
One last time

Love takes off the mask we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. -James Baldwin It’s hard to forget someone who was once very close to you but it’s harder to stop loving them. This is a story about a young and beautiful woman, Silvia Green who believes that one day she will find someone who will love and cherish her like she is the most precious thing in his life and Kevin Austin whose heart has been broken into tiny pieces by the only important person in his life. His trust and believe in true love also crumbled down along with his heart. What do you think will happen when a woman who wants to be and a man who doesn’t have any faith in love come together? Will they ever find love? Will Silvia manage to ignite the magic of love in Kevin’s heart again or will Kevin make Silvia lose her strong faith in love? ..... In the middle of the night Silvia woke up when she saw him sitting up straight in the bed. Placing her hand on his shoulder, Silvia asked, "What’s wrong?" Pulling her into his embrace, Kevin murmured, "Help me please. I don’t wanna be like this.” ..... To interact with other readers and me join the discord channel: https://discord.gg/th8TmZr Follow me on Instagram: author_sofia05 If you want to support my work, send me a ko-if: https://ko-fi.com/sofia05 P.S: The cover doesn’t belong to me.

Sofia05 · Ciudad
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360 Chs

No biggie

" I'll leave too." Martha said before giving Silvia a very sweet smile.

After Martha left, Silvia sighed and said," If you don't like this one, you don't have to eat it."

Taking another bite from the pizza, Kevin said," I never liked it because I had never tired it but now that I am eating it, it's quite good."

Placing her hand on his, Silvia asked," Are you fine?"

Kevin nodded his head and said," I am good."

" So Martha and Emily are best friends?" Silvia asked.

Kevin shook his head and said," No they are not. They are just normal friends."

After eating few more slices, Kevin sighed and said," Okay I am full."

Taking another big bite from the pizza, Silvia said," Alright wait I'll be done soon too."

Kevin raised his eyebrows and asked," You are gonna finish this entire pizza all by yourself?"

" No biggie." Silvia said.

Kevin helplessly shook his head and said," Don't do that. It's not good for your health."

" What you want me to waste it?" Silvia asked.

Kevin shook his head and said," Take it home and eat it tomorrow."

" Such a waste." Silvia said.

" No it's not a waste. You can eat it tomorrow." Kevin said before taking away the pizza box.

" I'll wash my hands." Silvia said before walking towards the rest room.

" I'll wait for you outside." Kevin said.



After Silvia boarded the car, Kevin said," I just received a call from dad they have already fixed the wedding date and they want just want our approval."

Silvia nodded her head and asked," When is it?"

" 23rd of this month." Kevin said.

Silvia helplessly shook her head and said," That is too fast."

Kevin nodded his head and said," Yes I told them the same but dad told me that it's either 13th or 23rd But you don't have to worry, I'll talk to them."

" Hmm let's go home first." Silvia said.


Silvia's place.

When Kevin and Silvia entered the house, everyone were happily talking and drinking amongst themselves and also discussing few things about the wedding.

" Oh here comes the bride and the groom." Uncle Herpi said.

Julie smiled when she saw Silvia and said," We were just discussing about your wedding. Come and tell us what kind of wedding you want."

Kevin cleared his throat and said," Actually about the wedding date-"

Cutting him off, Silvia said," We are okay with it but we don't want a big wedding. We will sign our marriage certificate and then we can just throw a small party for family and some close friends."

" WHY?" everyone shouted in unison.

Silvia pursed her lips and said," Because we like it that way."

" But Sil it's a wedding and it has to be grand. I want to be your bridesmaid." Janet said.

Uncle Thomas got up and said," You are my only daughter darling and I have to give you a wedding. No no there has to be a wedding."

Kevin helplessly shook his head and said," But the dates-"

Grabbing his hand, Silvia said," We don't have any problem with the dates. It's just that we don't want a big wedding. I want to keep it simple and sweet."

Kevin sighed and whispered," You don't have to do this. We can push the wedding forward."

Silvia shook her head and said," It's fine."

" But-"

" Are you backing out now?" Silvia asked.

" I agree with Silvia on this. We just want something simple and sweet." Kevin said.

Uncle Herpi nodded his head and said," Okay fine. Let's not have a wedding and we will also keep the party simple but after Kevin takes overs the company next year, we will throw a really big party and you both will have no say in that."

Kevin and Silvia nodded their heads and said," Okay."

After discussing few things about the wedding, uncle Herpi and aunt Julie left.

" Are you really okay with 23rd?" Kevin asked.

Silvia nodded her head and said," It's fine There is nothing to complain about."

" Hmm Okay then I'll take my leave now." Kevin said.

" Ya okay I'll see you tomorrow?" Silvia asked.

Kevin nodded his head and said," Ya tomorrow. I'll pick you up in the afternoon."

After Kevin left, Janet pulled Silvia inside and said," I cannot believe you are getting married but Sil don't you think everything is too rushed?"

" Everything is fine." Silvia said.

" Kevin seems to be a really good guy." Janet said.

Silvia nodded her head and said," He is actually really good but there are few things which, you know forced him to change."

" Now girl I'll help you apply for a leave starting tomorrow till the first week of the following month. I'll do the same for myself." Janet said.

" Why you?" Silvia asked.

Janet chuckled and said," You have do some grooming okay and I know you won't do it alone so I will accompany you."

Silvia chuckled and said," Alright." Just then the door bell rang.

" I'll see." Janet said before rushing towards the door.

When Janet opened the door, Kevin was standing there with a big pizza bag in his hand.

" Can you please call Silvia?" Kevin said.

Janet grinned and shouted," Sil it's your future hubby."

Silvia widened her eyes in shock when she heard Janet's words.

' Future hubby. So cheesy.' Silvia thought before walking towards the door.

" Hmm you forgot to take your pizza." Kevin said.

" You came back just to give me this?" Silvia asked.

Kevin nodded his head and said," Yeah actually I thought you would like to eat it at night or tomorrow morning."

Taking the bag from Kevin's hand, Silvia smiled and said," Thank you."

Kevin smiled and said," You don't have to thank me. So I'll go now bye." Before walking towards his car.

After Kevin left, Janet said," Oh my God he is so cute."

Tapping her fingers on the pizza box, Silvia said," Yes he is."

I am so sorry for the delay.

This was suppose to go up yesterday but then I slept early yesterday and I have been cleaning my apartment since I woke up. So I did not get time to go through the chapters. I just managed to edit this one and will do the same for the next one really very soon.

I hope you all will understand. ^_^

Happy reading ^_^

Sofia05creators' thoughts