Alright,I will stop worrying. It's bedtime and Gina's bed has been calling me"

She said and stood 

"Good night Nora"

I wished her goodnight

"Goodnight Xylie,see you tomorrow"

She said and walked out of my room,I watched as she closed the door. 

"As the day dawns,may you be closer to your mate"

I prayed and climbed my bed, it's bedtime.