
Chapter 205 Human Nature

       I looked at my system and hissed,I wondered why I had to boot it when I did not get to make use of it but it's all good,I don't  want it getting to shut down for the lack of not using  it for a while.

    I save my work so far and closed the app. It was  time for another phase. I can't wait to see Xylie,he is a friendly type and the last time I spent time with him,I felt relaxed and  he gives me the vibes Gina always gives but then they are blood, I should not expect less.

      I looked at what I was wearing and realized that I am not properly dressed for the dinner and going home now is not an option so I had to pack myself the way I am and go, after all I am not looking for who to impress.

    I stood up and pick my purse and phone after shutting my system,I arranged my desk and walked to the door. I stepped out and locked it.

    "See you tomorrow, office"

   I said and turned my face where I was facing my back before. Taking a cab will make my journey an easy one and that's not what I want,let me delay a little, so walking for while will do the job.

    I took a step and off I went. It's been a while I went through this part of the town,it been coming and going with a cab.

     This part of the town is great,I would have chosen to living here but I needed my peace,I don't like to be surrounded by noise. It's a busy area and the construction is wow,the people are at their best and everyone minds his or her business and I don't like that part,in South we are each other's back bone and we can't see our own in trouble and not assist.

    It's problem with civilization but I don't think it's just the civilization,it has to do with the human nature.

     The place was made in a way that people living here will not have cause to complain,it was carefully and comfortably made for the people.

   The government is doing it's best and I love that. For a long time now,the crime rate has been drastically reduced and it's made sure that what needed to be done is done.

    I was so lost in my admiration that I did not realize that I have got company,I looked around to see that I have walked a long distance from my office. The area was secluded so I don't think anyone will suspect her.

   My company is no other person than Madam Hailey. I smiled broadly and she smiled too..

  "Madam Hailey,what are you doing here?"

I asked, still maintaining my smiling face,I am surprised to see her here.

    "Sorry darling but I live here,have you forgotten?"

   She said and I looked at her surprised,she is not supposed to be here after the Mantle of coverage was lifted.

    "I know you live here but are you not supposed to go back to South by now"

I asked and she chuckled.

     "Offcouse my darling but I love the place so much that going back to South was not mandatory for me anymore."

   "But how are you doing that when you could be fished out by the humans,don't you know it's risky to live among the humans"

   I have known this woman for a long time way back and she of all people should know the danger she is in if she continues to live here.

    "Well Gina performed a cancellation ritual on me so I can't be easily fished out by the humans"

She said and I relaxed,I was afraid for the life of hers.

  "That explains it,you got me worried"

I said with a smile creeping back to my face.

   "I am sure I got you my darling. I was on my way home from a friend's house when I sighted you"

  She said and I arched my brows. She got friends,she is taking a big risk.

   "You know that humans are intelligent,the best you could do is stay a way from them, not to make friends with them."

    I said with a deep frown and she laughed. I wondered what is funny about what I said.

   "You worry too much my dear,I am too careful so don't worry about me okay"

She said caressing my cheeks.

   "You are such a lovable soul, always worrying about us."

    "You know one can not always be too careful but I trust you to take care of yourself"

   "Okay darling,since my house is close by,let me give you water to drink"

    I was not expecting her to offer me a visit and refusing her will be rude and I can't afford to go to the dinner late. I was caught in between the line. She looked up at me with an expectant look and I could not say no to her.

    "Okay let's go because I got somewhere to go to"

I said and she smiled,

   "That will not be a problem"