"So?" Mia asked while snuggling up on my chest. "What are we going to do now?"
Her question was both simple and extremely complicated at the same time.
Simple, because right now, we could do whatever we wanted. Given how I managed to assimilate the mana engine into my own techniques and mage's tower, there was hardly any being that could challenge me.
Yet, this question was also insanely complicated in its simplicity.
Because now that we could do whatever we wanted, picking one path to follow turned out to be surprisingly challenging.
"I was sure that you wanted to find your friends first and then look for direction then," I stated, trying to clarify the topic.
Sure, it was my fault that we spent so much in this weird place. But instead of trying to bash my head in or ask for an apology, I simply opted to give Mia the right to decide instead.