
Chapter 147 One Down

  Tiana had went back to Gina's bedroom and gathered more living potions. Thank goodness,the princess made more than enough that day. She rushed back to the kitchen to see Jack gone, leaving only Nora and Gina's mom tapping impatiently on the floor with their feet.

   She took a bottle of potion and drained the content,she handed a bottle each to Nora and Gina's Mom and they both drain theirs. It's better to be prepared because they don't know what they will encounter. White mountain is no place to go without being well prepared.

    She just prayed that things work out fine and the mountain witch will be gone. This has been her prayer for as long as she could remember.

   She looked around to see if they are forgetting something but saw nothing. She gestured with her hands for them to let's go and they disappeared in a jiffy only to find themselves on the white mountain with the princess nowhere in sight.

   The place was so silent like a grave yard. They all exchange glances and proceed to move forward. They have not walk for long distance when a laugh echoed behind them and they could recognize the voice without being told, Glamorous offcouse.

   They turn to behold her with her accomplice Xylie. Xylie gave them a chilling smile and smirked at them.

    "My queen, they are here for the princess!"

He said and laughed and Glamorous laughed too. Tiana arched a brow at them.

   "Who made you a queen?"

 Tiana asked referring to the mountain witch.

"I have always been the queen,you all failed to see that"

   Glamorous said and smiled,Tiana huffed and asked,

"Where is the prince and the princess?"

Tiana asked and Glamorous smirked.

   "They are where they belong. What was she thinking?,that she could defeat me. She does not know that I am the master planner and that her life was in my hand. How she returned back to life was what I could not tell but that did not matter now.

    She said and muttered something under her breath and the prince and the princess dropped from nowhere looking lifeless.

    For the second time today, Gina's mom has witness her daughter being lifeless and to worser it,the prince was lifeless too. 

   Can today get any worse,what could be worse than to see hope drifting off you?.

    Tiana was not buying it,within her she knows the the scene she is seeing is not real.

   It all made sense now,the reason the princess died was because the prince had died before now. 

   She could not believe her eyes when she saw the most beautiful sight ever, the mountain witch dropped slowly on the ground with blooding splitting out of her mouth and a look of shocked registered on her face. It was like she never believed this will ever be her fate and to think that her accomplice was the one who murdered her was unbelievable.

    Everyone was shock to see Glamorous gasping for air. How the might has fallen?

   All present did not know whether to laugh or cry but they have to cry because in as much as the witch mountain is dead,the princess is also dead leaving them with a tyrant lord. 

    Glamorous was never their problem but lord Xexes. They still have a problem out there.

    Glamorous could struggle no more so she gave up but not without saying

"It's not over yet"

    Whatever she means was no longer important,what's important now is that she is gone for good. One down,they will find away to fight the lord even if it's the last thing they will do.

    Xylie smiled at them and that was when Tiana noticed the sword he was holding,it's looks exactly like the princess's own. But she could tell that this is another sword entirely.

He saw her staring and said

   'More to the story."

He said, smirking. He looks like a guy who is so proud of himself and there is no doubt that he is

     "Glamorous never believed today will come,I have waited for this day for long and I am glad I am able to fulfill a promise I made"

He said. Gina's mom,Tiana and Nora were all mopping at him. To think that someone was up against Glamorous was something unbelievable. But why?. Wonders will never cease to happen.

  "And for your information the princess is not dead but as for the prince he is long gone"

He said and smiled sadly

    "But how is that possible?"

Tiana asked.

    "I tricked her into believing that I killed the princess but I never did,the princess power was greater than mine but because we shared the same blood,I was able to subdue her and put her into momentary sleep"