
Chapter 217 One Step At A Time

    I was not expecting her to switch table on me. It was unexpected. I thought we have talked about it this or is to her way of changing the topic.

I smiled at her and stood up.

    "I think I have had enough tonight,I will just go have Gina's room for the night."

  "Oh you are running?, No problem then but before then,tell me why you did not dim it fit to tell that Gina is with a child"

Her last statement got me frozen. Oh my,I forgot to let her know. I sheepishly looked at her and gave her a silly smile.

   "I am sorry Mom,I forgot but how do you know?"

I asked trying to shit the blame,she looked at me and shook her head.

    "Nora,have a goodnight rest and hopefully everything will be alright tomorrow."

   She said without answering my question. I pouted my lips and left the living room. I heard a distant chuckles and I shook my head. You are indeed a mother. My mom was my best friend and so I know the feeling.

    It feels like home here, yeah it sure should feel like home. The feeling of home does not have anything to do with the building like most people think,it has to do with the people involve. You feel at home at which ever home if you are welcomed like their own.

  I have always share deep relationship with people and I have got along with many white witches. It got to do with my nature and that's understandable,that's why I consider myself lucky.

   I was almost getting to Gina's bedroom when I came across Xylie's room. It was slightly open and he sat on his bed staring at a space.

   I pulled the door wider and stepped in. The place has changed,it looked more boyish than ever. The walls have been repainted gray and he had a plastic photo of Gina hanging near his closet. Gina Should be around fifteen there,she stylishly stuck her tongue out in a way that she is telling the person obviously not in the picture good for you. I smiled at that childish act of hers.

   The bed has a blue bed spread and the pillow case have a touch of red and blue on them. The bed frame was all glassy. The floor was of gray tiles. I was wondering how a gray and blue color could give this room a unique look, the color combination made the room stand out,it was beautiful like the owner. The only think that was not changed was the closest,apart from that every other things were changed.

    Mrs Smith really loves him this much for going out of her ways to make him feel welcomed. She never harkened to Gina's request for one day. She only did what she thought it's best for her and everyone understood why it has to be that way. She did not want her to have the mentality that life gives you what you want rather you work for what you want out of life.

    The man sitting on the bed look so distanced as if his soul is out of his body. I wondered what is going on with him?.

  "Hi Xylie"

I said placing my hands on his shoulder,he turned and smiled at me.

   "Hey!,what are you doing here? You should be asleep by now"

"So do you,it's late. You should be asleep too"

   I said trying to let him know that in as much I should be asleep,he too should be asleep. He sighed and looked away.

   "It's nothing,I am trying to see how I will go from here. I have wondered for so long. Serving Glamorous and awaiting the day of my revenge and now that everything is finally over. I don't know how to go about life."

   He said with so many mixed emotions. What he said made me to realise that we are on the same boat. We are both confused and we don't know how to go about life. But one thing I know for sure is that life is one step at a time.

    "Xylie my dear,you don't need to feel this way. I am super proud of you for avenging your parents death and everyone else in your shoe will do the same. All you need is to take a step at a time, everything else will fall in place. Just know that I and your Mom are with you every step of the way."

I said and pulled him into a hug. 

  "You know this aunty of yours will not leave your side, okay"

I said stroking his back.

 "I know. Thanks Nora,you are helpful. You have been an aunty and more. I am grateful"

He said and I felt him smiled. I don't know if I should tell him or not,but no matter what he deserves to know.

  "I have something to tell you Xylie"

I said and he pulled away from my embrace with an expectant look on his face. I chuckled and dropped the bombshell

 "Your grandma is here in Beverly"