
One Final Reunion

The Final Book of the Series, One Final Reunion tells about our story protagonist Arnold arriving back at Planet Harmony in year 7301 a staggering 5211 years since he left Planet Harmony in year 2090. Remember he left Planet Harmony to enjoy life back at Planet Earth, his home planet and keep an on eye it before the death of the Solar System itself Can Arnold meet his old friends again we shall see Disclaimer: might contain sexual content & coarse language you have been warned

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Reunion at the Horizon

Monstar, Aquarian Love 1st 7301


I was inside my Animal Crossing home when I arrived at the Animal Crossing Archipelago aka modern day Indonesia. "My home didn't fall into despair but how about the other buildings? I better go and check" I said as I left my home and headed outside. Once outside I looked around "everything looked the same but there's no houses. I'm shocked to see all the houses gone but five buildings remain and there are the; Able Sisters Shop, Nook Cranny, Residential Services, Museum & Dodo Airport Terminal. I better look at their conditions" so I walked off to the Able Sisters shop. When I arrived at the Able Sisters Shop the shop itself had fallen to disrepair "wow the shop has fallen to disrepair. The wooden exterior is rotting away, the display window is broken, the door is rotting away" I looked through the display window and saw the interior of the shop. "I saw mould growing in the walls and ceiling, cobwebs, clothes are dirty and even the change room curtains were destroyed, right I better get to work" so I walked back to my home to grab my renovation equipment and walked back to the Able Sister Shop.

Back at the Able Sisters Shop. Sable Mabel & Label was sitting together underneath the broken display window Mabel looked at Sable crying. "What's wrong sis?" Mabel asked Sable. "I'm just to see my old friend Arnold… again" she weeped "I know sis but he left back in 2090" said Label. Mabel put her paw on Sable's shoulder "cheer up sis Arnold will be back. It's the matter of when" said Mabel, Label looked to see an inkling talking to Darkchromus over his Sanitized headset "what I'm doing now? I was about to renovate the Able Sisters Shop also the Able Sisters are sitting underneath the broken display Sable is depressed, Mabel is worried while Label is curious and I have a hunch that they, might see me as stranger or an old friend" I said "I see Arnold, so you're planning to renovate the Able Sisters Shop, Nook's Cranny, Residential Services, Museum & the Dodo Airport?" Dark Chromus questioned me over the comms. "Yes, Darkchromus. You know me everytime I see an object rusted, broken or a building fall into disrepair I always restore it" I said to Darkchromus. "Okay, I'll talk to you once you're done renovating all five buildings" said Darkchromus. "Okay, Darkchromus" I replied. After the call I walked towards the Able Sisters Shop and started to unscrew the screw with my drill, Sable looked at me unscrewing the screws of the display window "Sable, Mabel & Label you might move out of the way if I were you might get harmed in the process" I said to them. Label was amazed.

"This inkling still… still know our names but how?" asked Label with a surprised tone. I looked Label and said "Label, I knew your name and your sisters names since I left Planet Harmony back in 2090 now it's 7301… a staggering 5211 years have passed and I still remember this planet from the back of my head" Label was baffled "What was name again?" she asked. "It's Arnold, Label." I said to her once I was finished unscrewing the screws. The Able Sisters stood back as I slowly removed the display window frame and turned around to face the Able Sisters. "Arnold, what are you doing?" Label asked. "I'm renovating your shop" I replied. Sable and Mabel looked at me "worried about me Mabes, Sabes?" Sable and Mabel were surprised. I then walked towards my crafting station and put the display window frame on the ground. I turned around and walked towards Sable. Sable and I looked at each other and I hugged her. "Don't cry, Sabes. I know you worried about me but don't worry all of that is over okay" Sable nodded as tears left her eyes. I touched her porcupine spikes. "so you're renovating our shop?" Sable asked me as we broke the hug and wiped a tear off. "Yes, Sabes. Also I'm planning to renovate Nook's Cranny, Residential Services, Museum & Dodo Airport once I'm done renovating the Able Sisters Shop" I said.

I turned around and walked back to the Able Sisters Shop and started to pick up the glass shards of the broken display glass window but as I was picking up glass shards Mabel shouted at me. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW!" she shouted. Mabel's shout was so loud that I accidently cut my left eye with a glass shard. "GAH! Mabes, don't shout at me please. You scared the bejesus out of me and even worse since your shout made me cut my left eye with a glass shard in the process" I said. "Arnold, are you okay" Sable asked. I turned around to see a scar on my left side of my face and my left eye closed. Sable, Mabel & Label were shocked in horror. "Oh, Arnold. I'm so sorry" said Mabel. "It's okay Mabes just don't shout at me okay" I said "it won't happen again okay" Mabel shouted then I kept going picking up glass shards Label saw Tom Nook, Timmy, Tommy & Isabelle right next to them. "We heard a ruckus, what's going on?" Isabelle asked, I turned around to see what's going on. "Timmy, Tommy, Isabelle and their fierce leader Tom Nook, is there something wrong?" I asked. "Arnold, what the splatters are you doing here?" Isabelle asked.

"I came here to catch up with everyone," I replied. "Okay, Arnold. But what happened to your left eye?" Tom Nook questioned me. "Oh, my left eye... I accidentally cut my left eye with a glass shard" I said I saw Mabel walking towards me and giving me medicine "sorry if I shouted at you I was just asking you what are doing anyway I have some medicine for you okay" said Mabel. "Thanks, Mabel. Also, I'm not mad at you okay it's just my ears are very sensitive to loud noises'' I said. Mabel smiled. "Okay Arnold, I'll remember that'' said Mabel. I used Mabel's medicine and my scar was gone and also my left eye was open "there now I can keep going" Once I was done picking up glass shards I placed them in a plastic bag. "Why are you putting the glass in a plastic bag, Arnold? The glass might put holes in the bag." Isabelle asked. "True, but I don't mind it at all. At least it would be contained." I replied to her. once I was done collecting the glass shards I put them in the bin that was right next to the Able Sisters Shop "okay now I better remove the door" I grab my screwdriver and started to unscrew the hinges of the door they're pretty surprised "Arnold is actually renovating the Able Sisters Shop. Sable, why is he renovating?" Tom Nook asked Sable "I… I don't know Tom Nook" said Sable. I started to talk as I kept unscrewing the screws on the hinges. "I know you're very confused about me renovating the Able Sisters Shop, I have a lot of experience back at Planet Earth from the start of my lifetime to the death of my Solar System." I said they were amazed. "So he has a lot of experience back at Planet Earth I see" said Tom Nook.

I finished unscrewing the bottom four screws and removed the first hinge and started unscrewing the second hinge of the door but as I was about to unscrew the first screw I looked to the west to see the sun setting over the horizon I looked at the time. "Wow, it's already 6:20pm. I better get some rest" I said as I put my equipment near my crafting station and walked back home. "My word, it is getting late. We better get some rest" Tommy said. The Able Sisters, Tommy, Timmy, Isabelle & Tom Nook then decided to get some rest, back at my home. I was asleep, holding my panda plushie. *"ahh… I can get some sleep tonight" * I thought. As I slept, Sable managed to slip into my home unnoticed and walked towards my bedroom. Sable saw me sleeping in bed holding my panda plushie. "That's Arnold alright. I know I'm stalking him but I have one dirty secret to tell" she whispered. Sable then jumped onto my bed and looked at me and put her hand on my arm "Arnold is a human, inkling & creator. I'm surprised I never knew he's a nice guy and he created Planet Harmony. I've noticed some similarities between Planet Harmony and Planet Earth, his home. From the geography of the land to the cities, if I remember correctly Animal Crossing Archipelago is Modern Day Indonesia. Arnold is one special person to talk to although he's inkling if it comes to appearance but his soul is a friendly one" she whispered.


Mabel was talking to Label about Sable. "Don't worry Mabel, Sable has been friends with Arnold for a long time if it likes that Arnold is protecting Sable making him Sable's guardian" said Label "Sable's guardian? Wait if I remember correctly back at his home he was friends with a young boy named Cayden and Arnold was friends with him as well. I think his full name is Cayden Innes" said Label. Suddenly Cayden's spirit appeared floating above Mabel and Label. "Did you call me, Mabel and Label?" Cayden asked. They were amazed "Cayden!? Is that you?" Mabel asked in a baffled state. "Yep, that's me" said Cayden. "Cayden, is it true that you were friends with Arnold?" Mabel asked. "You mean my friendly guardian Arnold? Yes, Mabel. I was friends with him. Ye was a childhood friend back at Planet Earth. Arnold and I also went to the same primary school called Scarborough Primary School and the same high school called Churchlands Senior High School. *sigh* Every time I meet him, he always hugs me, and to this day he's still my friend… No, my best friend" said Cayden. "Wow, you and Arnold have an unbreakable bond. There's no wonder why he's very friendly" said Label. "Of course he is. if I remember correctly, he does the same thing with Sable, your sister." said Cayden. "Of course he does. But Cayden, what happened to you?" Mabel asked. "I passed away from natural causes and I'm keeping an eye on my old friend." said Cayden. "Like an angel... You're Arnold's personal angel" said Label "Yes, Label. I am Arnold's personal angel. Well, it's been a nice time talking to you Mabel and Label but I need to head off now. One of my other friends, Hundy, is worried sick about me" said Cayden. "Sure thing, Cayden. Goodbye, until we meet again." Mabel said as Cayden Innes vanished into thin air.

Mabel and Label were thinking. "So, Cayden was Arnold's best friend back on Planet Earth before he died of natural causes," said Label. "Yeah, I know. I hope Arnold can do the same thing to Sable" said Mabel. "Yeah, same. I hope so too." Label replied.

Tuestar, Aquarian Love 2nd 7301


It was morning and I woke up and looked to my left to see Sable sleeping next to me. I put my panda to my right and looked at Sable sleeping. "Sable, slept next to me... but why? Maybe she's friends with me...?" I asked myself. I got up and walked into the kitchen and made some breakfast for me and Sable, while Sable was sleeping I was in the kitchen eating my breakfast and listening to Technic 92.9 music over the radio as I looked at the window to see the sun shining through my window "*sigh* it's day two and progress at restoring at the Able Sisters Shop is going slow" I said I turned around to see Sable sitting on her chair and rubbing her eyes. "Did you get some good night sleep?" I asked Sable "oh, morning Arnold *yawns* sorry if I slept with you" she said apologetically. "it's okay Sabes" I said Sable looked at her food "Arnold did you make breakfast?" Sable asked "yep I did also I have premade fruit kebabs on a table outside ready for a barbecue and the staff will enjoy it" I said "that's good are we going to start the barbecue after we're done eating our breakfast?" said Sable "yes Sable we'll start the barbecue once we're done eating our breakfast" I said.


Sable and I are outside preparing the barbecue. "Does your family do an outdoor barbecue from time to time?" Sable asked me "my family and I sometimes do a barbecue from time to time" I said to Sable. "Really Arnold?�� Sable asked me with bewilderment. "Of course, Sabes" I said. Once I turned on the barbecue I started to cook the fruit kebabs on the barbecue Tom Nook saw me cooking "Hey Tom Nook, you some breakfast I'm cooking fruit kebabs on the barbie one want some!?" I shouted at him. "Wait Arnold is cooking food on the barbecue Isabelle, Timmy, Tommy, Mabel & Label, Arnold is cooking breakfast for us!" Tom Nook shouted. Sable and I turned around to see Isabelle "oh morning Isabelle" I said to her "morning Arnold are you cooking breakfast for all of us?" Isabelle asked. "Yep I am Isabelle" I replied. Once done cooking the fruit kebabs I placed them on a plate and placed it on the table and Sable and I grabbed one fruit kebab and started. to eat it "should I call them?" Sable asked "sure Sable" I said "staff breakfast is ready!" Sable shouted. Suddenly Isabelle, Timmy, Tommy, Mabel, Label & Tom Nook walked towards my home to eat breakfast.


An hour had passed and I looked at the empty plate "is everyone full?" I asked them if everyone nodded their heads "okay" so I put the plate back in the kitchen Sable looked at Mabel and Label "sis did you enjoy the fruit kebabs?" Sable asked "of course sis" said Mabel. Sable turned to see me out of my home "ahh Arnold what's with the attire, it's weird to see you wearing a black bikini as your casual clothing" Sable asked "oh my attire clothing, you forgot that I'm still part of the Panty Savages Gang" I explained. "Oh okay shall continue renovating?" said Tom Nook "good idea Tom Nook" with no time to waste Tom Nook, Timmy, Tommy, Isabelle, the Able Sisters and I left my home to continue renovating.


By the time it was midday, Tom Nook, Timmy, Tommy, Isabelle, the Able Sisters and I finished renovating the Able Sisters Shop "there we go one down four more to go" I said. "Everyone, we have a long day ahead of us." said Tom Nook. "Of course Tom Nook and good thing we are working together," I said.

Monstar, Aquarian Love 8th 7301


In just five days time Tom Nook, Timmy, Tommy, Isabelle, the Able Sisters and I finished renovating the Able Sisters Shop, Nook's Cranny, Residential Services, Museum & Dodo Airport "Tom Nook, Timmy, Tommy, Isabelle and Able Sisters we did it. We fully renovated all five buildings and I can't believe we did it in eight days all because of teamwork" I said "that's right Arnold" said Cayden "who said that?" Sable asked. I turned around to Cayden Innes "Cayden!?" I said with a baffled tone "hello old friend" said Cayden "Cayden what doing here I thought you passed away" I said to him "I might be gone but not forgotten and I know I'm already dead Arnold but I decided to keep an eye on you, Arnold you have been a great friend of my life all thanks to you" said Cayden I smiled and wife off a tear and said "oh Cayden thanks" I said, "no problem old friend well better head off now" said Cayden "let me guess is one of your friends are worried sick about you" I said Cayden nods his head and Cayden vanished.

"Arnold who was that?" Isabelle asked "that was my friend Cayden Innes, my best friend from Planet Earth" I answered "so that was one of Arnold's friends Cayden Innes, he was friends with Arnold long ago now he's keeping an eye on Arnold, it's like Cayden is protecting him" said Tom Nook "because he is Tom Nook" said Label "really Label, how do you know that?" Tom Nook asked "we know it last night when Cayden talked to us" said Label "oh okay, anyway Arnold since you finished renovating all the buildings we now move to phase two" said Tom Nook "Phase Two?" I asked Tom Nook with a confused look "yes Arnold phase two, I want you to reunite all the villagers" said Tom Nook "are you sure about that Tom Nook, according to the gameplay of Animal Crossing: New Horizons you can only invite a maximum of nine villagers" I exclaimed "I've known that Arnold but you're special so I want you to reunite every single villager and starting by group by group. Starting with the Bear villagers." said Tom Nook

"I will give you all the information tomorrow morning and meet me at the Residential Services for the details" said Isabelle "okay Isabelle" I said.