
Once so normal, Now, completely different.

Ash and Jacklyn finished saying their goodbyes and started to make their way home. It was still bright outside and the birds were singing as always. Everything seemed peaceful and beautiful. Ash turned to Jacklyn and sighed.

"Jacklyn, don't you ever feel like your mother is very lonely in that house by herself? do you even live there anymore?" Ash asked.

Jacklyn shook her head aggressively.

"No, not anymore. I moved out a few years ago because I hated being at home when Heath was around. Honestly, I never really got along with him much, it's not that I hated him we just didn't get along well. Of course, family is family you can't choose your family but sometimes, it was just really rough you could say being around him. My excuse is kind of the same as Scarlett's because my parents probably wouldn't have accepted me for me. Family is always difficult, to be honest with you." Jacklyn explained.

"That makes sense, It does seem like he was an awful person to be around, but that's from my perspective. Another thing, has it crossed your mind lately how Scarlett is been doing? We haven't heard anything from her for almost a day or two now." Ash asked concerned.

"Oh come on, You know Scarlett is capable of looking after herself, even when we're not around. I know there's a lot of stuff that's happened to her when we haven't been around like Tate, Manson and Heath, She's a strong and determined girl. I'm sure as soon as we get back home she'll tell us the entire story." Jacklyn smiled.

Ash smiled and nodded at Jacklyn. He knew she was right, and he was just being paranoid.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm just kind of worried that's all. She's never really thought of herself as a princess and going to her old house, must be very hard for her. I hope she's come to terms with who she really is. Personally me? I think it's cool that she's a princess, but at the same time, it's not about me it's about what she thinks." Ash smiled back.

"Of course, the least we can do is just be supportive of her because, at the end of the day, Scarlett needs us there. On another note, think of this, if you guys ever got married you'd be a prince. Prince Ash." Jacklyn laughed.

Ash laughed a little to himself before turning away. They carried on walking for a while in silence. Ash turned to Jacklyn and flashed a smile. As soon as Jacklyn turned her head, Ash quickly flicked his head in the other direction. Jacklyn rolled her eyes and turned away again to continue walking.

The rest of the journey back home was awkward. No one spoke a word and all you could hear was the sound of their boots on the floor. They eventually reached home and went inside. Ash closed the door behind them. They kicked off their boots and hung up their coats. Jacklyn headed into the living room and slung herself on the couch while Ash went into the kitchen to make them some coffee. He brewed the coffee and stood there staring out the kitchen window.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Jacklyn spotted a bag on the couch. She gently grabbed it and placed it onto her lap and opened it. Inside was a tiara and a crown. Jacklyn got a little concerned finding this on the couch without Scarlett or Cadence around. She took ahold of the tiara and examed it closer. It looked like the one Cadence placed on Scarlett's head before they left. She placed it back in the bag and got to her feet.

"Hey Ash, come here. I just found what I think is Scarlett's and Cadence's crown and tiara. Does this mean anything? Did they purposely leave them here maybe? I'm getting kind of concerned now." Jacklyn yelled to Ash from the living room.

Ash came sprinting into the living room with two cups of coffee. He instantly placed them down on the table and grabbed the bag. He scurried through the bag, He handed the crown and tiara to Jacklyn. He dug deeper to find a little piece of torn paper. It looked like a note addressed to him and Jacklyn.

"To Jacklyn and Ash. If you're reading this we're probably at the castle still and haven't returned home yet, or something bad has happened. If you get this letter before we get back, feel free to come to the castle. Directions will be left below" Ash read.

Ash flipped over the piece of paper to find directions from their house straight to the castle. He looked directly at Jacklyn and showed her the back of the note.

"Should we go? I'm kind of curious to find out what this castle looks like, What about you?" Ash asked Jacklyn.

"Castles and princesses? Me? No thanks. Ash, why would I wanna go to some pretty pink princess castle? I'm all for Scarlett's happiness, but I and castles don't mix. Could you imagine me as a princess? Princess Jacklyn. No thanks, you go, I'll stay here." Jacklyn replied.

"My gosh Jacklyn, No one is asking you to be a princess. Wasn't it you before that said we need to stick with Scarlett and be there for her? Maybe she needs us now because something bad could've happened? Maybe that's why the crowns are here. I think we should go there and find out what's going on." Ash determinedly said.

"Alright, alright, I'll go. Only because you want me to. I don't care for castles or tiaras, but ill go for the sake of you and Scarlett." Jacqueline said, crossing her arms.

Ash smiled at Jacklyn before placing the note in his pocket and Jacklyn placing the tiaras back in the bag. They both sat down at the table and drank their fresh coffee. They sat there in silence, All you could hear was the ticking of the clocks, None of them spoke a word to each other or look at each other, they just sat there engulfed in the mugs of coffee.

Shortly after, Ash rose from the couch and went to the kitchen to clean the empty mugs. While cleaning mugs, thoughts raced around in his head like a racetrack. He kept thinking of the worst possible scenarios, Like What has happened to Scarlett? and What is happening to Scarlett? Jacklyn saw Ash getting frustrated. She got off the couch and went to the kitchen to join him. She placed her hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"Listen, Ash, everything is going to be okay. I'm not going to tell you not to panic because that's like telling a baby to stop crying. All I'm gonna say is that everything will be okay, Scarlett will be fine, You know Scarlett as well as I do, she is strong and she is determined, she can get through anything. Right now, you need to tell that racetrack in your mind to slow down. We are like family and family sticks together through thick and thin. You've been there when I needed you, so I'm here for you." Jacklyn softly said.

"Thanks, Jacklyn. I really need that. You're right, I'm just thinking of the worst-case scenario, I know Scarlett will be fine, she always is, but I guess I just can't help being paranoid because I love her. I need to stop being so clingy but thank you." Ash thanked.

They began getting ready to leave again. As they passed through the living room, Jacklyn picked up the bag and slung over her shoulder before joining Ash at the coats. They slung on their coats and put on their boots once again.

"Back out again I suppose." Ash laughed.

"Yeah, let's hope this time we don't run into a fight or anyone gets killed. It just seems every single time we leave this house, either we get into a fight, someone gets injured, or someone gets killed. It's kind of inevitable at this point." Jacklyn laughed back.

They finished getting ready and left the house. Ash locked the door behind them again.

"Come on Jacklyn, you know that's never gonna happen. Every time we leave this house, we get in a fight or someone dies. It's weird to think that everything used to be normal for us before we met Tate and Manson. Scarlett and I were just living our normal lives and now, everything is different. So much has happened in a period of short time. It kind of makes you wonder if your life would be different in some other way." Ash said.

"What do you mean?" Jacklyn asked curiously.

"Well, even the smallest change affects the future. Think of like, if you dated someone else. Do you think your life would be different? or if you lived somewhere else, would your life be different? I'm sure I'm just mumbling random stuff to keep a conversation at this point. It just crossed my mind now, maybe if one tiny thing in my life changed would it affect my life in the future?" Ash replied.

"You really do come out with weird stuff sometimes Ash." Jacklyn laughed.