
Chapter 154 Never lose focus

        The robot like creature was to distract us from helping the princess but I know she got this so I need not to worry.

    The creatures were millions and menh,boys are not smiling. I chuckled at my thought. I mind link the princess and she told me she is okay that we should handle the distraction. I close the mind link and face the creatures.

    Jack, Xylie and I backed ourselves in the sense we are protecting ourselves. It's us against the creatures.

     The creatures launched their attack on us and the long awaited battle began.

   My trainings for years can't be in vain and we  sworn into actions.These guys are much but undoubtedly,we will see to the end of them. My uncle should have try something else because the robot creatures goes down in one swift.

    We continued fighting and fighting,at some point the creatures gets to us...I don't fear for my life but for Xylie and Jack because they are still mortal. I could get injured and heal instantly but not with them,theirs might take time to heal.

     A creature came at Xylie and he went down on his feet,the creature had slice his left hands with his claw and the wound was bleeding profusely,I was distracted by that scene that I did not see another coming at me and menh,it's got me. I staggered back with immense anger,Jack was doing his best trying to protect us both. Xylie stood up not minding the pain he was going through and charged at the creatures. I recovered and did the same too.

     Lesson learnt,never lose focus when in the battle field. With the anger that I was so boiling with,my demon intensified. Every creature that came at me went down straight away with no mercy, same with Xylie and Jack was doing pretty well but that well of his did not last because the last creature that came on him hit him so hard that he fell face down.

   The last creature went down and that's was all,I was expecting more to come but it looks like my uncle did not make enough provisions. 

Gina's point of view......

   Lord Xexes and I were doing staring contest,I chuckled and he smirked.

    "The mighty lord seems intimidated by a mare little girl"

I said and he fumed,he was looking all mean,you know like a villain he is.

"Oh yeah!,I am glad you know that you are a little girl and I will crush you"

   I have always known this lord to be a pompous lord,I am not surprised. 

     "No doubt about that,come get me"

I said and before I could blink,he was flying towards me. He expected to at least make contact with me but he met an open air. I could tell him he was shocked.

   "What happened, your lordship?"

I said when I turned towards him and that angered him the more and he came out me again with a full speed and I met him half way.

"Let's get this over with."

 I said,we are both immortals,his immortality has an Antidote which is me but mine does not have antidote,so the lord is at the losing end.

    I must say he is a good sword maneuver and if  not that he is an enemy,I would have pleaded with him to teach me more fighting skills.

       The weather was calm and cool,it was like every bird in the air has ceased their breathe waiting for the outcome of the battle.

   The day was all gray and it looks as if the Earth will mourn any moment from now,well no doubt about that.

    We continued battling wordless,I would not say I am getting tired because the sword aided to my strength and I am loving the feeling that I am getting at the moment and neither is the lord getting tired. We are equal match.

  I did not know how that happened but his tip of sword cut through my skin and I lost balance,he took advantage of it and continued his attacks on me leaving me no chance for comeback.

   I was so shocked but remembered that fears kills courage so I refused to be afraid. He made his final attack at me and made to stab me but the table turned,I did not know how it happened but I saw my sword cutting through his stomach and he dropped on the grass gasping for air.

     I blinked my eyes over and over again,huh?. How did it happen?.

   Is it over yet or my eyes are deceiving me. I was still on the grass trying to understand the whole process when the trio joined me and looks of weird was written all over their faces.