
ONE CART MAN - A Taste of Resilience

"One Cart Man: A Taste of Resilience" follows the extraordinary journey of Hiro, a young orphan living in the bustling metropolis of City Z. Despite facing hardships, Hiro finds solace in the art of cooking, running a humble food cart and crafting dishes that bring joy and warmth to people's lives. One day, when a monstrous creature terrorizes the city, Hiro musters the courage to face it, armed only with his culinary talents. To his surprise, he manages to tame the creature with the power of his cooking, earning the admiration of the city's inhabitants. Word spreads about the "Unassuming Food Cart Chef," and Hiro's reputation grows as someone capable of taming even the fiercest monsters with his culinary creations. Though the Hero Association tries to recruit him as a hero, Hiro declines, content with his role in bringing happiness to others through his food. As Hiro's food cart gains popularity, he encounters a unique group of tiny monsters, the Munchies, who become loyal patrons and friends. Together, they form an unlikely bond, strengthening Hiro's resolve to use his cooking to protect the city from harm. However, when a powerful monster threatens to destroy every restaurant and food cart in the city, Hiro's newfound path is put to the ultimate test. With no way to escape, he must rely on his culinary skills to face the formidable foe. In the face of adversity, Hiro bravely prepares a meal that not only satiates the monster's hunger but also touches its heart, turning it from a destructive force into a peaceful presence. The tale of the Unassuming Food Cart Chef spreads far and wide, and Hiro's extraordinary journey leads him to cross paths with various characters in the One Punch Man universe. His unassuming demeanor and culinary talents prove that one doesn't need superhuman powers to make a difference in the world, but rather a heart filled with compassion and a desire to spread happiness—one dish at a time. As the story unfolds, Hiro's cooking adventures attract attention from heroes, monsters, and the mysterious figures that lurk in the shadows. "One Cart Man: A Taste of Resilience" weaves a heartwarming and action-packed tale of heroism, friendship, and the power of a humble food cart in a world filled with extraordinary beings.

Aldigi · Cómic
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28 Chs

First Mission

My journey takes a new turn as I am now a member of the MonsterTamer Guild. The guild allows me to work with my food cart as long as I fulfill my duties for the guild.

With the assistance of Metal Knight, the guild upgrades my food cart significantly. It now boasts a built-in stove, oven, grill, and all the necessary cooking equipment. Additionally, my cart is equipped with a self-defense mechanism that automatically activates when approached by a threat. To further enhance my daily life as a cook and a guild member, the cart is now integrated with AI technology, providing me with helpful support..

As I served the patrons of my food cart, the AI unexpectedly started speaking.

--- Attention, Hiro. Monster Tamer Guild sends you a new mission, There's a nearby demon-level monster in the underground tunnel. ---

Suddenly, a woman sitting at a nearby table stood up and locked eyes with me. To my surprise, I realized it was Alice all along. Her beauty once again left me in awe, and I found myself momentarily stunned by her presence.

She approached me with an air of confidence, her deep blue eyes piercing into my soul.

-- Food Cart Boy, it seems we have some work to do --

- Yes, Maam. -

Her remarkable eyes continued to captivate me, and my heart started pounding rapidly, as if racing like a horse on a track. Then, unexpectedly, the food cart transformed into a carriage. I felt a bit confused about what to do with this sudden change, but then I remembered that the munchies could transform into any beast. I looked at them intensely, and they responded by transforming into horse-like creatures.

As the munchies now served as our trusty steeds, pulling the carriage, I found myself lost in a daydream. I imagined that I was a prince of a foreign land, and Alice was my beautiful princess.

- Ladies first -

I said with a hint of playfulness and chivalry.

Gently, I reached out and offered my hand to support her as she gracefully stepped into the wagon.

- Toro, Tora Lets go -

As we set off, a map materialized in front of us, guiding us through the labyrinthine underground tunnel. Toro and Tora, our trusty munchie companions, ran with incredible speed, causing Alice's hair to fly all over my face. The sweet scent of her hair enveloped me, then She chuckled and held her hair down, maintaining her poise.

As we approached the scene, a loud scream echoed from inside the tunnel. We hurried to the source of the commotion, and what we found left us in shock. Several heroes lay unconscious, beaten by the ferocious monster.

Alice's skin glowed white even in the dark tunnel, emanating an otherworldly radiance.

-- Hold on!! --

she shouted, bracing herself for what was to come.

Reacting to the imminent danger, the munchies swiftly transformed into a fearsome lion-like beast. They took the frontline, standing between us and then a horrifying train monster appeared. The train monster's eyes glowed with an eerie light, and its wheels transformed into a multitude of centipede-like legs, allowing it to crawl rapidly toward us.

As I hurried towards my cart to prepare the food for the monster, I noticed Alice watching me intensely. Her gaze made me feel a bit shy and flustered, causing my focus to waver momentarily.

-- Pathetic --

I heard her say in a dismissive tone.

Alice then positioned herself in front of the monster, her eyes transitioning from their usual blue to a mesmerizing red glow. The creature seemed momentarily stunned by her powerful presence.

-- I command you to go back to your original form

The monster's centipede legs retracted, and the train wheels reappeared as it transformed back into a train.

Then suddenly a loud train whistle echoed through the tunnel. To our surprise, not just one, but a dozen train monsters emerged on the tracks.

In the face of this unexpected challenge, Alice remained composed and focused. She took charge of the situation, commanding the recently tamed train to attack the incoming horde.

The train transformed into a menacing monster and launched an attack on the other train. However, it was swiftly obliterated by a larger, more powerful blue train, Then the blue train start talking.

--- I AM THOMAS, THE KING OF THE RAILWAY! Humans have made us prisoners, confined only to the rail tracks, while you people can travel anywhere, fly in the sky, and swim in the sea. But today, we will end this misery and claim the world! Attack, my beloved children, and make them suffer! ---

Despite the daunting threat, Alice fearlessly stepped forward, standing in front of the train monsters with determination. She began taming them one by one using her red glowing eyes, bringing them under her control and turning their aggression against each other.

Thomas's anger intensified as he never seen such a bullshit before. Using one of his insect legs, he picked up a hero who was unconscious nearby and cruelly chewed him up before spitting out a cube of flesh onto the rail tracks. The cube transformed into a monstrous train with the hero's face on the front, adding to Thomas's forces..

Meanwhile, the aroma of my cooking filled the tunnel, offering a stark contrast to the intense battle. Alice continued to bravely stand at the front, but I noticed that she began shaking, her strength faltering. She suddenly kneeled, and blood started flowing from her eyes, I rushed towards her, holding her shoulders and desperately trying to get her attention.

- Are you okay? -

I asked anxiously, hoping to break through the distress she was experiencing.

As I held her, a flood of memories from her tragic past started pouring into my consciousness. I felt her agony and pain as if it were my own. The weight of her suffering overwhelmed me, and I couldn't help but empathize deeply with her.

Before I could fully grasp the situation, she pushed me away with determination.

-- Don't interfere. Finish what you're doing --

she commanded, her voice resolute and focused.

- Toro, Tora protect her at all cost -

Thomas continued to summon more trains, and to my surprise, As i look into his train body window I noticed a bunch of people still trapped inside him, being turned into monstrous trains one by one. The sight was horrifying.

Alice glowing red eyes starting to fading, I had to act quickly to put an end to this.

With the curry still needing another 15 minutes to simmer down, I knew I had to find a way to cut off the supply of monsters being created by freeing the citizens inside Thomas. But how could I accomplish that?

Then, a memory of the White humanoid crow suddenly appearing when I attempted to punch Gale Blaze flashed in my mind. Perhaps that was the key to free the citizens. I decided to act stealthily, moving towards Thomas unnoticed. I attempted to punch him in his body, hoping it would trigger the Royal Guard's appearance.

However, to my dismay, nothing happened. Thomas noticed my presence and smirked, realizing my failed attempt to interfere


Thomas bellowed, revealing his disgusting hundred legs and launching a deadly attack. I deftly dodged each smashing blow as he pounded the ground with frightening force. However, in the midst of the chaos, I stumbled on the rail track, falling to the ground helplessly. Thomas took advantage of my vulnerable position and attacked me.

Just as Thomas prepared to strike, one of the train monsters, now under Alice's control, leaped forward and attacked him, distracting Thomas from his assault on me. The timely intervention gave me a chance to recover and quickly get back on my feet.

With renewed determination, I rushed back to my food cart, The aroma of my cooking filled the air once more as I continued to work with unwavering focus.

- I need 5 minutes more -

Alice's glowing eyes gradually faded as the train monsters she had under her control were overpowered by Thomas' large troop of train monsters. I rushed to her side, helping her to stand as she struggled to keep her balance. All the monsters she had tamed were now gone, leaving only the munchies holding their ground.

In the midst of the overwhelming situation, I felt a surge of hopelessness and self-doubt creeping in.

- This is hopeless, i should never joined the MonsterTamer Guild from the firstplace, im useless as fuck -

Alice smiled

-- Yes, you're quite useless, food cart boy --

she teased, but there was an underlying encouragement in her tone.

- The curry still needs a minute... And I'm not even sure if I can tame this horrifying train with my food -

Alice suddenly slapped me. The sharp sting of the slap jolted me, but it was the words that followed that had the greatest impact.

-- Just believe --

she urged, her voice full of conviction and strength.

But before I could fully process her words, Alice passed out, her strength finally giving out. I held her in my arms, feeling a mix of worry and determination. She had shown me the importance of believing in myself, even in the darkest moments.

I wiped the blood from Alice's eyes, taking a moment to tend to her injuries before I focused on the task at hand. With the curry now ready, I transferred it onto a plate, steeling myself to confront Thomas and his horde of train monster friends.

"Thomas!" I called out firmly, trying to capture his attention.

As I stood my ground, the monster trains lunged at me, attempting to attack. But I remained undeterred, whispering through the air with a newfound sense of belief.

- Just believe, I summons you Royal Guard of heavens -

I murmured, my words carrying a hint of determination.

In response to my plea, a radiant glow appeared, and twenty white humanoid crows materialized, summoned by my words. These ethereal creatures, the royal guards of heavens, flew with grace and power, immediately engaging the monster trains in battle. They created a pathway for me to walk towards Thomas, who seemed taken aback by this unexpected turn of events.

With courage surging through my veins, I stepped forward, holding the plate of rice curry in my hands. The aroma of the dish filled the air, and I hoped that it would somehow have the power to create a connection, a moment of understanding amidst the chaos.

As Thomas attempted to summon a new batch of monster by spitting out another block of flesh, I seized the opportunity and hurled the plate with all my might into his open mouth. The plate collided with his monstrous form, and the delicious curry entered his mouth.

In an instant, Thomas let out a loud, ear-piercing scream that echoed through the tunnel. He clutched his head, clearly affected by the taste of the curry. The whistle he blew was so loud that it shook the ground beneath our feet.


The train monster friends that had been attacking me and the white humanoid crows faltered for a moment, seemingly disoriented by the sudden change in their leader's demeanor.

Alice, who had previously passed out, stirred at the sound of Thomas' scream. As her consciousness returned, she looked around in confusion, trying to comprehend the situation.

As the taste of the curry reached Thomas on a deeper level, there was a profound impact on him. For a brief moment, a glimmer of hope appeared that he could be swayed from his path of destruction. His face contorted, displaying an intense struggle within himself, as if a powerful force was trying to break through the darkness that had consumed him.

Amidst this internal conflict, a distant memory from Thomas' past flooded his mind. The words echoed in his consciousness,

--- I'm a really useful engine... ---

It was a memory from a time long ago when Thomas was known for his helpfulness and positive spirit.

In that moment, the realization of what he had become struck Thomas, and he suddenly retracted his centipede legs. His monstrous form transformed back into that of a normal train, with a smiling front face. The horrifying creature that had wreaked havoc in the underground tunnel was no more.

As the transformation took place, the other train monster friends also reverted to their original forms, returned to a normal human being, no longer under Thomas' control, The Royal Guards also turned into dust before reforming as Number seventy-nine, and then vanished with the wind, as their purpose been fulfilled.

The door of Thomas' wagon creaked open, and the people trapped inside began to run outside, grateful to be freed from the grasp of the monstrous train.

I walked back to my food cart, still in awe of the miraculous change that had taken place. Alice was there, her gaze fixed on me, and she spoke with a hint of sternness.

-- You should have done that much earlier. --

I look at her... Then smiled.

- Sorry, Im the useless food cart boy, can't you see? -

We both laughed, the tension from the intense battle dissipating with each shared chuckle.....

In this chapter, I used Hiro's perspective to delve deeper into his first mission with Alice, understanding it from his own point of view.

(Note: The author is admittedly lazy to read his own writing. If you notice any grammatical errors or duplicated paragraphs, or anything else that needs improvement, please don't hesitate to point it out in the comment section.)

Aldigicreators' thoughts