
Stopping a Problem


The said girl stops walking, her eyes looking at the ground before she smiles widely as Roulan looks at her in confusion.

"Is there something wrong?"

Roulan shakes her head and smiles at her. Her eyes looked at their hands before she looked back, seeing that Yu and Lanfen had given them a fair distance.

As soon as she went to the university this morning, she told the two she wanted to have a word with Huiqing.

And so, they both give them time to talk with each other so Roulan can explain what happened after a week of not being present.

Although Roulan couldn't help but lie, stating that the principal himself gave her a task that she shouldn't be handling, the two still managed to believe her.

Though they both know that she's lying, being friends for almost 3 years is enough to know and say if the person is lying or not.

Roulan's left hand went towards Huiqing's with her wide smile plastered on her face. The smaller woman's expression changes from a happy one to a confused one, seeing that Roulan removed their hands together.

Her eyebrows furrowed, her left hand grabbing Roulan's shoulder as she pushed her down to level their height.

"What's wrong?"

"I think we need to-"


Roulan saw how Huiqing's eyes watered, her words getting stuck in her throat, but she reminded herself that she was going to do the right thing.

"We need to stop this."

"What is it?"


Huiqing's tears left her eyes, thinking of what might be the problem with the sudden words of Roulan.

"I feel like I - we can't move for-"

"We can! Why the hell do you think that way!?"

The booming voice of Huiqing caught the attention of the two. Yu and Lanfen look at each other, their eyebrows furrowing at why Huiqing was so angry at Roulan.

Lanfen was about to move forward, but Yu stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

"I think something's wrong with them."

Lanfen looked at the girl, her eyes begging Yu to let her go and confront the two to help them.

Yu could only smile at her and shake her head, telling the girl that it was not her problem and they would be able to resolve it.

"Let them be; that's their problem."

Yu looks at Roulan and Huiqing; her eyes catch the tears leaving Huiqing's eyes, while Roulan only looks down on the ground.

She shakes her head before dragging Lanfen away; she'll have to ask what is happening later.

"You don't understand."

"I DO understand! You just gotta let me understand what's happening!?"

Roulan couldn't look up at Huiqing. All she wanted to do was leave the woman alone; she didn't want to explain everything as it was still messy.

It might even become messier if she were to share what's happening.

"You'll stay quiet the whole time?"

She could feel the coldness and irritation in her tone. She closes her eyes and sighs, looking up at the woman in front before opening her eyes and seeing the blank expression she has.

"We can't work it out; you're still not ready."

"What do you even know about me? I will be the one who decides what to do with my feelings!"

Huiqing said before she left Roulan alone, running through the empty hall.

Roulan looks at the smaller woman's figure, sighing in disappointment as she lets Huiqing down.

What a terrible reason she could say.

She knows she doesn't know Huiqing that well, and yet she dares even to say something a smaller woman would only know.


Roulan's eyebrows furrowed, her hand balling into a fist as she sighed and shook her head.

She looks up and starts to walk away until the Yanmei holds her arms, causing her to close her eyes as she curses in her mind.


"Baby hubby, why are you so cold?"

"Can you please let me go?"

Yanmei looks at Roulan in confusion. She just wanted a kiss, but something was bothering her wife.

Oh, it might as well be her time to shine.

She smiled widely, her arms stretching from Roulan's right arm to the left one as she hugged her.

"Don't bother thinking about it; we can skip classes if you want and relax."

"Please, Yanmei, not now. I don't want to say hurtful words to you."

"Oh, please, don't say that because I know you're start-"

"Yanmei! For fuck's sake! Can you stop!?"

Roulan looks at the woman beside her, her eyes glaring at the smaller one before she retrieves her arms and gives them a safe distance.

She scoffs before her hands ball again into a fist, her knuckles turning white as she grits her teeth.

She closes her eyes and shakes her head, her body turning the other way as she walks away from the woman.

Yanmei couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows. She didn't do anything to upset Roulan, and she even let her spend time with Huiqing. Why is she upset?

Could it be...

Yanmei couldn't help but gasp, earning the attention of Roulan, who wasn't that far from her.

"Did you talk to Huiqing and settle things?"

"Yes! Are you happy!?"

Roulan replied loudly, her shoulder dropping as she looked up at the ceiling.

Yanmei has her eyebrows furrowed as she slowly starts to walk towards Roulan. Her hand reaches towards the taller woman's back, but she stops midway.

"Just what I thought."

Roulan scoffs before she begins walking again, not knowing how Yanmei feels when she hears the news.

She turned to the left hallway, her eyes picking up how Yanmei looked down on the floor, and she concluded that the woman must be happy, causing her to sneer in the process.

She quickly ran, wanting to be away from the place and the older woman.


The mentioned girl looked at her back, seeing Yu and Lanfen with both worried eyes as they ran towards her.

Roulan's eyes watered seeing her friends, her shoulders dropping as Lanfen opened her arms, causing her to break down and tightly hug the latter.

"What happened? We both left to give you two some privacy."

"I ended things."


Yu looked at Roulan, her eyes staring at the taller's back as Lanfen tried to push her away, wanting to see if she was joking or not.

"How can you end things? Aren't you two mutual?"

Lanfen asks, confused as to why the sudden downfall of her friend's love life Roulan finally looks at her, her eyes still teary from the crying she's doing, but she doesn't tell the two anything.

"Is there something wrong we should know? Huiqing genuinely wanted to be with you."

"I'm the problem."

Yu and Lanfen couldn't help but look at each other, not understanding what their friend was saying.

"Can you help us understand?"

Yu's request rang in Roulan's mind. The taller woman looks down on the ground, not wanting to reveal the real reason why she ended things and why she's away for a week.

She closed her eyes and turned her back on the two, running away from them as Yu and Lanfen were left dumbfounded.

"What the hell is that?"



"I know. Go and try to win her again."

"But she doesn't seem-"

"You said you like her; go now."

Huiqing heard the call end. She sighs and shakes her head, looking in the mirror and seeing her puffy eyes, causing her to groan.

"What is it with Roulan? I don't get Mother's obsession with her."

She opened the tap and splashed some water on her face, thinking of something for Roulan to change her mind about.

Y'all probably hate Roulan now. Anyways, hope y'all like the update!! Thank you for waiting :)))

Quinn_Blitecreators' thoughts