
One Night Stand With The Unforgettable Stranger

Since she could remember, Cassie Smith had been in love with Nathan Greg. When she left home to attend a university two states away, they transitioned from being best friends in school to friends with benefits. Their once-a-month weekends were the pinnacle of her life, when he would fly in to see her and she would have him all to herself for the whole, uninterrupted weekend. Then he announced his impending marriage to her. Cassie had to take action to restore order since her idealized world was in danger of collapsing. She wanted to be the woman Nathan married and had a happy life with because she needed him in her life. She thus devised a scheme to interrupt the wedding and kidnap the groom. She later met Brian. In order to make the groom envious and aid her in calling off the wedding, Brian Colleen, the reclusive aviation Billionaire, promised to pose as her lover. She began to doubt her allegiance to Nathan as a result of his stunning green eyes and the way he made her feel when he touched her. He's also Nathan's stepbrother, incidentally. She couldn't deny that she felt something for Brian, but what would it indicate for her relationship with Nathan going forward? Should she continue on her current path and work for the happily ever after she had always envisioned with Nathan, or take a risk on a new relationship with Brian? Please dear readers, I want to inform you all that this story is in series and I will be uploading all of them in the story, thank you all.

Jay Kings · Ciudad
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40 Chs

Chapter 14

Ainsley spoke without removing her eyes from Cassie, "Oh, come on, Brian." "The color is completely off. The pink bridesmaid dress will seem quite out of place against that bright red. I'm only referring to a transient hue, perhaps a dark chocolate.

"Well, I don't think so," Cassie said with a head shake.

"Absolutely not," Brian scowled once again.

Ainsley gave a shrug. "It was worthwhile to try." She looked at him, evaluating. She inquired, "Is the beard negotiable?"

Cassie responded sharply and a little heatedly, "No."

He laughed a little, startled. Although Ainsley's boldness astounded him, Cassie's defense of his facial hair equally astounded him. Nevertheless, when they had first met, it had served as a conversation starter.

He is able to regrow it, Ainsley said. "Since the nuptials."

He apologized to the princess, saying, "The beard stays."

She gave him a focused look and nodded, then turned away to go back to Nathan's side and they took their seats again. Brian gestured for Cassie to approach the two empty seats that were set out for them, offering her one before settling down himself.

There was not a menu on the table, so he searched around for one. Glancing around the table, he picked up a glass of water and took a sip. Ainsley gestured to a waiter, and platters of food and coffee were brought out for everyone.

"I decided to place orders for everyone," she remarked, "just to be efficient."

Brian's eyes slid down to the dish before him. Whole grain bread, two poached eggs, and some wilted spinach. It certainly wasn't enough to fill him up, so he hoped this was just the appetizer. He glanced at Cassie's dish and gave it a second look. Her plate, consisting of six little melon balls (two each of watermelon, rockmelon, and honeydew) and a few mint leaves, was even less appetizing than his. She rolled her eyes as they exchanged a glance.

"All right, girls," Ainsley said, calling the meeting to order, "you are all going to be on diets going forward." The package that is in front of you contains your authorized meal plan. For the remainder of the week, you must adhere to this. This detox diet promises to make sure I have a flat tummy on my special day.

Brian was shocked to see how eagerly the other women at the table nodded. What the fucking hell was this garbage all about?

He leaned down to speak in Cassie's ear while placing his arm over her shoulder. He kissed her softly on the neck, overcome by the aroma of flowers in her hair. He grinned as he heard her sudden intake of air.

He said in a whisper, "Are you okay with this diet?"

She whispered back, "Fuck no."

He laughed and straightened his chair just in time to witness the daggers Nathan was hurling at him. Brian simply returned the calm grin.

Although Cassie had heard of bridezillas in the past, she believed them to be more myth than fact. If such people existed, their nickname would likely be an awful one, given to a bride who temporarily lost her cool while planning the ideal day. She was aware that Ainsley was the queen of the bridezillas if such creatures really existed.

The week before the wedding, she insisted that her bridesmaids go on a detox diet—who the heck did she think she was? And what the devil was all the drama over her hair coloring? The lady had a certificate. Additionally, she would shave Brian's beard over Cassie's lifeless corpse.

"It's also included in your packets," Ainsley said. I anticipate that everyone will commit it to memory and arrive on time for every occasion.

As she heard Brian moan next to her, she couldn't help but smile. When she looked up and saw Nathan staring at her, she should have been delighted, but she wasn't. He was getting fucking married, and he had the audacity to be envious that she was seeing someone else. That's when it dawned on her that he was actually going to follow through on it, and he was counting on her to be his side gig, someone to wait around for him. In addition to wanting to eat his wedding cake, Nathan also wanted it. However, Cassie started to feel that she was entitled to more. She needed a partner who would focus solely on her and adore her. That individual would never be Nathan.

A shadow of sadness descended upon her. She was deluding herself if she assumed she would be content with whatever scraps Nathan threw her way. It also stung that he would anticipate that type of thing.

Brian's arm was gently pressing against her shoulder again, and she could feel his breath whispering through her hair and his whiskers brushing across the exposed flesh of her neck. Her eyelids fluttered, and she had to force herself not to close them. She opened her eyes and tilted her head to allow him more space to work with, but she was undone by the gentle kiss beneath her ear.

"Blue, what's wrong?" He spoke on her flesh. What happened to you?

Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes and looked up into his stunning green eyes. She bent down to kiss him chastely, and as she did, she felt his hand tighten on her other shoulder.

She muttered, "Nothing," against his lips. "Nothing is amiss."

"Stullshit," he said in a whisper, but the harsh words were softened by the smile in his eyes. "But for now, I'll let it pass." With his eyes fixed on hers, he planted another kiss on her lips. "Now, fill up your stomach; you'll need it to get through this afternoon's dress fitting."

His eyes glowed with laughter as she grinned at him. She cupped his jaw and ran her fingers through his silky beard, the tension that had been between them this morning melting away. His eyes became gloomy as desire heated them.

She was sitting back from Brian when she heard the scrape of chair legs on the deck, which cut through her veil of confusion. Nathan also cleared his throat. Something she couldn't identify flashed in his eyes as he leaned back in his chair and turned to face the now-standing Nathan.

"Gentlemen, I think it's time to let these gorgeous ladies enjoy their dresses, shoes, and makeup," he remarked. Would someone like to play golf?

"I apologize, Nathan, but I'm Blue's," Brian remarked. That is Cassie's vehicle. She will get lost if I go to the golf course.

With a Machiavellian gleam in his eye, Nathan grinned. "Darling, I'm sure Ainsley wouldn't mind giving Cassie a ride."

Ainsley twitched as she gazed up at him, but she also gave Cassie a tiny grin. She responded, "Of course, I wouldn't mind."

Nathan responded, "Well, that's settled then," and he escorted the guys away from the table.

Brian sent her a dejected glance, and she was certain it was a reflection of herself. They had the unsettling feeling that they were being fed to sharks.

"Supper, this evening?" he hurriedly muttered.

"Yes," she answered.

As he was being pulled away from her by one of Nathan's other groomsmen, he briefly brushed his lips against hers. She turned to the remaining ladies after watching, powerless, as the guys departed and gulped. With a calculating look on her face, Ainsley seemed to be attempting to figure her out.

One of the other bridesmaids questioned, "Is that the Brian Colleen?"

Cassie gave a robotic nod. Yes, she replied.

Another person questioned, "The billionaire who owns Colleen Aviation?"

Yes, Cassie repeated herself.

"Amazing," said one more bridesmaid. "It's hot,"

She writhed uneasily, something in her gut raising questions. She said, "Yes," with more vigor than she intended to. "He is,"

Ainsley clapped her hands, saying, "Okay ladies." "Leave the men alone and head to the dress fitting," She turned to face Cassie. "I believe you to be slightly larger and shorter than Penny. I'm hoping the dressmaker can make the necessary changes in time. However, make sure you continue your detox diet just in case.

The harsh response rose to the tip of Cassie's mouth, but she bit it back. She knew exactly what Ainsley was attempting to do. Having spent her whole life around females similar to her, Cassie vowed not to let this one get to her.

Cassie followed Ainsley to the white Mercedes convertible as she led them into the parking lot. Cassie sat down in the front seat when Ainsley waved her to get in with a flip of her hand. They guided the procession of vehicles from the parking lot in the direction of the bridal boutique.

For the length of time have you known my Nathany? She enquired.

"Together, we attended school," Cassie retorted, getting ready for the third degree.

"And you're now residing in Melbourne?" She continued.

Cassie said, "Yes, I work for a boutique PR firm."

She remarked, maintaining her eyes on the road, "My Nathany used to travel to Melbourne a little bit for work."

"I am aware," Cassie responded with ease. "When he was in town, we'd catch up and have dinner."

"I have never been able to comprehend his urge to go in person. We decided that he could complete the task remotely so he wouldn't have to spend so much time away from me after I spoke with his father.

With a smile, Cassie said, "That makes sense."

Cassie wouldn't offer anything to Ainsley when she was out fishing. This isn't how she would have ruined the wedding if she had planned to do it. She didn't want Nathan to pick her over Ainsley, therefore she wasn't going to push him to choose her. No, Ainsley wouldn't obtain any evidence from Cassie if she had any suspicions.