
Sinking to the bottom

Immediately when Yixing entered the place where the reception was taking place, he walked to the hall. There was something he hadn't seen for a long time. 

It made him wonder how he never noticed before how entitled his father was. But there was a strong contrast between Mr. Jin, Chao's father, and Yixing's father. The amount of kindness in them was really dissimilar. 

Li Yechao was just yelling at some poor guys outside of the hall. It was on the side, so his precious guest wouldn't be disturbed. But those two had their heads down, were only apologizing for making a mistake. 

"Where is your manager? I want to speak to the manager!" Yechao yelled, and Yixing grimaced. 

Actually, he had to hold back from laughing. Not because of the yelling, but that scene made him remember popular American memes. His father was a male version of Karen. And it was killing Yixing inside.