
Chapter 199 He Always Know

      He rushed to me and rubbed my back,I could tell Nora and Sharon were on their feet. He poured a glass of water and made me to drink it, when I was done, he pulled me up and hugged me to his body.

    I inhaled in his scent and I got myself a little,I know he would want to know who is the other lady with Nora.

    "You are late for my massage"

I said pouting my lips and he chuckled.

"I see you are better now huh?"

He said and led me to one of the sitter and sat me down.

    "Gina, I think you are with a child"

Sharon said and I freezed,Chris looked at her sharply and my heart skipped a beat. A child,how is that possible?.

    "I am sorry your lordship,I am Sharon and I am Gina's grand mother. I think she is pregnant"

   Sharon said and Chris bowed to her

    "Pardon me grandma for my manners. I know who you are for a long time and I was aware that she is with a child because my mom visited me last night and made mention of it."

Chris said,I was filled with many emotions. The fact that he always know got me. How can he know something about Sharon and he did not let me know and was he planning to tell me in after life.

     "You know about me?"

Sharon asked forgetting the matter at hand with a look of beweirdness on her face.

"Yes grand ma,I always know about you and I am not surprised to find you here.

Chris said and stole a glance at me. He always know.

    I stared from Nora to Sharon and saw the  weird look on their faces and I looked at Chris to see him pleading with his eyes. He knew about Xylie yet he did not let me know and now he knows about Sharon and still he kept it from me.

    I am pregnant for crying out loud and I am supposed to be celebrating because the throne is going to have an heir but he chose to spoil my day like this. I stood up from my seat and went over to Sharon.

    "Bless you mother,when I am ready to see you I will find my way to you. My regards to everyone in Beverly. Nora see you when I have to see you"

I said. They were all wondering what have come over me and I think I need a break from all over of these.

    I turned on my heals and left the lounge leaving Chris and the duo in their own wonderment but I am sure Chris knows what he did. Sharon and Nora will see themselves out.

    Holding my tears was never my thing,I let it roll. I am the witch princess does mean I should be kept in the dark. How can my mate know something and He will wait for me to find out,who does that?.

    I had to go through a lot of things because of him,the least he should have done is to trust me with things like this.

      I walked all the way through the corridor yet I did not realize that I was making my way to the garden. The moment the fresh air hit my nostril,I sniffed back my tears and sat on the swing.

     "Gina, you are way bigger than this"

I said trying to encourage myself. I reached over my neck and met my amulet. It's been long,I felt it.

     This amulet that's has been my most cherish treasure ever not that I had many treasures to cherish. Madam Hailey giving it to me that hot afternoon that I nearly drained myself with tears. It's been my worries absorber and a neck filler for me since I don't give in to jewelleries.

    The south sun rested on the sky and it's reflection bounced back to me and I smiled. I used to think that it's made for me because it's so like the color of my eyes and I might not be wrong after all. The glass glistened and I marvelled at it beauties. It's indeed a beautiful piece of work and the crafter did a good job,will have something like this for my son's mate.

     I smiled at the thought of the future. I actually forget about what happened momentarily. It has always been like that,each time I am sad and I get to admire this amulet,it drives my sadness away.

    I sighed and looked up at the sun. 

"You are beautiful and when you are made, it was only you"

     "So are you my queen"

I turned to find Chris on his knees. I felt like ingnoring him but I, myself know I can't do that. Chris is my every existence but still I was damned pissed off at him.