

The death of Karl Smith – owner and founder of Smith Tech had a huge impact on his entire family. His enormous wealth must be distributed fairly, especially to his two grandchildren – Jonas and Nicholai. Nicholai, who at that time was relaxing and enjoying his life, was shocked when he heard the reading of his grandfather’s will that arranged for him to marry the granddaughter of the Bell Family – a girl he did not even know. The obligations he has to do in order to maintain his throne as a young CEO stress Nicholai out. Nicholai is too depressed and chooses to go to the club. There he finished several bottles of vodka and drunk. Nicholai was shocked when he woke up naked with a strange girl beside him. Nicholai left after throwing a few bills in the girl’s face. However, as if they were destined to be together, Nicholai and Elaine – the girl he was sleeping with at that time actually met. Nicholai is surprised to find out that Elaine has babies as a result of their one-night stand. Nicholai tries to make amends and looks for them. He even gave up his position as CEO which was revoked because he could not marry the granddaughter of the Bell Family as written in his grandfather’s will. After Nicholai was so complicated trying to get Elaine and their baby, Julia – his stepmother – the woman he had hated all this time suddenly came and revealed all of Jonas’ rottenness after he was appointed as the new CEO of Smith Tech. Julia pleads with Nicholas to reclaim Smith Tech. The woman even facilitated so that Nicholai could seize Smith Tech. What Julia did made Nicholai realize that the woman he hated all this time was honest with his family, Julia was a good person. Nicholai returns, brings several police teams to arrest Jonas and reclaim Smith Tech.

gabriellatan90 · Ciudad
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61 Chs

Part 10

"Please, do not use that red color because it makes my face look old." Charlotte says while she was holding the hand of her make-up artist who was preparing to apply red lipstick to her lips.

The make-up artist nods, she understood that young women like Charlotte would really avoid colors that were too bright.

"Which do you prefer, Miss Bell?" The make-up artist asks while she was holding out her collection of lipsticks in various colors.

"This." Charlotte points at lipstick number 14 in a beautiful glossy pink color.

"Good choice, Miss Bell." The make-up artist says while she was applying Charlotte's choice of lipstick to Charlotte's plump lips.

"Very beautiful."

Charlotte and the make-up artist were surprised when they saw Julia's arrival. Do not know how long the woman has been in this room.

"Eh, Aunt Julia." Charlotte says, smiling respectfully at her future mother-in-law.

"You are very beautiful, Charlotte." Julia says again.